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The Destroyit Lions

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2020 8:32 pm
by Yozhikus
Driven southward by their urges for mad destruction, olive skinned brutes crashed a ritual of "Khorne" nearly two years ago. Barry Scramderz would not be denied treading into the opposition's endzone. Grots and snots scampered wild with malicious glee.

Now the Lions have set their red eyes upon north central Naggaroth, the so-called Grind Cities, to spread disorder and mayhem across the vast region. Do they face a subterranean threat or would be colonists from the Old World? The war drums rumble with the waning of today's sun.

Chapter 1: Swift Eagles
Spies from across the great ocean keenly observed the absence of Scramderz who had appeared publicly elsewhere alongside representatives of famed Spike! Magazine. The remaining Lions unknowingly entertained foreign agents. They agreed to a "friendly" match.

The Lions kicked to the opposing outsiders...