Our New Kick-off Table

Got some ideas for rules? Maybe a skill change or something completely different!!! Tell us here.

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Post by Jared »

my biggest kick off niggle is changing weather,

you roll a 7 oh no hte weather changes too,,,,,,,, Exactly the same ie no changing weather despite the suggestive name

now if it was called Weather Prediction - The weather forcast says were due to for a weather change roll a new on the weather table id have no problems,

My idea for
Changing weather - Oh no a fan has gotten hold of a scroll of weather change, and decides to use it to help his team, unfortunatly he hasnt exactly got control of the spell
roll a d6
1=Sweltering Heat
2=Very Sunny
5=Pouring Rain

this in my view makes it more likly something will actually happen and can make things more interesting imho

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Post by plasmoid »

Hi Jared,
if you want more effect from your "change the weather", perhaps try this:

roll a d6:
1-3: Weather moves "up" once on the weather table (towards sweltering heat).
4-6: Weather moves "down" once on the weather table.

Martin :)

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Post by plasmoid »

Hi all,
well - now my league has used the new kick off table for six months, (around 450 games). As commish, I ran 2 polls just last week, regarding the table:

Poll 1: How do you like the new kick off table?
*I like it: 14 coaches.
*I'd like one with even less impact on the game: 10 coaches.
*I'd like the old one back please: 2 coaches.

Poll 2: How do you like the new "super rerolls" (from fans/coaching):
*I like 'em: 21 coaches.
*They're too good: 5 coaches.

So, I'm pretty satisfied with the results, both as a commish and a player.
Note that the fact that quite a few coaches would like an even weaker kick off table may have impacted the poll regarding super rerolls.

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Post by Alesdair »

This is the changing weather rule that our league has adopted, called Onyx's Sliding Scale.
Once you have rolled on the weather table before the game, get a spare (distinctive) d6 and use it to keep track of changing weather. The initial weather roll is displayed as follows.
1 Sweltering Heat
2 Very Sunny
3 Nice 4-6
4 Nice 8-10
5 Pouring Rain
6 Blizzard.
The players agree or flip a coin as to whether the Nice 7 result goes on 3 or 4.

During the game when the ‘Changing Weather’ result on the Kick-Off table is rolled, a d6 is rolled and compared to the weather d6. If it is less then the weather d6, the weather d6 is lowered one point and the weather changes accordingly. Likewise if it is higher the weather d6 goes up one point. If it is the same then the weather doesn’t change.
We think this is quite easy once the general trend is understood, slightly more realistic, and increases the chance of getting 'interesting' weather.

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Pass me another Elf, Captain. This one's split.
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