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Post by Master Wang »

Well done on the win!

For the ghoul nothing looks better than Block. This late in the season you really want him alive and Block will be best for that, especially as your opponent has lots. Still, those assassins and runners look like they want to get well acquainted with your werewolves and he doesn't have his full amount of blitzers.

With the inducements, an igor to keep your best players alive, then a wizard. If you're feeling lucky, you could get some cards.

Good luck!

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In the end of the year meeting, prior to the local league, semi-final playoff game, Ded Turner (Media Moghoul of the Turner Bloodbowl Station and President of the Arkham Blood Bowl Association) presented his findings from an investigation of Commissioner "R" (from his memo, read to the league coaches):

"When, in the course of events, it comes to one's attention that inequities exist in an intentional manner, one is compelled to speak out against such abuses."

"Our commissioner (R) used additional games, and their mvp boosts, to float a chaos team to the last championship.... In spite of inquiry and warnings against, during the middle of the second season, he used the same tactic to catapult his team into the finals, again. His current team has accessed a 50 spp advantage from playing twice as many games as either of his potential rivals."

"Grave Danger will not be used as a bludgeoning pawn to promote this wanton practice. The Arkham Blood Bowl Association declares the balance of these finals 'meaningless', and officially withdraws Grave Danger from the current 'bowl' games."


Ded Turner

Post-statement, the league members decryed the accusation, till commissioner R boldly stated that he had INDEED intentionally played the system; and that he would again! Coach "Z", of Graef's Heartless (Dark Elfs) could have taken the high road and joined in boycotting the unethical actions, but was only interested in whether or not he would get two mvp's worth of Star Player Points, selfishly thinking that he deserved a forfeit.... Tsk, Z... tsk....

Digger Goreman, Head Coach for all of Arkham Asylum Blood Bowl (AABB), let the remaining coaches know that Turner's stable of teams would be available to play as a "wildcat" opponent, but would not be a part of any league of corruption and intentional meta-abuse....

Grave Danger ended their season on a win, a winning record, and the high road of an ethically sound, champion-caliber, Blood Bowl team!

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Post by JaM »

Wow... just, wow... :o And he is the commissioner as well ? Shouldn't you then give the right example ??? wth...

Time to start you own league I guess, with people who DO play fair ! :(
Quite sad, but you've done the right thing. No good deed goes unpunished, or something like that.

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That sucks. What an flower of an undescript sort. I agree with JaM: start your own league.

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Post by Smeborg »

That's why I allow keen players to run a second team in my league.

And one of the 2 teams needs to be "handicapped" (i.e. not core tier 1).

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Post by Digger Goreman »

Thanks for the moral support, coaches.... It's unfortunately a tight grouping of friends and as long as certain outcomes are assured, it doesn't matter the means....

I've taken your collective cues and offered alternatives just for fun....

Cut-throat on the field... hurts, sometimes, but I can respect it....

Cut-throat meta-gaming?! Wow... I'll just play the ol' master for fun....

Speaking of which, the Wizard of Aahz is actually playing Halflings this season... so I dusted off my Gobbos and named them:

The Grave Diss Orderlies

10 x Gobbos
02 x Trolls
01 x Pogo
01x Looney
01 x Fanatic

and, of course, should games for a new team come my way:

Gravely Repulsed (my standard Necro format)

5 x zombies
2 x wights
2 x golems
2 x werewolves


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Post by Digger Goreman »

Game 1: Grave Diss Orderlies (Goblin) vs The Fighting Ankle Biters (Halfling)

Mirth is not one of those emotions that Necromancers are accustomed to... still, Goreman put on his most jovial rictus when he heard that a Halfling team (The Fighting Ankle Biters) was in town.... Wasting no time, he cut down some old uniforms, using a scythe... and dressed out the Goblin (Diss) Orderly Staff.... And, thus, the Grave Diss Orderlies was born (some might say "still-born")....

The sun shown brightly on "The Killing Field", and the Hot-Pot was cookin'! Two-thirds of the training that "might have been" was taken up with trying to keep naughty goblins on the field, bench... heck, anywhere but in the Half's concession stands!!!!

In fact, as soon as the first kick struck the ground, the restraining stand walls came crashing down and the crowd rushed the field to reach some of the (under-) world's finest stunty cuisine.... They stampeded over a Troll, goblin and two flings.... Things were "sorted" out and the first half began proper....

While one tree played "pushies" with a diss-orderly, the rest of the Graves took down the opposing half-pints and sprung the ball loose.... #1 (Gobs don't last long enough for names) made both a casualty and the later td off the Biter's possession! So far, so good....

Yet, there's always the Halfling Fling... and despite placing sacrificial staff on the line, the Diss got dissed on a series of blocks and a Biter got his wings!!!! The Orderlies had covered all but the ONE SPOT the little spitfire landed in and awaaaaaaay he went... tie game!!!!

Half-time and the cooks were still holding a 2/3rds distraction over the gobbos.... It took a couple of times, but #1 finally picked up the ball and dink passed to #6.... Known as "pumpkin" to his friends... he rode his jack-o-latern up field.... Mid-field it looked like an easy go of it as the likes of Fungus, the team "fanatic" and "loon" were set to go bowling and hacking.... Trees and flings went flying, but due to a bit o' bad timing, the saw never sawed and both fanatics "wrapped up" their game by turn three.... It looked like a done deal, but enough halfs and a huffin'-n-puffin' tree made enough of a scrum to pop the ball outta "pumpkin's" hands and through the slippery nubs of "truckin'".... The errant pigskin was chucked into the middle of the field where a Biter recovered and longingly looked downfield to a goal-line he'd never have time to pudgingly cross....

The melo-drama should've ended there... but, no!, no!, NO!,... #1 felt he had to take one last smack at the ball carrier! Ignoring that there were no more training tricks (rerolls) and that "pumpkin" had fallen to a "double-down", he blitzed the waiting... menacingly grinning... metallic-knuckled shrimp holding the ball.... There was as much of an ear-shattering *clang* as a half-wit and a half-baked can make... but the Biter got up... while the "bitten #1" rocked back and forth on his painfully smashed hip!!!! Stupid gobbo....

MVP went to #10 "vulgar", and the next game recovering "#1" was given a copy of AC/DC's "Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap" to encourage him to be a "sneaky git"....

End game: 1-1... casualties 2-1....

The game was quite amusing from an outside standpoint.... I'd always wondered what a half vs gobbo game would be like.... Quite enjoyed myself!


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Post by Digger Goreman »

The illest favored of the Asylum teams, Grave Danger (3 stat minuses in their first season) crawled outta their cozy graves for a Legacy match versus a buffed human Predator team....

The humies weighed in at 1,680,000 with 3 guards and a fair amount of block, vs the Dangers 1,600,000 with 1 guard and little block... Fame +1 to the Grave and kickoff to the Preds....

High kick and though the catcher gets under it, he muffs the ball but quickly recovers....

The first Grave block is a portent of Nuffle's interference as the dice fall double defender down (effectively 6+6) and 6+5 on the armor break....

Quick scrum, and the humans trade two wounded catchers for a breakaway near the endzone.... Two wolves and a wight take the ball back, but a patented, wild multiple dodging, multi-gfi by three players on the human side, sees a 1d from a thrower taking down the wight and the ball lying beside a wolf with a tackle zone on it.... No problem as a dodgy catcher nicks the ball and scoots in (dodging all over the place) for a TD! With only two turns left in the half, Enteritis (7247) the ghoul would double "1" on the pick up and fail to hand-off to the waiting werewolf.... Half ends, 1-0 for the Humans....

Being up a man (or, zombie), the Danger looked forward to the kickoff... especially when a rock conked a Blitzer down on the field! Who says your eyesight deteriates after death!? Cyanide (with two casualties already) takes the handoff from Enteritis and motors strongly down the field, with a double gfi golem, Venom, huffing and puffing to block off human pursuit.... Time for another, amazing, Predator special, with more improbable dodges and multitudinous gfi's to blitz down Cyanide.... Down, but not out (9 armor is a blessing!), the rest of the Danger would clear away enough of the Predators to enable Cyanide to dodge out, pick up the ball and score!!!! (Especially on no rerolls)....

For the Grave heroes, that would be as good as it got... the rest is a story NOT for the faint of heart.... A wet maelstrom began to pelt the Killing Fields and, despite a ludicrous human attempt at a diving catch on a pooched kick, the Necros would end their next THREE turns on the first attempted blocks: 2d double skulls; 2d double downs vs a necessary block vs blitzers; and A 3D TRIPPLE SKULLS!!! Rightfully sensing blood, the Preds and their Multiple Blocking, 6St Ogre, would pound the Undead senseless, putting three Dangers in the injured box (a zed and wight with a -MA didn't regen... THANKS BBRC! :pissed: ) and 6 others (including a werewolf and both golems) into the knockout.... All I had were three players prone on the field when the humans pranced across the goal line in the final moments....

The only bright spot (sigh, 20k winnings) was Cyanide getting a justly deserved MVP to add to 2 casualties and a TD... thus breaking through to 57 spp!!!!!!!!

Not a single thing has been usual about Cyanide's progression: doubles, 6+4, doubles, and ANOTHER 6+4 :o

Cyanide: 8-3-3-10 Mighty Blow, Juggernaut

Now THAT'S a Werewolf!

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Post by JaM »

WOOF !! :D

You've just made me take Necromantic for my next team in a league. Thanks for that ! :D

Too bad for that game, but it's good to see some propper necromancy again. Now where did I put my zombies...

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Post by Digger Goreman »

They say, "Never bet against a smiling halfling!" Nevertheless, Goreman set up the fledgling "Gravely Repulsed" team as 280k underdogs to The Fighting Ankle Biters, on the Biters way home from an extended BB tour.

An indepth study of the Biters roster might've caused pause, even in the absent heart of a Necromancer, but Digger never hesitated... should've... but never did....

The secret wasn't in the full roster... nor, really, in the Grab Treemen... it was in the astounding 3 Agility upgrades!!! (Four, actually, in six games... but he let one go on a Treeman)....

The only thing worse than a pansy-arse, Ag4, elf-fest... is a pansy-arse, Ag4, STUNTY elf-fest.... FAME to the Halflings and Kick-off to the Necros and the game was on!!!!

Who knows... MAYBE, if I'd been able to break armor (yes, not until turn 7 of the first half)... and MAYBE if the only dodge I missed in the first half hadn't been with an open-fielded ghoul with the ball... *sigh*... what a mess it turned out to be... but I'm getting ahead of meself....

Well, I took Hack-n-Slash; Igor; and Blood Babe for inducements....

Halfs roll blitz and close with Hack and knock 'im down.... He would get ONE shot at a tree; roll everything right except the armor roll: 1+2. One tree would root and play carousel with two zombies the first half, while the other fell down and couldn't get up! Should've made it easy, right? Not when you're facing Ag4 stunties and Nuffle! One good dodge and, yes (right on time), the ball carrying ghoul rolls double aces to fall flat-faced on the turf and knock himself out (I was playing the two ghoul, no golem, 3RR version)... ball flips right into one of the Ag4 Halfs and he's off to the races... dodging easily through every tackle zone and handing off to another Ag4 Half who gets thrown (zombies grounded at moment) down field for a score!

Second half kick-off and the ball scatters right into another 4Ag grasp! They move right through my ranks like greased little piggies and it's 2-0 for the Biters!!!! :o

Now I'm really behind the scoring curve and have to get aggressive.... I manage to get the ghouls in sync and pass to an exposed Were who, of course, gets downed by three laser-perfect, dodging squirts.... Fortunately I had a response and, though it took two turns of fumbling round, a werewolf gets the ball into the zone with three turns left....

The dice would then ice as the ball scatters right into the half hands again, and never left them.... The more I needed a roll, the worse it came up.... End game: 1-2 in favor of the biters....

Casualties: Repulsed 0, Biters 3 (Hack did niggle one pint-sized putz)
Winnings: 10k
Spps: 1 completion (ghoul), 1 td (werewolf), 1 mvp (wight)... no skills....

Could've been worse... all my casualties regenned (including two deaths).... But never will I bet against a smiling halfling, again! :P

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Few traveling teams grace the calamitous confines of friendly Arkham Asylum as of late.... Strangely, and likewise, were the opponents of the Fighting Ankle Biter's halfling team.... Still in the league I left, people were TERRORFIED of the 3x Ag4 Hobbits.... The supposedly "dominant" coach (my dead arse he is... never could score more than 2 tds on me or beat me by more than one) Dark Elf cum Nurgle (this season) couldn't handle the halfs in an early game and cried that he refused to play the Biters again till he was AT LEAST up to 1.6 million and had a minimum of 4 rerolls.... I've seen jellyfish with more spine and manatees with more nerve.... But I digress... and in fairness to their perpetually reigning commish, he is playing the Biters tomorrow....

The honor of fighting the "Stunty-Elves" fell upon Graveside Manor... the team that hadn't played since the overtime defeat, in the playoffs, to a ridicuously buffed chaos team.... They would come in as a 60k overdog, missing twice niggled Jumpin' Jack Flash, and hobbling Frankie III (3Ma)... till Goreman noticed he'd need to raise a couple of Journeyzeds to fill the squad to 11 players... so 140k incentives to the Pips....

The Fight Bites take a hot pot (naturally) and a smallish Bloodweiser Babe... ("What's that ye got?" "That, my friend, is called a Pint." "They come in pints?!"). They halfway distract the undead (cripes, food shouldn't tempt evil spirits!), leaving our anti-heroes with 2 rerolls.... The kick goes to the Lightning Blue Crew (my team colors are lightning blue and granite gray) and we're underway!!!!

The game would go somewhat to schedule, as the Halfs did their best to keep distance and the Necros their best to close in on the small delights and not so much on the Trees.... By halftime, nearly 50% of the pip-squeaks would be in the injury box... but NO MORE than "Badly Hurt".... The Biters would end the half making a supremely VICIOUS chop-block on Mr. Fangtastic! Of course the regen failed and another great werewolf player was permanently buried for lack of an apothecary.... The twit that did him in did get ejected... at least....

(Another wicked, stiff finger to the yellow-haired-fairy-elf lovin' members of the BBRC who denied this critically needed buff: :P May you roll skulls forever!) :pissed:

The Anklers would start the second half nearly the same, with a fouling of Stiener III, who will miss the next game... arrrrrgggggg!!!! With temporary advantage, the smidgeon's "wee fairy elves" would scoot the ball into the endzone for the tie... but not without cost.... With only a few turns left in the game, the Badly Hurts/ejections continued to decimate them.... The minis kicked the ball all the way to the endzone and the Manor had to "move it" up the field.... Despite dishing it out, the trees were knocking out too many undead and a pass completion to Scary Hairy would put the greatful dead in the lead on their turn seven!

The midgets fielded only 3 pups and two trees for the kickoff.... So many things could've, should've went wrong.... The Men of the Manor even fielded a perfect defence, putting 3 zombies on the only likely flinger tree....

The kick could've gone long... it went short....

The 3ag pickup was perfect... the hand-off to the 4ag "mini-elf", flawless.

The tree would root... defiantly...!

The throw would fumble on a 1-4... he rolls a six!!!!

The throw could've gone short... it went long....

The effeminate little freak could've fell down... he stuck the landing!

And deftly, disturbingly, demonically, slipped through the lines of the waiting undead....

Never even needed the reroll he had....

The head-hanging final: 2-2....

Jeers and a few cheers in the final moments, as Pestilence (zombie) "sprinted" back for the kick-off, scooped up the ball, and completed a quick pass to ghoul, Bone Hellsting....

What a price: 10,000 fans left the faithful, in a fit of disgust.... The management would only part with 20k from the gate.... The wiley Biters would get back their whole team, after a little linament rub down... while the beat up and bed ridden beggared banshees would lovingly bury a young star, cut down cruely... long before his time... and send another golem to the stitchery to get his act together.... All for a tie and just enough winnings to hire Mr. Fangtastic Jr... son of the deceased....

Such is life, un-life and death on the "killing fields".... The blood may look painted on the felt-like gridiron... but I assure you, it is our own....

Graveside Manor
WTL 5-5-3
0k Treasury
8 FF/4 RR
TV 1,460,000

Famine/Zombie/4328/Regen, Guard/12spp
Pestilence/Zombie/4328/Regen, Kick/6spp

Jumpin' Jack Flash/Ghoul/6337/Dodge, Pass/6spp (2x niggling)
Bone Hellsting/Ghoul/7337/Dodge, Sure Hands/12spp

Hank Haunt/Wight/6338/Block, Regen, Guard, (Reg skill)/20spp
Tommy Terror/Wight/6338/Block, Regen, Guard, Strip Ball

Frankie III/Golem/3429/Regen, Stand Firm, Thick Skull, Block/7spp
Stiener II/Golem/4429/Regen, Stand Firm, Thick Skull, Block, Mighty Blow/16spp (MNG)

Scary Hairy/Werewolf/8338/Claws, Frenzy, Regen, Mighty Blow, Catch, Block/38spp
Mr. Fangtastic Jr./Werewolf/8338/Claws, Frenzy, Regen/0spp

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"1 in 36, my Nuffled arse!"
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Post by Digger Goreman »

Took a day off to witness a game between The Fightin' Ankle Biters and Alamar's (didn't get the name) Vampire team.... I believe both were up in the 1.4 to 1.6 range....

You can really appreciate the frustrations of playing either of these teams by watching them play each other....

By halftime the score was 2-0, Vamps... but most of the thralls were injured by Trees, Halfs, Fouls and their own "Biters".... By turn 8 of the second half, it was tied 2-2 when a riot broke out!

With only 3 vamps & 2 thralls, the Vampire team barely suceeded in playing a running/passing game of "keep away" that ended the game in a tie....

Iirc: both coaches have expressed disdain for ever playing these sides again....

Meh, from the outside, it was QUITE entertaining....

On the Grave side of things ( :lol: ), I cleaned up the site a bit for readabilities sake.... Can't wait for my new, painted Wight to get here!

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Post by JaM »

Nice write-up !

I too know the pain of losing a werwolf now. Only played 1 match with my Necromantics so far, yet I already miss 1 were.
Good thing that the other has a +1 AG now, scoring 2 TDs. And that I raised a zombie from a chaos warrior :D.

I'll be checking your new site soon. 8)

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Post by Digger Goreman »

Thanks, JaM, timing of casualties means a lot for a team that has to play on the treasury edge so much....

You spend deeply to get any position considered "decent" (for my money, that's only Werewolves, as I consider Wights middle-of-road, mediocre for price and ghouls a teeny bit substandard; and don't get me started on Golems vs costs) and desperately need cash to alleviate your reroll deficits.... While you're trying to raise 140k for the team (often slow in these rules), you must protect weak-arse ghouls, foul-prone werewolves, and Golems/Wights whose armor seems to break more than a snotlings.... :-?

Necromancer teams live on the cusp... and this is what makes them both so challenging and so exciting to play.... They'll break your heart-less heart when they're not making you supremely proud!

Heh, heh, you DID kill a Chaos Warrior.... 8)

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Silly as it seems, most of the league I left behind avoids my mentor's Uber-Halfling team like the plague.... Only a 30 game Orc team (against the 11 game Halfs) would come after him and with losta block, guard, tackle and a strip-baller... it was a very ugly game with the Halfs concentrating on survival.... Aahz accepted the game, roster unseen... won't do that again!

So an even-up TV, and within one game, fight (well, sorta) was staged against a foe that really does "float like a butterfly, and sting like a bee."

Aahz has done well in protecting what few halfs have made it up in skills: 2 have Ag4 + surefeet; 1 is surefooted; another has Ag4; one is St3; one Tree has Grab and another Tree has Guard + Grab.... All 16 positions are full....

The "even" fight comes from:
Grave Danger
WTL 5-3-3
60k Treasury
7 FF/4 RR 2AC/2CL
TV 1,440,000
TD (17) difference: +5; Casualty (27) difference: +8
Dead Lass/Zombie (Dark Elf)/4328/Regen/0spp
Anthrax/Zombie/4328/Regen/2spp (MNG)
Necro Enteritis/Ghoul/7247/Dodge, Block/16spp
Strychnine/Wight/5338/Block, Regen, Guard/12spp (MNG)
Hemlock II/Wight/6338/Block, Regen/0spp
Venom/Golem/4429/Regen, Stand Firm, Thick Skull, Dodge/12spp
Lead/Golem/4429/Regen, Stand Firm, Thick Skull/5spp
Sarin/Werewolf/8338/Claws, Frenzy, Regen, Block, Dodge/24spp
Cyanide/Werewolf/83310/Claws, Frenzy, Regen, Mighty Blow, Juggernaut/57spp

He surrendered the kick and, though I made a sideline run with a blodging werewolf, he gets the defender down and the ball away.... Took me a few turns of work, but the ball goes in for a TD by, of all critters: Venom the Flesh Golem! And it was certainly in the most unlikely of circumstances.... Having a couple turns, I sprinted my ghoul away from a decimated halfling team that had only three knocked down members and the two trees on the field.... (Unfortunately only one BH "casualty") The ghoul "hands off" to Venom, and rolls double ONES (of course) and the ball is fumbled into the unsure hands of the Flesh Golem who reflexively catches it! My turn 8 he waddles in for the score!

Try fighting shadows and you'll get some idea of how the following is: Seemingly no matter how I set up... a one-turner with 4x Ag4 Halflings is a cinch! And, sure enough, the fling scores on turn eight.... Half time 1-1....

Start of the second half, I concentrate of the one-turner... and he pockets the ball... gives me a beatdown with two trees... dodges and runs interference with his "mini-elves" and scores in three.... I fight back and score in two with a were.... He one-turns again....

2-3 and I'm scrambling for a tie?! Still it's better than losing.... Cue the Nuffling... it's coming like a monsoon.... My Ag4 Ghoul rolls a one on the pickup and uses my last reroll.... He then proceeds to Quick Pass range, needing one gfi... of course... a "one".... Ag4 Halfling nicks the ball... cruises back through my lines and hands off to another Ag4 Halfling, who would've scored yet again, had he not actually failed his landing roll with no rerolls....

One day, I'll... *sigh*... but not today....

Seems like all my players ended up next to skill ups.... His Ag4, sure-footed halfling rolled... I kid you not... a freakin' 12! Unbelievable.... Naturally, my J-man zed got the MVP and it's put him on the payroll OR get a second ghoul.... Reluctantly, I need the ghoul more....

Grave Danger
WTL 5-3-4
30k Treasury
7 FF/4 RR 2AC/2CL
TV 1,580,000
TD (19) difference: +4; Casualty (28 ) difference: +8
Dead Lass/Zombie (Dark Elf)/4328/Regen/0spp
Necro Enteritis/Ghoul/7247/Dodge, Block/16spp
Overdose Fatale/Ghoul/7337/Dodge/0spp
Strychnine/Wight/5338/Block, Regen, Guard/12spp
Hemlock II/Wight/6338/Block, Regen/1spp
Venom/Golem/4429/Regen, Stand Firm, Thick Skull, Dodge/15spp
Lead/Golem/4429/Regen, Stand Firm, Thick Skull/5spp
Sarin/Werewolf/8338/Claws, Frenzy, Regen, Block, Dodge/27spp
Cyanide/Werewolf/83310/Claws, Frenzy, Regen, Mighty Blow, Juggernaut/59spp

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LRB6/Icepelt Edition: Ah!, when Blood Bowl made sense....
"1 in 36, my Nuffled arse!"
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