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Three Die Block Twitter Bowl I - Slann versus Goblins!

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 8:32 pm
by SunDevil
HGC Twitter Bowl I featured the intriguing match-up of the slippery Slann from Froggy Went a’Courtin’ against those conniving Goblins, the Wonkaville Wonderboys! What follows is a fleshed-out version of the live Twitter feed!


It's a great day for Blood Bowl as 27,000 fans show up for Twitter Bowl I! The Gobs receive; the Froggies take 2 Dirty Tricks and an extra Apoth. Will they need it?

Kick off! Froggies 0 - Gobbos 0

Goblin Turn 1 – The Goblins come out swinging as Zagnut, +MV, Block, MiB Fanatic charts a LineFrog, followed by league MVP, the Block, Pro Troll Jawbreaker charting a 2nd LineFrog! Two Frogs are out for this game and next!

Frogs Turn 1 – Froggies get into the cage and pop the ball free! Looks like the Goblin tactic using a spread out ‘cloud’ cages didn’t work! But the Frogs at least have to roll more dice getting out…and a Dodge fails on a 1! Frog falls, turnover!

Goblin Turn 2 – A Catcher is charted by Cracker Jack the Troll! “One down, three to go!” shouts the Goblin coach! The Slann coach looks over at his two Apothecaries but decides to hold them back. Zagnut the Fanatic KOs another Catcher and a Goblin KOs the Frog’s lone Blitzer! Gobs grab the ball, try a new cage formation and move downfield.

Frog Turn 2 – That cage works about as well as the last one did as the Frogs have little trouble popping the ball again. Then, with no rerolls, the Frogs Long Bomb it over the Goblins with an accurate pass but the Catcher drops it on a 1!

Goblin Turn 3 – Goblins want to blitz the Frog off the ball but someone played a Dirty Trick on them – Greased Shoes! With GFIs being a 5+, the Gobs instead decide to run three players over to put tacklezones on the ball. With the Frogs only having 5 left on the pitch, surely the Gobs can recover the ball next turn. Right?

Frog Turn 3 – Wrong! A LineFrog leaps over a Goblin and Dodges, both successfully, to Blitz a Gobbo onto the ball. The scatter keeps it in 2 tacklezones but Hugh Hoppner, the Catcher who dropped the pass a few turns ago, leaps in, picks up the ball, goes for it…and scores!

Slann draw first blood to make it 1-0!

Goblin Turn 4 – The refs suddenly notice Zagnut, the crazed Goblin Fanatic, swinging a giant ball and chain and toss him from the game! The Goblins just cheat a different way, sending in Snickers the Looney! After the Goblins pick up the kick and try yet another formation to protect the ball, Snickers Blitzes a Catcher needing a 5 to break…and misses with a 4! The Goblins continue their cold turn by having Cracker Jack the Troll go Really Stupid.

Frog Turn 4 – The Slann waste no time smashing Snickers the Looney and using his own chainsaw to stun him. The other Goblins accidentally do something right, making it too hard for the Frogs to swipe the ball this turn. They all leap away to leap another day!

Goblin Turn 5 – Goblins manage to knock over the lone Frog Blitzer and then decide to give ‘im DA BOOT! Break, chart, gone! He'll miss the next game! Cackling amongst themselves at all the mayhem and forgetting the score, the Gobbo cage scampers across midfield!

Frog Turn 6 – Frogs come leaping into the Goblin cage yet again but can only push around the Stunty ballcarrier. With only 6 frogs on the pitch, can they prevent the Gobbos from tying it up?

Goblin Turn 6 – Goblins move their cage forward while veering toward the near widezone. The Looney, eager to make up for that weak opening attack, Blitzes from up off the ground to cut down a lone Catcher caught in the open – but his trusty chainsaw kicks back on him (1, reroll, 1) and he charts himself! It is a wildly flamboyant and catastrophic failure – the kind Goblins are famous for!

Frog Turn 7 – The Slann coach waves a Frog downfield just in case. The other Frogs position themselves to capitalize on any Goblin mistake…knowing the odds of that happening are good! They do Leap out of all tacklezones, meaning the Goblins will only get one hit – a Blitz – next turn.

Goblin Turn 7 – The Goblins, fully living up to their risky, chaotic reputation, Blitz a Catcher but the Frog proves too tough to break. Then the ballcarrier looks around and is so surprised to see no one between him and the endzone that he dives in!

Goblins tie the game 1-1!

Frog Turn 7 – Frogs move down the field into scoring position. The Slann coach has to reroll a failed Blitz and the ballcarrier gets into position near midfield! Can the Frogs go up 2-1 before the half after kicking to the Goblins to start the game?

Goblin Turn 8 – The Wonderboys sure hope not! Goblins push the Frogs to the sideline as best they can. A Troll fails to drop a Catcher with three dice but he's on the sideline as well. Gobs cover and...

Frog Turn 8 – ...a LineFrog pushes a Gob into the crowd and he’ll miss his next game! The Goblin coach shakes his head as he missed that and should've had the Goblin Dodge out last turn. The Frogs pour it on with their Blitz and produce a Stunty BH! A Catcher breaks free and GFI into the endzone. Another Catcher, a 5-AG monstrosity, throws a Long Pass (which the Goblins fail to intercept) for a 3…and it’s caught! TD!

Frogs make it 2-1 right before the half!

Halftime! Froggies 2 - Gobbos 1

Frog Turn 1 (2nd) – Slann move down the sidelines, hoping their superior AG and passing game will beat the Goblins yet again. Goblins have brought in yet another Secret Weapon, Bazooka Joe II the Bombardier, and he evades the Frog Blitz!

Goblin Turn 1 (2nd) – Gobs cover the Frog cage as best they can, preparing for the Bomber to open it up for the Blitz! Bomb throw is accurate…but is a dud! The pitiful fizzle fails to knock over either of the two LineFrogs on that side of the cage! So the Pogoer takes matters into his own pogo stick by Leaping into the cage (“A little of the Frog’s own medicine,” the Goblin coach was later overheard saying) and throws a 1-die Block on the Catcher…POW! No break but the Pogoer completes the mugging by catching the bouncing ball! Goblins stunty-flood the Frog cage to gum up the works!

Frog Turn 2 (2nd) – Though the Goblins got a lucky takeaway, the Slann practically wrote the book. They once again take the ball, this time by smashing the Pogoer. A Catcher Leaps in, grabs the ball regardless of the several Goblin tacklezones and leaves the Gobbos helpless as they watch him throw the ball out of the scrum and into the waiting arms of a LineFrog. TD Slann!

Slann go up 3-1!

Goblin Turn 2 (2nd) – Goblins have a wonderful ability to forget losing as long as there is much mayhem on the field. They look over at all the Frog casualties and can’t help but dance around with glee! Their coach, however, is not happy. He sends them back out on the pitch to take the kick and try to get back into this game! The Goblins grab the ball and move their formartion to the near widezone. The Twin Troll Towers, Jawbreaker and Cracker Jack, swing wildly but fail to injure any Frogs. A squad of Goblins descends on a felled Catcher to curbstomp him with DA BOOT!!! The Apoth turns a MISS into a STAT BREAK, so that Catcher takes the rest of this game and next off!

Frog Turn 3(2nd) – The Frogs can sense something brewing here and move into position to avert it. They can’t get to the ball this turn and miss a Blitz on the Pogoer, who Side Steps away. The remaining 7 Froggies look at each other nervously as the Trolls crack their knuckles and move forward.

Goblin Turn 3 (2nd) – Two Blocks = two stunned LineFrogs. Go Trolls! The Goblin cage continues down the near widezone.

Frog Turn 4 (2nd) – Taking a page form the Goblin’s desperation handbook, the Frogs throw a 2-die uphill block on the Pogoer...and manage to knock him off his pogo stick! The ball scatters but, luckily for the Goblins, it stays on the pitch this turn as no Frogs are abe to scoop it up!

Goblin Turn 4 (2nd) – A Troll Blitz only knocks a Catcher down, no break. Another Goblin grabs the ball and breaks for the endzone with one friend. Elsewhere, the other Goblins are still eager to fight and chart a LineFrog! The Apoth steps in to save him but the Frogs are now playing naked with both their Apoths gone!

Frog Turn 5 (2nd) – The new Frog strategy is RUN AWAY! With no Apoths left and a Goblin team out for blood, the Slann coach decides not to stand around and get punched in the croak!

Goblin Turn 5 (2nd) – The Goblins are happy with any Frog smashing they can do, even if only on their Blitz. Jawbreaker the Troll Blitzes a Catcher, GFI, and throws a 3-die Block…Pushx3! Then Pro fails…but Loner succeeds in rerolling the Pro! Second Pro works and the new Block dice come up with POW! Break, chart, another Catcher gone for next game! Disappointed there is no more hitting to do, the Goblins score!

Goblins close the gap 3-2!

Frog Turn 6 (2nd) – Frogs catch the kick-off and employ their new tactic…RUN AWAY-PART 2! The LineFrog with the ball runs back to the middle of the Slann side. The Frogs cage up with the few players they have left and hope it’s enough…

Goblin Turn 6 (2nd) – The Goblin coach yells for his players to “Attack!” The entire Gobbo team rushes forward to stop the Frogs from running out the clock. League MVP Jawbreaker the Troll chalks up his 3rd casualty as a LineFrog crumples to the pitch! Can the Goblins wipe out the Frogs? Will it matter in a game they are losing?

Frog Turn 7 (2nd) – Slann fade to the far widezone. They don’t have enough players left for a decent cage...but do what they can with what they have left! One more turn – can they hold on!

Goblin Turn 7 (2nd) – Goblins can’t get to the ballcarrier – a LineFrog is holding it so even a Stunty Blitz will result in a 2-die uphill Block. They decide to compress the Frogs even more, hope they can’t slip away, and try their luck on Turn 8. A Troll Blitzes in and stuns a LineFrog, ending up right against the ballcarrier. The Wonderboys continue their full court press and crosscheck the remaining 4 Frogs to the sideline. They are all 1 or 2 spaces from the crowd! Will it be enough?

Frog Turn 8 (2nd) – The Frogs can’t score but they don’t need to – all they need is to prevent the Goblins from doing so. After some Blocks that yield nothing but pushes, the ballcarrier sees his chance to Dodge away and punt the ball downfield. But a LineFrog is no Catcher and the Dodge fails! He falls and the ball bounces away! It's in Nuffle's hands now!

Goblin Turn 8 (2nd) – Even with the game on the line, the Goblins can’t pass up a shot to send the last Catcher crowdsurfing but the fans appreciate the courage of the Frogs remaining players and are feeling merciful. Goblins pick up the ball, hand off to the Pogoer, he bounces downfield and…GOB SCORE!!! TIE GAME!!! WE’RE GOING TO OVERTIME!!!

Overtime! Froggies 3 - Gobbos 3

Frog Turn 1 (OT) – Frogs receive...PITCH INVASION! The game has been so amazing the crowd wants in on it! Of the 5 remaining Frogs, 2 are stunned. The Slann had Fame so they rolled for 5s and 6s…and manaing to stun SEVEN of the 11 Goblin players! Three of the 4 Goblin ‘safeties’ go down, including the Pogoer, and BOTH Trolls! Disaster for the Wonderboys! Will the crowd decide this epic battle? Frogs see their opportunity and hand off, leaving a LineFrog 6 spots from the end zone with the ball and a possible victory!

Goblin Turn 1 (OT) – With 7 players down, the Wonderboys face a desperate situation…just how they like it! One Gobbo moves back to mark the ballcarrier and provide an assist for the upcoming, do-or-die Blitz. But the GFI fails! A timely reroll keeps him upright but now the Blitz will have to be done without a net! Kit Kat, a MV-boosted Goblin, flies in with the Goblin's chances resting on his tiny green shoulders! He throws a 1-die Block on the LineFrog with an assist and…Dodge Star!!! The LineFrog falls and the ball bounces away! The crowd lets out a collective gasp! No Goblin can get it (remember, 7 of them are rolling over!) but it will have to be enough to merely mark the ball!

Frog Turn 2 (OT) – A Frog sets up in the endzone while another runs to the ball for a game-winning TD pass! He grabs the ball, Leaps out…Ouch! He fails the Leap and another Frog goes down! The ball comes to rest on the sidelines!

Goblin Turn 2 (OT) – Goblins cover the ball while knocking down a LineFrog. Both Trolls stand and move into position. A Goblin looks a bit too eager to be the hero and fails to pick up the ball, even with a reroll!

Frog Turn 3 (OT) – The Frogs are facing desperation now so they have to gamble. The Slann coach calls in the Blitz to push a Goblin onto the ball and, hopefully, out into the crowd. But another failed Leap sends a Frog down instead!

Goblin Turn 3 (OT) – Goblins feel no pressure because they never win anyway and coolly gather up the ball before scampering downfield. (As opposed to their coach, who is visibly a nervous wreck!) They make it past midfield and set up just as their coach directs from the sideline. But he realizes too late that he called the wrong formation! The ballcarrier is actually on the back corner of the cage two spaces from the sideline instead of in the middle! Who’s Really Stupid now? Uh, that would be the Goblin coach!

Frog Turn 4 (OT) – Frogs get a 1-die Block on the hilariously exposed Goblin ballcarrier but can only push the Stunty fella. Only 4 Frogs left on the pitch! Will it be enough?

Goblin Turn 4 (OT) – Goblins start to smell victory and wonder how they can screw it up. They manage not to blow it this turn at least and move the ball further toward the endzone. Both Trolls and 8 or 9 goblins are assisting, well aware of the Frog’s ability to jump in and steal the ball!

Frog Turn 5 (OT) – The Slann get yet another shot at the ballcarrier but, again, can only push him. Two Frogs mark him and hope for the best.

Goblin Turn 5 (OT) – Needing only to make room, the Goblin coach calls a Blitz, hoping to chainpush both Frogs off the ballcarrier so he can run free for the win. But he sets up the assist wrong! So the Blitz happens and knocks down a LineFrog, but leaves a Catcher, the most dangerous Frog, right next to the ballcarrier! So another Block must be thrown to remove him! Mass amounts of Goblins move in to help, one lucky little guy gets to throw a three-die-block…and he charts the fourth and final Catcher! With no Apoth, the Slann coach can only grit his teeth as the report comes in…another Catcher out next game! Kit Kat, the ballcarrying Goblin, suddenly releases there are no Frogs left to stop him and sprints into the endzone, diving over the line! His tiny green teamamates mob him and pile on in an endzone celebration! Then they quickly scatter before the Trolls come and kill them all!

Goblins win 4-3 in overtime thriller!

After the game, Froggy Coach Pauly had this to say, “Now I have to listen to all the leers of being owned by Goblins...and I deserve it.” The Frogs leave this game battered (7 casualties taken with 3 Catchers, their lone Blitzer and a LineFrog missing their next game against Ogres) but should be proud of their valiant effort!

The Goblins don’t really know how to react because they are not used to actually winning close games!

Best game I've ever been a part of. This game alone makes playing Goblins for two seasons worth it. Well, OK, more worth it. :D

Thanks for reading!

Re: Three Die Block Twitter Bowl I - Slann versus Goblins!

Posted: Fri May 07, 2010 3:02 pm
by KidStealth
genius report! thanks for that!

sounds like a one in a million goblin game :-)

Re: Three Die Block Twitter Bowl I - Slann versus Goblins!

Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2010 12:47 pm
by Axtklinge
What a great game!
That must have been fantastic to watch!

Congrats for the result, and thanks for taking the trouble of writing it all up!