Painted miniatures rule

Got some ideas for rules? Maybe a skill change or something completely different!!! Tell us here.

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Post by Darkson »

Trouble is, I really am so bad at painting I can't even get them to the standard of the left one, let alone the right :o . And, yes, I have tried. I "painted" my Mordheim Skaven and my converted Necromunda gang.

Strange thing is, I'm quite happy to build and convert models but can't stand painting them. Suppose I just find to get a mate who hates building them but loves painting. :D

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Post by DoubleSkulls »

christer wrote:so I took two hours and painted up all 16 of them in a standard
Absolutley no way I could paint 16 minatures in 2 hours - to do it up to even that standard would take me at least 2 hours per mini. My poorly painted HE probably took me over 8 hours and they aren't done to the same standard as yours.

I don't believe that painters really appreciate how truely awful people like me are at painting. I lack the patience and manual dexterity to paint well and quickly. I've tried painting consistently, and it just takes forwever and I always make mistakes.

For WFB I've given up and now only buy painted models (I've had some models for 15 years and they are still unpainted).

However I agree that BB is much better when painted models are used and coaches need to be encouraged to paint. If encouragement paints and decent excuses are lacking then start applying penalties.


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Post by Ixnatifual »

I usually play with close friends, and I'm pretty much the only one who has painted any of my miniatures (about half a human team). We frequently use the orcs and human teams to represent any kind of team - GW miniatures are just too expensive to buy any time you feel the need to have a new team.

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Post by Darkson »

OK, I can offically withdraw all previous comments from this Thread as I FINALLY have a painted team. :D After the Spiky Open I'm the proud ower of a 14 strong team of Skaven + converted Rat Orge (converted old chaos troll). Just need to make the conversions for a kicker and 3-4 linerats and the team will have a complete roster. Then I can start on the coach, cheerleaders etc. :roll:

Thankfully i don't have to paint them (their in exchange for some IG figures) :D

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Post by Trambi »

Congratulation Darkson. (I see my ogre mini disappaear)

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Post by Al the Rat »

Painting seems an appropriate topic for my first post. I have recently returned to a BB league that I last played in 6 years ago. The hall of fame still has my human team listed as best painted team! Mostly I think because it is the only painted team, (barring the commish's dwarves which are incomplete). The irony is that I detest painting. I have no talent or flair for anything but base coats, and quite frankly have better (ok other) things to do than something I see as a chore. I'd rather wash up! Whilst I much prefer using my painted humans, as opposed to my half-painted skaven on the basis of asthetics painting is such a minor part of the hobby imo. It is about the game, playing the game and developing your team and playing more games, with this in mind I much prefer to play the fast flowing style of the skaven. After my 6 year gaming drought if I were told I could only play (or would be penalised) with fully painted minis I wouldn't bother with the game. I've got better things to do than vye with elitism in what's supposed to be entertainment. But that's just my tuppence.

Oh yeah and I have no paints!

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Post by cunningstunt »

again, i have to question this;

how can you justify painting being 'a small part' of the hobby - painting is not a part of blood bowl 'the game'

but painting is a part of the games workshop hobby - wich blood bowl is, in turn, a part of. theres nothing elitist about saying that people should have painted models. it goes with the territory. its like saying "dang, those elitist with their cars with radios in em'" - its non sensical, becasue

a) the discussion is about rules in a league - it is therefore safe to assume that most of the coaches are at least moderatley experienced
b) blood bowl is a specialist game - ie, fanatic. it is also therefore reasonalbe to assume that most of its players are experienced, and more than likley veterans of the hobby.

so my friend, you ARE the elite.

There are more important things to worry about.

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Post by Grumbledook »

There are new people taking up blood bowl all the time, its not an elitist game.

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Post by Zombie »

In my current league, in the current season, 4 or 5 of our 13 coaches are playing for the first time. Last season, the number was about the same.

Force people to have painted figs, and you'll cut down the influx of new people by a lot.

Around here, there wouldn't even be a league at all with such a rule.

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Re: :/

Post by Al the Rat »

cunningstunt wrote:so my friend, you ARE the elite.

There are more important things to worry about.
I kinda like being classed as the elite, though I'm sure the number of players using minis in their "lead camo" outnumbers the expert painters and Golden Demon entrants, so I suspect I am in amongst a large proportion of players ... the underclass perhaps.

But I do agree there are more important things to worry about, which is why I think it is farcical and elitist to be so petty about painting. My point is that it drives off the players that are not all consumed by GW as hobby. Personally I have given or thrown away all my minis for GW games except my BB teams and Necromunda gangs (and my Dark Angel 40K army, but then I did spend six years of my yoof painting them...badly). I do not want to be totally immersed in GW, I don't have the time, the inclination or the money. But I do enjoy playing BB (and Necromunda). A league that forces people to paint all their teams and to convert all their SPs is a commitment that I cannot and will not make, and I suspect I am not the only one. Now is it the individual or the league that suffers more? An individual is discouraged from playing and so quits all together, a league loses a coach, the other players are down an opponent, they lose variety whether the team was painted or not. This is why it is elitist to force people to paint.

Grumbledook I agree it is not elitist if it continues to attract new players, but existing coaches refusing to play or penalising unpainted teams is elitist, and it will drive people away. The beauty of BB is that it is so contained, you need nothing more than the box and the teams it contains, start adding conditions of play and people not totally devoted to gaming as a hobby will lose interest and leave.

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Post by cunningstunt »

i never said blood bowl was elitist, wich would mean that those who play the game shun new recruits - far from it, i think bloob bowl is a very welcoming community, wherever it is played.

nor did i say that there are no new players - of course there are. what i was suggesting, as an opinion, is that those people who do take up blood bowl as new bloods or whatever, are more than likley to already be invloved in the hobby - and therefore be veterans.

veterans are expected to be able to paint. at least to be able to base coat up to standard tournament 3 colour. wether this is true in the majority of cases io cant say, but in my experience (and i will stress that this is simply my experience) most people who want to get involved in blood bowl leagues are veterans, know the right end of a paintbrush and could (if they wanted to) paint models to gaming standard (3 colours).

im not being petty, remeber what this thread is about - rules for painted teams in a league. i wouldnt be so ridicolus as to say "you there, why arent those gutter runners highlighted to evy metral standards? GET OUT!!" and nor am i suggesting that you shouldnt play blood bowl with unpainted models. what i am saying is that 10, 20 minutes of painting a night to show a reasonable progression in a team to a painted standard is not an unreasonable thing for a league commisionar to want.

but feel free to flame away, guys ;)

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Post by Darkson »

:pissed: :pissed: :pissed: :pissed: :pissed: :pissed: :pissed: :pissed: :pissed: :pissed:

Just to keep you happy :lol:

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Post by Darkson »

In all seriousness though, I am one of the majority/minority (depending on who you talk to) who doesn't paint. I would consider myself a veteran of the GW (and Roleplaying, but I like to keep that quiet :) ) having first gamed over 15years ago.

I have a total of 16 painted models in my collection, none of which I painted myself. I also can't aford to pay the prices I see bandied about for painted mini's, so that's another avenue closed to me. I'm not proud of the fact I have so few unpainted models, as i agree a pitch or battlefield of painted models looks much better, but I would have hated someone 15 years ago to say to me " I've got an extra 100pts/re-roll/whatever because my models are painted and yours aren't".

I would've missed out of 15 years of fun, some good friendships (2 of my regular gaming buddies are my daughters godfathers) and something that I needed to think about in my boring, mundane job.

I'd hate to think this attitude, IF rigidly applied, pushed people away from the hobby.

Please note, none of the above is directed at anyone in paticular, so please don't take any of it personally.

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Post by Al the Rat »

Sorry Cunning it was not my intention to come across so aggressively. I didn't mean to flame anyone or for my opinion to be taken as a flame.

I do however stand by my opinion. I think house rules encouraging painting are one thing, but when it steps into the realm of penalising gameplay because they are unpainted is a step too far.

But I suppose I better get my act together if want to go to the blood bowl next year.

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Re: elitist?

Post by Zombie »

cunningstunt wrote:what i was suggesting, as an opinion, is that those people who do take up blood bowl as new bloods or whatever, are more than likley to already be invloved in the hobby - and therefore be veterans.
Well, all i can tell you is that out of about 15 new players that i've seen in the last 2 years or so, only one or two had ever played a GW game before.

Of course, Blood Bowl leagues that are held in GW stores will have more people coming from other GW games, but keep in mind that most BB leagues are not affiliated with any GW store and are free from the ties (including painting) that this involves.

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