Alternative Humans

Got some ideas for rules? Maybe a skill change or something completely different!!! Tell us here.

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Post by mattgslater »

Carnis wrote:First off, one of the big things I have to agree with was joemanji's 10k AV8->AV9 is undercosted in "the formula". That's why I'd pick an orc blitzer, over a human blitzer every time. Every time.
I agree with the second point, but not the first. MA6-7 in the comparison is a full 10k more than AV8-9, which isn't right. If you knocked 10k off the Human Blitzer, or added 10k to the Orc, I'd pick the Human over the Orc every time. As is, with cheaper Orcs, it's the opposite. So I say MA6-7 is worth about 15k, give or take. It's rounded in favor of Orcs and against Humans, but they get objectively better Throwers and cheaper TRRs. Theoretically it should be a wash. The problem is that the marginal overpricing on BOBs isn't as important as the marginal underpowering on Catchers.
Carnis wrote:Second off, ST3 human catchers at MA7/AV7 are ghouls. They're nothing less, nothing more. Ghouls are not that spectacular players, its the undead team in the whole which is spectacular
Another point of departure. 0-2 big guys rocks, especially when they're reliable big guys. Wights are a joke: 10k more than an Orc for a player who's only 2/3 as injury-resistant, even if he's of comparable loss risk. They only look good because nobody else can handle the ball and consistently hang in to a high level of development, and because they never have to go to the D-line. Ghouls would be great players if they could be Apo'ed, but as is they turn over too fast. Human Ghouls could be Apo'ed.
Carnis wrote:So my strong opinion is, 8x MA7 would not be a problem, nor would it make the team faster. It would make oneturning nearly impossible, though.
Yeah. Is that a good thing? We're not trying to nerf them.

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Post by mattgslater »

Got doubles on a Human Catcher last Saturday. Took Nerves of Steel, will tell you how it goes. He may only get one more game, as the season starts next week and I'll only play Humans if we have an odd number of coaches.

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Post by Frozen Yakman »

Carnis wrote:
Frozen Yakman wrote: 1) Give Linemen S access on Normal for no price increase. This wouldn't help tournaments but should help their longevity as team by allowing them to develop a sturdy front line.
2) Give the Blitzer a new helmet with Horns on it. This change is pretty big and should be accompanied by an appropriate cost increase but I predict it would change the dynamic of the team in the desired fashion without changing the roles of the players.
I don't agree with #2 btw. Anyway the essential message is: give them developmental potential, whilst keeping them human.
Give the human linemen GSP access (Chaos allstars marauders, without mutations).
Could the answer then be just increasing altering the availability of skills to human players on normal rolls?

GSP-A Linemen?
GP-AS Catchers?
GSP-A Throwers?
GAS-P Blitzers?

Not suggesting implementing all of them, but even just 2 of them would increase the flexibility of the team and without changing their role or that of their players.

GSP Linemen gives them Guard access which allows the Blitzers to roam a bit easier.
GP Catchers is unusual but Normal access to NOS and Dump-Off would make the position much better. Moving A to a Double isn't crippling since but also makes Doubles significant to them.
GSP Throwers allows them to combine Accurate and Strong Arm to create a long-pass game on par w/ an elf team as well as making it easier for them to assist the linemen when they don't have the ball.

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Post by mattgslater »

Too weird for what's supposed to be a vanilla team. Just a little bump on Catchers or a bit of a price break... that's all this team needs.

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Re: Alternative Humans

Post by Lamanzer »

Human team is interesting but not enough good to be a top 6.

Blitzers are expensives, but is it a problem? No
Catchers are weak/expensive and so on, is it a problem? No
This team needs just an up, not player's profile change in my opinion

What about?

0-16 Linemen 6338 G-ASP 50k
0-2 Throwers 6338 Pass, Sure Hands GP-AS 70k
0-2 Catchers 8237 Catch, Dodge GA-SP 70k
0-4 Blitzer 7338 Block GS-AP 90k
0-2 Blocker 4429 GS-AP 80k
0-1 Ogre 5529 unchanged S-GAP 140k

Mov 8 catchers like other passing team, but 2 slots only
Str 4 Blockers like bashing team, but 2 slot only
==>> A flexible team, closed to another "human team': Norses, top 6

(Perhaps only 0-2 blitzers)

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Re: Alternative Humans

Post by Smurf »

Do you want to play orcs or humans?

I think the humies are fine. You can begin the game with 4 players with block and 2 with dodge!

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Re: Alternative Humans

Post by Joemanji »

!!! !)

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Re: Alternative Humans

Post by EastCoast »

I'm obviously waaaaay late to this party, but why not keep the roster as is, but give human throwers +1 MA? It seems like that would open up additional options without overhauling their entire playstyle.

Maybe I'm out of my mind, but having a mobile carrier like that would possibly make the defense respect the run more which may in turn make the catchers more effective at their jobs without adjusting their stats.

Or am I just insane... it's ok, you can tell me, I can take it.

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Re: Alternative Humans

Post by Grumbledook »

Human throwers can run the ball fine as it is. I've got to the semi finals (still yet to play it) with humans in the ECBBL (london league)

It is the catchers that are the weak part of the team, they just aren't as effective, you only have to see the tactics section with human threads to see how people recommend against catchers.

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Re: Alternative Humans

Post by EastCoast »

Grumbledook wrote:Human throwers can run the ball fine as it is. I've got to the semi finals (still yet to play it) with humans in the ECBBL (london league)

It is the catchers that are the weak part of the team, they just aren't as effective, you only have to see the tactics section with human threads to see how people recommend against catchers.
Granted, human throwers are fine as is for runners, but they are also decidedly average in their stats. If you move them up to MA 7, they are suddenly on par with at least the Skaven throwers. The ability to shrink the passing range ruler makes the passing option much better for humans than it is now, which in turn enhances the catcher without mucking with their stats (In fact, they probably could still use an AV bump, but I digress).

If somebody wants to play kill the catcher against you, you have a fast enough running attack to make them pay. At the same time, if they overcommit to your run, you can roll your thrower out and get off a quick pass to your catcher. It doesn't change the human playstyle, it just makes what they do more effective.

Long term, MA 7 throwers are going to scale pretty well. Right now one of the human problems at higher TVs is that their positionals are too average to keep up with other teams. Their starting skills become less valuable because other teams can get the same skills, but they are rocking 4 AG, or 4 ST, or have universal ST or AG access on their players.

Look at the positional match up with Orcs for example, 4 Blitzers, 4 BOBs, 2 Throwers vs. the 4 Blitzer, 4 CA and 2 (MA7) Throwers. That seems to even things out to me.

Existing problems noted in the thread:
1) Human catchers are easily removed on defense
-Catchers would still be easily removed on defense, but you've added 2 Additional MA 7 players available on defense. I'd say this solves that problem, you don't need to field any or as many catchers on defense.

2) Human blitzers are too expensive when the inevitably get crunched. You now have 2 viable MA 7, Str 3 players that can be pseudo-blitzers in a pinch.

3) Catchers are too expensive for what they do. Catchers are the same price, but if you're catchers are overcosted along with your blitzers, and your thrower is now undercosted (I'd say significantly so), you've made that a wash. Also, now your catchers will probably only play on offense, and they are much better suited for the role of catching.

4) A lot of human coaches like the way the current team plays. This doesn't really change the way they play, it just makes their ability to improvise mid-drive more powerful.

5) This seems like a less drastic change then adding 4 MA7 Blodgers.

Yeah, catchers are the weak link, but I don't think that means your focus should only be on them. I also think that you shouldn't avoid tweaking a positional just because it is adequate at it's current job, especially if that change can benefit the whole roster.

PS. Good Luck in the semi finals!

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Re: Alternative Humans

Post by Grumbledook »

making the catchers ST3 makes more sense than speeding up the throwers

running the ball is not currently an issue for human teams

you could use either a blitzer or a catcher if you want to move it faster

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Re: Alternative Humans

Post by EastCoast »

Grumbledook wrote:making the catchers ST3 makes more sense than speeding up the throwers
I respectfully disagree. I'd rather have the MA 8 catcher, variety is the spice of life! The thoughts of fielding 6 MA 7 players, 4 MA 8 players, and a ST 5 Ogre gives me a tingle in my naughty parts. Not that I'd field that particular roster, but it's nice knowing that you could. :P
running the ball is not currently an issue for human teams
I'm fairly certain I've never made a claim to the contrary. I think the 2 Additional MA 7 players offer more flexibility on offense and defense without losing the really cool MA 8 catcher.

you could use either a blitzer or a catcher if you want to move it faster
Yes, yes you could. But then your blitzers wouldn't all be ablitzin' and you're catchers wouldn't all be acatchin' :orc:

Question for you, which roster would you rather square off against if given the choice, the current, the MA 7 thrower, or the MA7/ST3 catcher roster?

And if given the choice which sounds the most fun to play with?

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Re: Alternative Humans

Post by Grumbledook »

I said make the catchers ST3 not MV7 :wink:

I'd rather face the current one obviously else there wouldn't be a point to this whole thread!

Having catchers that are more useful would be way more fun to play than a Thrower who can move one square further.

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Re: Alternative Humans

Post by EastCoast »

Grumbledook wrote:I said make the catchers ST3 not MV7 :wink:
Good heavens! 4 MA8/ST3 Blodgers?!? Yeah, I could see how that might be more effective :o

I was strictly speaking in regards to the +1MA thrower being a better alternative then the -1MA /+1 ST catcher.

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Re: Alternative Humans

Post by Grumbledook »

I'd still rather have ST3 catchers with AV7 than MV7 throwers.

Catchers don't start with Block either

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