The Brusseldorf Bloodsuckers

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Re: The Brusseldorf Bloodsuckers

Post by juggler434 »

Dungeon Bowl: Round 1
Opponent: Rocket Bears-Gnomes (Ogre Re-skin)

Brussledorf got the honor of going first and started with three thralls and three vampires in the dungeon. A vamp and thrall held back in the opening hallway, while the other two went off in different directions looking for the ball. The Rocket Bears started with all six of their mechs in the dungeon who started plodding along. A thrall opened a chest, but it was trapped and he was knocked off his feet, but not injured. On the next turn, another thrall opened a chest, and again, trapped, and this time the blast stunned the poor thrall. By this time there were a couple of gnomes in the dungeon, and one took a risk by jumping on one of the teleporters, which put in in a room with two chests!. He opened one and there was the ball. Hearing the joy of the gnome, one of the thralls stepped on a teleporter, and it sent him to the room as well, but he did had not declared a blitz and couldn't get to the ball. The gnome dodged away from the vampire, picked up the ball and scuttled around the large pit occupying the middle of the room. He attempted to pass the ball over a lava pit to another gnome, but the pass was inaccurate and left the ball precariously balanced on the edge of the lava. A thrall ran up and blitzed the gnome, knocking him over. Duke Dietrich then ran across rope bridge that crossed the lava pit and picked up the ball. Unfortuantly, a mech saw this, and pushed Dietrich into the lava pit, which killed him! The apothecary was rushed in and managed to save the vampires life, but the burns remain as a niggling injury. The ball was saved by magical wards before it could be melted by the lava and appeared on teleporter right next to several of the Rocket Bear's mechs. After smashing into a wall of mechs to no effect, having several players stepping on teleporters to never be seen again, and the loss of Duke Dietrich, Brussledorf decided to stand aside and let the mechs score.

Loss: 0-1
30k winnings
FF stayed the same
#10 Niggling Injury

Reason: ''
Casualty table result: 68-Dead
Reroll with apothecary
New Result: 68-Dead...nuffle hates me
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Re: The Brusseldorf Bloodsuckers

Post by Axtklinge »

Darn those blowing chests...
Not that much luck for you this time was it?
At least Duke got out of it alive... more or less I suppose (being a Vamp and all).
How many rounds to go?
Do you still have chances to get back into the fight for the top positions or is it all over?

Side note: Since we're into it, could you make a short briefing on how you guys do your DB rounds and how it relates with the overall league?

Reason: ''
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