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Post by Purplegoo »

Hi gang,

Please check out the latest item on the NAF Facebook page for details of a charity project we're undertaking (a lovely idea of Nate's). If you wish to make donations at the NAFC, I'll be the one doing the collecting. I will make myself clear and obvious first thing on the Saturday morning during registration and then at other times on the weekend (if Andy lets me near the microphone... ;)), so please don't be shy and seek me out if you have a donation to make.




Post details:

While Blood Bowl coaches are perhaps best known for their bloodlust and devious gamesmanship, there’s a kinder side to our community as well. For over the past decade, charitable Blood Bowl tournaments have raised more than $50,000 and £30,000 for a variety of good causes, including several types of medical research/treatment, support for disabled veterans, funding for family shelters, and even veterinary aid. In most cases, these funds are raised through both ticket sales and the raffling of Blood Bowl merchandise.

The NAF is often approached for assistance in these efforts, but we don’t have much in the way of physical prizes to donate. Instead, we are going to act in as facilitators, gathering gifts from donors and then supplying those gifts to tournaments in need of them.

Here’s how it works:

- There are 4 designated tournaments at which you may donate items: The NAF Championship (UK), Chaos Cup (USA), Eurobowl (UK this time) and Dungeon Bowl (Germany). Just show up to any of these events with a bundle of Blood Bowl stuff (or general-purpose gaming gear that might be of genuine interest to Blood Bowlers). If you can’t make it to any of these tournaments, you could ask someone to donate on your behalf, or otherwise please get in touch to discuss the possibility of other options.

- Hand your loot over to a representative of the NAF, who will give you at least one raffle ticket in return. (If you bring a massive pile of things or items of particular value, you might get more than one.)

- The NAF will distribute these donated items to charity tournaments all over the world.

- Prior to each NAFC, beginning in 2019, we will hold a drawing to select one raffle winner from those coaches that donated. This person will receive some sort of fancy gift (in 2019 it will be a Dornbirn World Cup pitch, which you’ll be able to preview at this year’s NAFC). If you can’t make it to the NAFC, the prize will be shipped to you free of charge.

Easy enough, right? Thanks in advance for helping with this initiative and for encouraging your fellow Blood Bowlers’ philanthropic efforts.

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Re: NAF Charity Project

Post by lunchmoney »

Could you share more info here? For those of us who dont do bookface.

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Hired Goon for the NAF (rep for South West England)
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TOs! You do not need multiple copies of rosters. It's a waste of paper.
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Re: NAF Charity Project

Post by Purplegoo »

Sure - I’ll edit the OP within a couple of hours when I’m at a laptop. It’s also on the Twitter, which I know you’re more into.

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Re: NAF Charity Project

Post by Jip »

lunchmoney wrote:Could you share more info here? For those of us who dont do bookface.
Could you share more info here on how you intend to wrestle the microphone off Hawca? I’m looking forward to seeing that showcase of Strip Mic vs. Sure Hands! :lol:

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Re: NAF Charity Project

Post by Purplegoo »

I'll tell him someone is being mean about Wales outside the venue. Bait and switch. ;)

OP updated.

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Re: Blocksfam

Post by thor87 »

If a logo is ok'd before the weekend, I am hoping to make a load of big badges for anyone donating to Blocksfam or direct to Thrud.

Badges are a no go am afraid c logo hasn't been ok'd by GW or Carl Critchlow.

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Re: Blocksfam

Post by Purplegoo »

That's very generous of you, I hope you run out of badges early on! :)

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Re: Blocksfam

Post by Purplegoo »

It’s only bloody NAFC Eve. Hopefully Blood Bowl Santa delivers me your Blocksfam donations on the morrow; I’ll be clear, obvious and carrying a swag bag. I don’t think the EMCC has a chimney, so he’d better just go via renewing with Lycos like everyone else.

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Re: Blocksfam

Post by Purplegoo »

Well. You were as generous as I had expected and then some. Thanks very much, NAFC Blood Bowlers!

I've come home with an overflowing box of donations; so many that I won't be able to catalogue them before going away for more Blood Bowl tomorrow. I'll do that next week. But I do know we came away with double digits numbers of pitches, teams, new GW merch, dice, cards and other bits and bobs that will help us raise a packet for charity. These donations will be sent to charity tournaments across the NAF world as donations to worthy causes, and will no doubt be gratefully received!

Thanks again, and remember that we'll do the raffle before the next NAFC.

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Re: Blocksfam

Post by lunchmoney »

Did you get around to cataloging stuff?

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Hired Goon for the NAF (rep for South West England)
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TOs! You do not need multiple copies of rosters. It's a waste of paper.
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Re: Blocksfam

Post by Purplegoo »

Not formally, no. I ended up sending half of it out before I could. I have half remaining that will be sent to Thrud and the Chaos Cup in roughly equal chunks.

From memory, we received donations including (but not limited to - please don't feel deliberately left out if not listed!):

- Two roll-up pitches
- > 10 hard pitches from the last edition
- Two new BB2016 Trolls, a BB2016 Goblin team, a painted BB2016 Orc team, a Black Gobbo / White Dwarf
- Painted 3rd Ed. Dark Elfs
- Lots of bare metal third party minis, including at least three full teams and a few stars / tournament minis
- Thrud stars and player cards from previous years
- Casualty cards as seen at the NAFC, and the 2018 NAFC gift
- Tournament D6 / Block dice of a few varieties
- A special play card from recent GW events that goes for a fair few pennies on e-Bay

It was quite a spread of stuff, and the NAFC crowd were most generous. The next collection is at the Chaos Cup, and then the Eurobowl. Expect loud noises before time. ;)

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