Darth Stunty - He who will bring balance to the Stunts...

Got some ideas for rules? Maybe a skill change or something completely different!!! Tell us here.

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Post by GalakStarscraper »

DamnDirtyApe wrote:Ogres will be removed as BG options for Halflings come the next LRB review, eh? And double for Goblins? That news is bound to bum out our Halfling coach... He bought 2 Ogres just for that team.

I can only imagine how much complaining he'll start with...

Galak, you have that info on a pretty reliable source? Also, what is prompting that change in the rules?

Emails from Jervis and 2 other BBRC members.

As for what is prompting it ... well JJ's comment was that in October the Ogres will either be removed entirely from the Stunty teams OR have their price raised to 240k. Now since Ogres and Goblins have a loooonnnggg relationship in BB (since 1st edition), the way I read JJ's statement is that the OR is split between the teams Halflings lose the Ogre (Halflings and Ogres have never been linked in BB until recently) and the Goblins go back to getting them for 240k.

Now why is it happening ... well the truth is that the Stunty teams were both meant to be paying 240k for Rookie Ogres, BUT JJ told the BBRC that this year the rules should contradict the printed Handbook as little as possible. THUS, since the Handbook does say that rookie Ogres cost double for this one year they ruled that they don't. Next year, when the "don't override the printed Handbook rule" is not hanging over the BBRC's head ... rulings like this one will get fixed properly. Note ... all the following comes from emails that I've had with JJ. So when you ask where is it coming from ... the answer is that the 120k Ogre is a completely fluke of nature due to a printed loophole that will only last officially for one year. FOOTNOTE: If I don't see one Halfling team at the GenCon BB and/or the Blood Bowl tournament with two 120k rookie Ogres and Deeproot ... I'll be very depressed. This is the year to abuse a Halfling team in a tournament if there every was one.

Possible other options is that both teams will lose access to Ogres or both teams will now get them for 240k. Personally, my money is on Halflings lose, Goblins pay double ... its just matches the fluff and the history of the game so much better.

So it definitely is going to happen of this I have ZERO doubt. The only variable is which effect will happen and to which teams of the two possible choices.

And if you are playing Halfings with 2 Ogres and STILL losing ... well he's needs to work on his strategy a bit more ... two Ogres is a major blessing to a Halfing team.


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