Gentlemans/Ladies agreement for a draw

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Gentlemans/Ladies agreement for a draw

Post by TheShepherd »

I was wondering if there is a protocol for this in real life?

I've heard it said at many a tournament "Tell you what let's call it a draw and head to the bar" and I know that in Chess the Draw by Agreement or Grandmaster Draw is a thing and I was wondering if it really happens in Blood Bowl.

My game six at Exiles against Rubick (sorry to drag you into this) before the game we both said the draw bar thing and to be honest after having very little sleep the night before and facing a 3 hour drive home I would have been more than happy to go through with it (lemonades only for me of course). In the end we decided it wasn't in the spirit of things so percievered which resulted in a win for me.

Has anyone actually done this?
If you were at a tournament and someone did this would it upset you as you feel everyone should compete through it all?
If you are a TO would you allow it?

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Re: Gentlemans/Ladies agreement for a draw

Post by lunchmoney »

Judgement call based on individual case.
If it were done as you sit down I'd be a bit wary. Entering a draw, even 0-0 0-0, can affect the table - especially if Strength Of Schedule is being used as it gives all previous opponents an SOS point boost.
If I sat down and my opponent said to me, “Let’s call it a draw and head to the bar” but I wanted to play it through I’d expect to be given a concession win.

If it were turn 14, the game is currently tied at 1-1 and neither side can potentially score, then I'd be ok with calling it a draw and getting a drink in (unless I was hunting CAS).

Are both coaches, when you get down to it, conceding? Should they actually both be given whatever concession score is given at the tourney? (Exiles Open is -6, for example).

hmmm… Tough one to decide.

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Re: Gentlemans/Ladies agreement for a draw

Post by Glowworm »

I pay to attend tournaments to play a set number of games, even tho' I often lose everyone I still want to play them, so although I often say this I would be horrified if my opponent was happy to give up their win for a draw!! :D

As a T.O. I would be unhappy if this happened at my tournament, as Al said it can affect other coaches final standings, I don't use strength of schedule as a tie breaker however if I did and one coach who was in a "prize winning" position was a close friend of one of the guys involved in this and their opponent had played either one of them I'd be very sceptical.

You cannot stop coaches from conceding, life happens, but not playing to sit around whilst everyone plays?? Poor, poor sport!

2 days, 6 games, 3 hour drive......... Man up DaPiranha!! How are you going to cope with the WC?

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Re: Gentlemans/Ladies agreement for a draw

Post by Loki »

Although these things do happen in Chess they are not universally accepted. Personally it just doesn't sit right with me.

I totally empathise and have had the situation where you go into a match knowing that nothing personally rests on the result for either participate short of do you finish 9th/10th/15th or whatever (comfortably mid-table) and you are out of contention for most-cas/td, stunt cup, etc but I would never really consider offering/accepting an 'unfought draw'. I always want that last Win :)

If I was TOing I would encourage the two participates to play their game.

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Re: Gentlemans/Ladies agreement for a draw

Post by TheShepherd »

In truth I hadn’t thought that a draw would affect the overall standings really. Interesting point about a dual concede, I would never concede a game, before or during no matter how bad things got, as I think that is disrespectful to my opponent who has paid the money and travelled to get there. If it affected the overall standings and particularly where strength of schedule is used then I would completely agree that it’s a no no.

As I said it’s one of those things that gets bandied about and I was curious as to the reality and whether it would affect things. That game was the first time in my 5 years of playing that I said it and thought “actually I mean it this time” but if the above is true then I would never have done so.

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Re: Gentlemans/Ladies agreement for a draw

Post by frogboy »

@DP, I'd expect you to want a draw against me or concede :lol:

Mate if you both agree and your having a sh**y time, got a headache, fed up, legs falling off, having a bad day or whatever then I'm sure people can understand that you might want to call it early. You both paid and its your money.
I can see why people are saying they don't agree but at the end of the day I'd rather see you happy and comfortable than leave with no desire to go to another tournament. So what if it effects the final standings, it's just a game with random results all through it.

If both opponents don't agree though then that's harder, must be a concession, but again your call if you need a rest before driving home. I'd be fine if someone said to me that they ain't feeling well for whatever reason and wanted to concede, I mean I'd feel rude if I was like "no you will bloody well sit at the table till your finished young man!" Really ?

Maybe they could offer some kind of compensation at the bar or the next tournament you both attend. I know that it doesn't quite make up for missing a game if you really want to play it.

But if your just saying you rolled some dice and dint get pow's and its so not fair boo hoo then man up! It's ok to get ill but if your just not winning then it would be unfair, plenty people spend a lot of time on the bottom tables and still play and have fun.

Just saying :orc:

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Re: Gentlemans/Ladies agreement for a draw

Post by Darkson »

lunchmoney wrote:If it were turn 14, the game is currently tied at 1-1 and neither side can potentially score, then I'd be ok with calling it a draw and getting a drink in (unless I was hunting CAS).
This I can live with.
Would be a more willing to accept it if an event doesn't use SoS.

But in the case where it's because you're feeling knackered and/or under the weather, why not just let the TO know before the last round is drawn and ask to be removed from the draw. That way no opponent is denied the chance to play a game. As a TO, if I wasn't playing I'd jump in, if I was playing I'd drop out.

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Re: Gentlemans/Ladies agreement for a draw

Post by adhansa »

We are human. We are able to read the general state of things in other people. If playing an unimpotant match while suffering from low bloodsugar/sleep deprivation/noise headache and reading that your opponent has the same level of motivation, why play?

You won't have fun, and the result won't be the same as if you were both motivated, so the influence on SoS will be schrewed anyway. But mostly just the "it is suooposed to be fun" argument.

If on the other side, the uninterest is onesided, from you or your opponent, it is bad sport to deny someone who has spend time and mone attending the tournament from a match.

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Re: Gentlemans/Ladies agreement for a draw

Post by TheShepherd »

As I said I wouldn't want to adversly affect anyones tournament (other than by beating them and that happens pretty rarely anyhoo) and certainly wouldn't ever concede and force someone to lose playing a game whether they were my opponent or a TO on a different table. I'd much rather struggle on and have done.

It really was the academic point as I mentioned, having heard the phrase repeatedly and being vaguely aware of the potential in other gaming systems.

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Re: Gentlemans/Ladies agreement for a draw

Post by Gaixo »

Darkson wrote: But in the case where it's because you're feeling knackered and/or under the weather, why not just let the TO know before the last round is drawn and ask to be removed from the draw. That way no opponent is denied the chance to play a game. As a TO, if I wasn't playing I'd jump in, if I was playing I'd drop out.
This is the way to do it. If you wait until the draw has been made, aren't you sort of saying that you would have been up for it if a different opponent had been drawn?

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