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Zuvassin Zealots

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2019 11:50 am
by MacHurto
Well, after High Elves, I am picking a fairly lucky Chaos Pact team (TV1500, all 3 BG with Block, Delf ST4 Blodge, not much else) for next season. Let's see how it goes. I renamed them Zuvassin Zealots (away from the previous team owner's name; Skaterpunks) as according to Wiki:
Zuvassin the Undoer is one of the renegade Chaos Gods. [...] He is a meddler, ensuring nothing turns out as expected, and that all plans will go awry. [...] He has been classified by human scholars as a ‘renegade’ god. [...] Zuvassin is the patron of those who desire to use his powers to sabotage or undo something. All those who follow him find their plans going wrong in the process.
Seemed like the perfect God to follow as a Chaos Renegade team, always getting plans foiled by the BGs rolling 1 in the worst moment :-D

Introduction to the team:

----------------- * --------------- * ------------------- * ---------------
"Hear me and rejoice!" said new team manager Joseph Bloatter, addressing the team with grandiloquence. "You have had the privilege of being saved by the great Zuvassin. You may think plans misfiring is distressing. Might feel rolling a 1 on your minotaur blitz is suffering. " he left a pause, savoring the disconcerted looks on his new players. "No... it is salvation. The Hafnia League will tip toward balance because of your sacrifice. Smile... for even in death, you will become Zuvassin Zealots." He then screamed on his high pitched and, frankly, ridiculous halfling voice: "Long Live Zuvassin the Undoer! Death to Nuffle's tyranny!" and stepped down the crate, muttering something to himself.

"Zuvo... Zavi... Zuchinn... Chaos! Chaos!" - chanted the team, still unclear on the particulars of who had bought the team, which was that obscure Chaos God they were supposed to worship now and, most of all, what the hell were they signing, given nobody knew how to read.

------------ * -------------- * ------------- * -----------

"We're Skaterpunks, Darkie. We've always been Skaterpunks. Nothing's changed." said Cloger the Ogre after training, still unconvinced. He scratched his head, trying to remember the new team name. Skaterpunk was easier, really.

"Oh, yes it has, sir. Everything's changed." replied the renegade sombrily, as dark elfs do. "Goblins dive on the sky, Wizards don't hurl thunderbolts, innocents die. " he paused, gloomily looking at the rest of the team. Who had ever heard of innocents in Blood Bowl before? "That's how it starts, sir. The fever. The rage, after rolling yet another one. The feeling of powerlessness, that turns good men... To Zuvassin." he shaked his head, pessimistically. He once thought he had a career in Blood Bowl. It was no longer the case.

The ogre just smiled. He liked Darkie. Darkie always called him Sir. Nobody else called him Sir.

"It's ok, Darkie. " he consoled him with a shoulder pat. "We cannot do worse than we did last season."

Re: Zuvassin Zealots

Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2019 3:12 pm
by MacHurto
"They... Are not here to... compete. They are... Not here... to fight.  They are here... to win the Hafnia... League!" said Joseph Bloatter, team manager and ex-NAF commissioner (*) , with unnecessary solemnity and misplaced pauses.  "And they will stomp on anyone... In their way! I present you... The... Zuvassin Zealots!" the halfling exclaimed, pompously.

With a hand gesture the curtains opened, revealing a large mural imprinted with the team logo. In front of it, an eclectic collection of uncomfortable, scruffy looking players stood still, trying to smile for the cameras and holding different types of memorabilia.

"Zug-bashin'! Zug-bashin'!" They chanted unclear of how their new God's name was supposed to be pronounced. They then went quiet, allowing an uncomfortable silence to creep in. The awkwardness of the moment was only heightened when their little manager started to nervously applaud the bizarre setting. The small crowd attending the team's official presentation did not bite the bait.   

"This is gonna be a long season" sighted Darkie in a whisper. 
"Moo" replied Ferdinand the minotaur in a hopeless, melancholic lowing. He could take the embarrassment. But having two halfling teams in Hafnia and not having a chance to eat at least one of them? Life was just unfair.


(*) Interestingly, Bloatter had been fired from NAF after proving to be too corrupt for an organisation that prided itself in its shady dealings. He had tried several ventures after his downsizing (not that he hadn't always been a halfling, mind you), each met with unrelenting failure and the somewhat eery feeling that there was a driving force against his plans. Beyond, of course, his natural incompetence. In his desperation and with an alarming amount of darf elf debt collectors on his heels, Bloatter had turned to Zuvassin, following the old adage "if you can't beat them, join them". 
Just a quick update with a filler before the season starts. We got a great logo made by another coach and it would be a shame it disappeared forever in the League's facebook wall.

Re: Zuvassin Zealots

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2019 9:56 am
by MacHurto

Zuvassin Zealots vs Gnavne Gnallinger (chaos dwarves)
TD 1-1
CAS 1-3
Well, sir, that was a bloody disaster - the dark elf said, throwing Tweek! magazine in the bin. The match report trashed the Zealots which, in all fairness, was well deserved.

Draw better than loss, Darkie - tried to reason Clover. The ogre always had a positive outlook on life. After all, Blood Bowl meant not living in a swamp eating rats and being chased by those psychopaths that liked to call themselves adventurers. - Draw is good, hey?

Darkie gave him a half smile. The ogre was actually a good player (for an ogre) but had no ambition. As a matter of fact, it was a problem shared by most of the team, which explained the results. And the lack of hard tackles.

Of course, very adequate. Jolly good. - he said with a sight. - Ask Jocker what he thinks.

The marauder had ended the match with a broken arm and had almost lost his life. Luckily for him, his teammates had arrived in time to stop the team's apothecary. Darkie was not sure the new NAF rule, incentivizing team apothecaries to donate player organs, was really working as intended.

Moo - interjected the minotaur. He then continued with a whisper as if afraid someone was listening. - Moooo.

Absolutely right, Ferdinand. What a strange turn of events. - replied Darkie. The Zealots had the first drive and their plan had failed. They had only managed to score when the Gnallinger's ironclad defense had also failed to stop Matt. The skaven had miraculously dodged through the chaos dwarves line and scored. Then, the Zealots defense plan had again failed spectacularly as the dwarves had beaten them to a pulp before scoring the final 1-1. - both our plans and theirs have failed. Nothing seemed to work properly... - he said, thoughtful. He could sense some hidden message there.

Praised be Zuvassin! - came a shout from the manager's office. At least, it seemed, the match winnings had been substantial.

Re: Zuvassin Zealots

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2019 8:40 pm
by MacHurto

Zuvassin Zealots vs the Dead and the Restless (Khemri)
TD 2-1
CAS 4-4 (Kills 1-3)

Ssssshhhh! Shut up! It is coming up!

The conversations quickly died down and everyone crowded around the Cavalvision projection, pushing each other to have a better view of it.

And now, Bob, it is time for the "Play of the Week" segment! First one tonight coming directly from Hafnia. It is one of my favorites!

The image shifted to the finishing moments of the Zealots game against the Dead and the Restless. The Khemri squad had managed to equalise with only a couple of minutes to go and had made good use of their team name. 3 Zealots lied dead on the sidelines and another one might never recover. Specially if left alone with the team apothecary.

The camera went for player to player, showing each of their facial expressions before the kick-off. Frustration, anger and disappointment from the Zealots. Cold, deadly indifference from the undead. Utter despair when realising 3000 years old bones don't have any marrow left from Toll the Troll. Then, the kick-off.

Come on, Darkie! Show them! - the team cheered at the screen and patted his back.

The dark elf sat there, stunned. he could clearly see someone that looked like himself, even though felt like someone else, running and catching the kick-off among khemri players. Then, to the amazement of his teammates, the fans and the referee, who was unsure whether that was a legal move, detached the skull from a random skeleton, stuffed the ball in it and punted.

The room exploded with joy. He kept fixated on the screen, oblivious to the deafening yells around him. During the match, adrenaline and instinct had kicked in and his recollection was hazy. He would have bet his only plan was to get the ball as far away from their side of the gridiron as possible. Instead, the little him in the screen seemed very determined. He ran forward with lightning speed, dodged and leaped around his opponents. In a flash, he caught his own punt and rammed into the Khemri's safety line, scoring the final 2-1 seconds later. Behind him, a trail of shattered bones that used to be a Blitz-Ra, was shaped in a double Y pattern.

Praised be Zuvassin! - came a voice from the manager's office. They had signed another sponsor.

Re: Zuvassin Zealots

Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2019 10:09 pm
by MacHurto
Zuvassin Zealots vs Wasteland Chargers

TD 4-1
CAS 5-1 (kills 2-0)
The plan had worked perfectly, thought the dark elf back in the locker room, with a mix of exhilaration and disbelief. Or, more accurately, the lack of it. The Zealots had tried a new technique for this match. No training. No tactics. Not planning the offensive and defensive positioning. 

Just go there without thinking too much, - he had told them. That was something his teammates could do effortlessly - and don't plan ahead, just do whatever you feel like doing.

And it had worked! Zuvassin's attention for mischief ("being a dick" was the technical term, he believed) had been solely focused on the orcs of the Wasteland Chargers, messing with their plans, making them fail foolproof plays and, generally, ensuring chaos ruled on the pitch. 

First, they had decided on a slow bashy grind for the first half. Then, at kick-off, their thrower had swallowed some kind of bug and when he had finally managed to spit it out, the Zealots were already leading 1-0. Later, they had tried to make a containment cage around Ferdinand, the Zealot's pacifist minotaur. A few moments later, two black orcs were laying on the pitch, gored to death. Unintentionally.

At the end, the Zealots had won 4-1, created more bloodshed than in the previous two games combined and performed well above expectations.
Clover approached him with a big grin. The ogre had not had to think anything during the match and had, therefore, been much more active. He had even thrown a goblin for the final touchdown. 

Some skeptics would have said before this match that we are so inept, we would play better not having any game plan at all! - he said to the ogre returning the smile.

Clover scratched his head.

The skeptics be right?- he answered, unsure. He didn't know who or what those were.

We usually are, sir. - the dark elf said, patting him in the back. - We usually are.

Re: Zuvassin Zealots

Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2019 8:43 am
by MacHurto

Today, at the Three Skull Dome, Bolgasgrad, the Zuvassin Zealots and Withergrasp Doubledrool have signed an agreement covering the next two matches of regular season.

Using Mr. Doubledrool extensive experience dealing with pesky dodging players, the Zealots expect to be better equipped to tackle their last two matches against filthy skaven and annoying elves, securing a place in play-offs. It is rumored the veteran star player will get a total of 250.000 gold crowns for his performance. A specific clause has been added barring the Cleansing Fire of Zuvassin to be used during his collaboration with the Zealots.

Joseph Bloatter, general manager, Zuvassin Zealots commented: "I'd like to share a revelation that I've had during my time in Hafnia. It came to me when I tried to classify skaven and elves. I realized that they're not actually blood bowl players. Every Blood Bowl player on the Old World instinctively develops a natural equilibrium between casualties and touchdowns, but those races do not. They go into a match and score, and score, until fans die from boredom. The only way they can survive is to score quickly and move on to the next match. There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. A virus. Skaven and elves are a disease, a cancer of this beautiful game. They are a plague. And Withergrasp Doubledrool... Is the cure."

Both the elf and the skaven playing for the Zuvassin Zealots have declined to comment the above statement, citing contractual obligations.

Signing for Withergrasp Doubledrool, Withergrasp Doubledrool, star player added: "What a cocky little creature. Anyway, we just signed two games because I seriously doubt they will go further. I mean, look at them. That's no Chaos All-Stars, am I right? In any case, I was in the area, sight seeing the Temple of the Ancient Allies and both games are played while I am around. How could I say no to easy money?"

The contract is effective from today and Mr. Doubledrool will play exclusively for the Zealots.


4th game was a 2-2 vs skaven (my opponent will do the write up and I will add it here). He had a MV13, blodge, leap GR and I didn't manage to get him out despite all my best efforts (MB blocks, gang foulings, etc, etc). He equalised in turn 16 after a string of 2+. Nothing to be done about it.

2-2-0 and the ST4 elf got MNG so will likely miss the play offs with this guys. Oh well.

Re: Zuvassin Zealots

Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2019 11:28 am
by MacHurto
The coach of the Elf team replied
After the above statement was covered in an article by Elformation Jamie Canister, head coach and manager of the Frantic Ferrets, had this to respond:
"We, the elves and the skaven, are actually the only real Blood Bowl players out there making the game as great (and profitable) as possible. Fans love touchdowns and the frenzy that follows in the stands. Most fans meet up just to brawl it out with other fans and nothing makes for a better excuse to smack someone from the opposing fan group, then a touchdown. Be it in rejoice or in pure frustration. Every stadium, owner will tell you that! Also! More Blocks are actually made against the elves every time we score, as we have to put players on the LoS and cant just stay out of harms way. If seeing players getting smashed is truly the most Blood Bowl playstyle, elfs provide just that! "
Which, of course, has developed in-game:

On an unexpected twist of events, the manager of the Fragile Ferrets has been sued by the FFFE (Federation of the Fabulous Federated Elves) for some comments made earlier this week regarding the place of elves in Blood Bowl.

The FFFE, an organisation representing the rights of elf players in Blood Bowl, has reacted with dismay and outrage over the statements made by Jamie Canister where he, allegedly, compared elf and skaven players in the same sentence, finding them equal in skill and going as far as saying "skaven, are actually the only [...] players out there making the game [...] great." He then added it was a good thing to "put [elf] players on the LoS" so they could not "stay out of harms way".

Lord Fingalfin, ex Flawless Five player and current chairman of the FFFE confirmed to Tweek! they are pursuing legal action against Mr. Canister accusing him of Crimes against Elfkind, Horned Rat lovemaking (an archaic yet still valid elf crime) and worst of all, distastefulness.

"Mr Canister and his team are a disgrace to anything we elves hold dear. Their effort and drive to win games, instead of showing the right amount of "ennui" are pathetic and un-elf like." he explained to Tweek! and then added while cashing a check from the Zealots: "Not surprising, of course, coming from a Horned Rat lover. Just so disappointing."

Re: Zuvassin Zealots

Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2019 1:59 pm
by MacHurto
(credit to Philip)

The Black Plague - Zuvassin Zealots

TD: 2-2

Cas: 4-5 (kills: 0-2)

Fans: 29.000

Blood: A lot

It turned out to be a bloody match when the Zuvassin Zealots visited the home stadium of The Black Plague in Stoneloose Blood Bowl Arena. Both teams fouled whenever possible, and the refs had a tough time keeping track of the events while sending people off for the fouls they noticed.

The Black Plague started off receiving the ball, and removed a marauder and an orc from the pitch right when the whistle indicated the start of the match.

The rats scored with a few turns left, leaving plenty of time for the chaos followers to answer back, and tie the game just before halftime. At this point The Black Plague had really started bleeding players. They could only field 5 rats for the start of the second half.

To start the 2nd half the rats tried a fireball that injured the Zealots' ball carrier, but they failed in getting to the ball. The Zealots had no problems protecting the ball, and spent most of their effort in chasing down and stomping on The Duke of Fetta, well knowing that even if they scored, he would possible be able to end the game with a one turn TD. The Duke dodged right and left, and luckily avoid serious injury. When the Zealots finally scored, he was therefore ready to work his magic: The Duke of Fette lined up at the line of scrimmage, received a hand-off from a team mate, he made a BEAUTIFUL leap over the head of a maraduer, before he casually ran the last 11 squares and into the endzone for the equalizing TD.

Thanks for a great game. You called the score even before we started, and yes, it's almost like cheating when you play a guy like The Duke of Fetta. He must die... if you can catch him!

Re: Zuvassin Zealots

Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2019 10:55 am
by MacHurto
Zuvassin Zealots vs Piratecoast Partisans (skaven)

TD 2-1
CAS 2-4 (kills 0-1)
What do you mean the bloody rats outbashed you? - the dark elf looked bewildered from his bed at his three, huge teammates. He had been recovering in the hospital for a couple of weeks after a fireball exploded in his face in their last fixture, but the Piratecoast Partisans were a pretty fresh team and should have been a walk in the park. 

His teammates looked ashamed, moving uncomfortably in the small room. 

Moo - said Ferdinand apologetically. The minotaur's ribs still hurt from the beating and they had chipped one of his horns.

Toll the troll tried a smile and presented a sad, half eaten bouquet they had bought for him. He got hungry and had been told the nurses were off-limits.

You good last match? - he asked, nicely.

I better be - he thought, sighting. The team was not ready to take on a power house like the frantic Ferrets by themselves, clearly. 

The match had started well. The Partisans had paid off both the Verminator and Fezglitch to add some necessary muscle. Within seconds of the initial whistle, however, the Verminator had stumbled in Toll's direction. The troll was too stupid to understand danger, so he had just punched the huge rat ogre out cold. Then, after the skaven rushed a touchdown, the halfling referee found out Fezglitch had peed on the sandwich stand and threw him out of the game, irritating rat fans and players alike, who took well care of the annoying monochrome pest. 

From there on, the enraged Partisans had ignored the ball and spent the whole game picking on Zealots that had not managed to get into defensive formation, gang-fouling them. The Zealots had won, though, despite all of that.  

New LoS guy dead - said Clover, sadly.  With 9 deaths in only 5 games, the Zuvassin Zealots were quickly becoming a fan favorite, at least the ones that kept surviving.  - Good we no bother learn name this time.

Re: Zuvassin Zealots

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2019 11:19 am
by MacHurto
Zuvassin Zealots - Frantic Ferrets (pro elves)
TD 2-0
CAS 4-0 (1 kill)
The press was going crazy. It was all a bit overwhelming to tell the truth. Clover the Ogre and his elf friend flicked through the latest Tweek! magazine.

"Winners in the Making.  Still unbeaten and stronger than ever!" read the front page with large red letters splattered over a picture of Ferdinand the minotaur, charging wildly towards the Ferret defense. Of course, what the picture omitted was the small hamster that had jumped to the gridiron and had scared Ferdinand to a stampede. He hadn't looked at rodents again in the same way since that game vs the Piratecoast Partisans.

The article praised the Zealots' performance this season, attributing the success to the management skills displayed by Mr. Bloatter. Both player rolled their eyes so hard they almost popped out of their sockets. The halfling was a scammer and a fraud, it was known. Tweek! had also an interview with the retired Bertha Bigfist who commended the team's achievements during regular season.

"They got a really scary team that doesn't lose. They remind me of the Chaos All Stars's blocking power back in 72, and they seem to be swimming in good luck." she had said before adding, after a thoughtful moment. "Did I mention they are being strangely lucky? I mean, how many sacking opportunities they aborted against the Ferrets?"

"Then the reporter asks: "What about the rumours about a romantic encounter between you and the Zealots' star Ogr..." read the elf out loud.

"Shut up, Darkie." said Clover chuckling, shoving him gently. Gently still meant the dark elf flew to the other side of the sofa, laughing. "We lucky. But not *that* lucky".

Bertha was right, of course. They were being lucky. The Ferrets had a clear plan for victory. Kick in the first half, steal the ball and score in the second. The Zealots, resigned to their God had just pushed forward. No matter how many times the cage collapsed, the elves were unable to steal the ball, and kept falling badly, injuring themselves. The second half, decimated, they had tried to kick the ball away to avoid a 2-0 defeat only to see the Zealots make a perfect long bomb and score. 

"Well, sir, we will need to be *that* lucky if we stand any chance of beating the play-offs" he replied to his friend. " So give her a call, you chicken."
End regular season 4-2-0. Let's see how we do in play-offs :-)

Re: Zuvassin Zealots

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2020 9:25 am
by MacHurto
Zuvassin Zealots - Black Plague (skaven) Quarter Finals
TD 2-1
CAS 6-1 (2-1 kills)
"Good job!" a hurried, overexcited high pitched voice greeted the team when they entered the dugouts "We won!"

The players looked at the small, puffy halfling making overacted triumphant gestures as they all came in.

"They had... the Duke of Fetta" said J. Bloatter, team owner and alleged coach "a rat so fast it could run... leap... and dodge to score a touchdown in just 30 seconds. But... we stopped it!" Nobody knew whether the pauses were him misunderstanding how to build up tension or an actual speech impediment.

"Actually, we didn't" said the dark elf, rolling his eyes "He did score at the end of the first half."

"In 17 seconds" said Matt the Rat. He was a big fan.

"Ehh.. We stopped him!" said the halfling trying to get back the attention of the room "And we won! Thanks to..." he looked around, at each of their faces. It quickly became apparent he didn't even know their names. "Ehh... You!" he pointed at the orc. "And you, big guy" he exclaimed pointing at Toll the Troll.

"Smash?" said the troll, unsure why he was being pointed at, where he actually was or why he was hungry again after eating a whole skaven. Giorgo Gouda the 4th had failed to make an impression, it seemed, following in the footsteps of his three predecessors.

"And you!" said the halfling desperately, tapping Niblog on the shoulder "you sneaky git, you made it possible!"

The team's goblin failed to wake up, both heads snoring loudly.

"He didn't even play. Have you watched the match? And where was the wizard you were supposed to hire to counteract theirs? They fried us out there!"

"To the semifinals!" said the halfling, ignoring the remark.

Re: Zuvassin Zealots

Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2020 8:32 pm
by MacHurto

Orcidas Best Defense Award goes to...

The Mourn Muncher Allstars! With only 4 TD against, the Allstars have proven ogre teams don't need to replace snotlings with disposable gnoblars to be competitive and a tough opponent to beat. However, not being able to kick them around (and, specially, forward) hamstrung their offense, leaving them unable to qualify for Play-Offs. Their coach is sure to make changes next season!


Orcidas Best Offense Award goes to...

The Vermintown Ratskins! The Ratskins have managed the amazing sum of 17 TD during regular season, almost 3 per game. Blessed with some specially potent strain of warpstone, these skaven have mutated into the strongest, fastest and claw...est? skaven Blood Bowl has seen since the 2477-78 Skaven Scramblers! With Glart Sr. leading them, they have a strong claim to the Season VI championship!


Bloodweiser's Best Team goes to...

The Darkland Demolitioners! The Demolitioners did not manage to get into play-offs, likely because they were too busy smashing skulls to remember they had to score touchdowns to win! With so much carnage, however, these chaos dawrves will be the winners in the fan's hearts.

Re: Zuvassin Zealots

Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2020 10:00 am
by MacHurto
Zuvassin Zealots - Frantic Ferrets (Elven union)

TD 1-0
CAS 4-1 (1-0 kills)
The team sat down around the Cabalvision projector to see who they would face in the final. The Orcloaf Pummelers and the Vermintown Ratskins fought each other today for a spot, and they were both really tough opponents.

The orcs were going strong in their second season, having reached semifinals twice in a row. True to their name they had pummeled every other team into submission until now and were set on snatching the title on their second try. The Ratskins were new to Hafnia and their inexperience might be their downfall.

Those skavens are blessed by the Horny Rat - said one of the marauders, jealous.

Horned Rat. - replied the team's own skaven - It is called the Hornet Rat, you simpleton.

He was right, though. - thought Darkie. They all had huge claws and bigger muscles than the usual rats. Both teams would most likely give the Zealots a spanking. Maybe they would have been better off losing their own semifinal?

His mind wandered back to the match against the Ferrets. The elves had done an extraordinary defense, stopping the Zealots from scoring. Quite unexpectedly, actually. But then, even more surprisingly, they hadn't managed to succeed their own drive and the Zealots, after a lot of elf-bashing and some ball stealing, had won the game in a completely flabbergasting come-back.

Oh, well.  - He decided with a shrug, taking a handful of popcorn. If they had got this far anything was possible - Zuvassin's Will be done. 
So, got to the final with Chaos Pact and it will be vs TV2000 skavens with 4x claw, 2x ST3 GR and a one turner or vs very bashy orcs. Not very promising :-D

Re: Zuvassin Zealots

Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2020 2:21 pm
by MacHurto
Zuvassin Zealots - Frantic Ferrets (Elven union)

TD 1-0
CAS 4-1 (1-0 kills)
The team sat down around the Cabalvision projector to see who they would face in the final. The Orcloaf Pummelers and the Vermintown Ratskins fought each other today for a spot, and they were both really tough opponents.

The orcs were going strong in their second season, having reached semifinals twice in a row. True to their name they had pummeled every other team into submission until now and were set on snatching the title on their second try. The Ratskins were new to Hafnia and their inexperience might be their downfall.

Those skavens are blessed by the Horny Rat - said one of the marauders, jealous.

Horned Rat. - replied the team's own skaven - It is called the Hornet Rat, you simpleton.

He is right, though. - thought Darkie. They all had huge claws and bigger muscles than the usual rats. Both teams would most likely give the Zealots a spanking. Maybe they would have been better off losing their own semifinal?

His mind wandered back to the match against the Ferrets. The elves had done an extraordinary defense, stopping the Zealots from scoring. Quite unexpectedly, actually. But then, even more surprisingly, they hadn't managed to succeed their own drive and the Zealots, after a lot of elf-bashing and some ball stealing, had won the game in a completely flabbergasting come-back.

Oh, well.  - He decided with a shrug, taking a handful of popcorn. If they had got this far anything was possible - Zuvassin's Will be done. 
So, got to the final with Chaos Pact and it will be vs TV2000 skavens with 4x claw, 2x ST3 GR and a one turner or vs very bashy orcs. Not very promising :-D

Re: Zuvassin Zealots

Posted: Thu Feb 13, 2020 6:27 am
by MacHurto
Well, lost the final. Strange game, with only 1 CAS per side despite MBs, DPs, claws and chainsaws :-D

At the end, the elf rolled double one for a 1D shot at the ball carrier that would have changed the game. Luck was pretty even, so I was worse at positioning, at the end of it. Anyway, fits the fluff that Zuvassin gets them all the way to the final and then, they lose it :-)