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Madness rides the star-wind!

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 11:34 pm
by betterZthenDeaD
Greetings to you all from the deep, dark jungles of Lustria!

Firstly I am a newbie and this is my first blog for my first Blood Bowl team. And yes, I am residing in the grip of madness as I have chosen Slaan as my first team. Secondly please excuse any grammatical errors as I am currently covered in PVA glue (I am in the middle of building a swampy/jungle-y pitch).

On the first point, I know what you are thinking but I am set on an unalterable course now so don't try and convince me to change to an Orc team. I currently have seven of Greebo/RollJordans beautiful little froggy fella's sitting in front of me awaiting the arrival of four friends (and the Coach!). On the second point I'm waiting for some PVA 'puddles' to dry. Hence the break!

Whilst waiting on drying glue I decided to list my starting build over at NAF and of course you have to have names for your little guys. Half an hours internet research later (thanks Wiki!) I have names for all my froggies. Firstly I should tell you their team name as that will explain where the names come from. The team is known as 'Blitzkrieg Hop' and play in a run-down, deserted temple in the middle of a jungle clearing. The team is newly founded having secured a limited sponsorship deal with 'Skinka-Cola'. The starting line-up is as follows (names included):-

7x Linefrogs - Xolotl, Ilyapa, Haokah, Coyopa, his brother Cakhula, Tupan and 'The Bomber' Meuler.
2x Catchers - Quetzalcoatl and Ehecatl.
2x Blitzers - Ictinike and Huitzopochtli.
(Four re-rolls)

The names were all chosen as they're names of South/Central American Gods of thunder (the linefrogs), wind or air (the catchers) or war (the blitzers).

Please feel free to tell me I am mad (I know), that I banging on a bit (I know) or what you think so far (oh, really?). Pictures to appear in following posts (pitch first, frogs second due to little or no painting skills).

Thanks for listening... (croak!)

Re: Madness rides the star-wind!

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 7:51 am
by sann0638
Very nice! Good luck, you're going to need it (all Slann players, in fact all players do!).

Re: Madness rides the star-wind!

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2011 12:54 am
by betterZthenDeaD
Major disaster with the board! :cry:

Pitch came out horrendously wonky and has ended up in the garden in disgrace! And its raining too... so there!

Anyway I am now looking for inspiration for another attempt. I have in mind just to do a pitch (not a stadium) but am struggling for ideas on how to theme it for the Slann. Any ideas?