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Team England EurOpen selection for Greece 2024

Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2024 2:32 pm
by KFoged
(Part of the Team England newsletter no. 3)
This decision was made using the same application process, considering those coaches who expressed an interest in representing England in both formats. The selection process was by vote with committee members ranking preferences.

The team we have put together is selected with the aim of providing England with a team that should be able to play for the big trophy. The team holds a lot of experience, but also gives space for two new caps.

Selected to represent Team England at the EurOpen are:
Geggster, NippyLongskar, Scouseboy and Thulean.

Geggster - Paul is a mainstay of Team England (in fact he is England’s most capped player). His results at team events are always really strong and he is hugely experienced with all BB races.

NippyLongskar - Nippy is another very experienced player, often preferring fast teams such as Skaven and Wood Elves. His record in BB2020 is strong and his performance at team events has always been really steady.

Scouseboy - has been knocking on the door of the TE set up for a number of years. Craig’s consistency is commendable with a strong win ratio, particularly with his longest running races of Lizardmen and Undead.

Thulean - The newest member of the squad to the BB scene Liam has been pulling up trees this last 18 months with a number of notable performances, especially at tabletop tournaments. He was the highest rated Amazon coach at the World Cup and has backed that up with a couple of other tournament wins in the last year.

The committee are really excited to see how both teams get on and we’re very pleased to see a diverse team that represents England’s fantastic Blood Bowl community. We hope that you can cheer on the team in whatever way you can and look forward to seeing many other English coaches out in Greece too.

Kind regards,
On behalf of the Team England committee as Team England Captain for Greece 2024