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Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2002 8:06 am
by Trambi
Acerack (Chet) don't make the dragon ogre as star players :sad:
With a trait like "take root", and his price, it seems already difficult* to have one of the pitch.

*added in edit

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Trambi on 2002-03-28 08:07 ]</font>

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2002 11:20 pm
by DaFrenchCoach
On 2002-03-28 04:09, Lucien Swift wrote:
oh but DFC, you must remember that i am responsible for the foundations of one of the two chaos halfling rosters, the pixie team, the clan axme skaven, and several other less bizarre roster discussions as well...

i would have still pointed out that this gives the chaos team more movement than it deserves, but not really cared much beyond that... however, the addition of another big guy option, and an especially powerful big guy at that, and a big guy with two to three negative traits...
Sorry Lucien, but you identity isn't shown when you come on this board... I carefully take a look on chaos halfling roster on Galak Website, and I don't see "Lucien Swift" as author, but Chet, Phil, Tom, David... real life people... So I don't HAVE TO remember you're the responsible etc... Many thanks in advance to forgive me if I don't know your Blood Bowl contributions by heart :wink:

One more time, I don't try to make a new big guy super strong and super fast for chaos team roster... I only thought Chaos Halflings didn't have 2 BG like others ST2 teams (goblins, halflings), and look for another possibility in WHB world... Of course, you don't have to play with DO. But if you think my first question wasn't so a waste of time, maybe you'd have a better solution.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: DaFrenchCoach on 2002-03-28 23:23 ]</font>

Posted: Fri Mar 29, 2002 2:20 pm
by Lucien Swift
and I don't see "Lucien Swift" as author, but Chet, Phil, Tom, David... real life people...
i'm in there somewhere... just remember that one guy in all of bloodbowldom seems unable to end a statement with simple period and you'll never go astray...
One more time, I don't try to make a new big guy super strong and super fast for chaos team roster... I only thought Chaos Halflings didn't have 2 BG like others ST2 teams (goblins, halflings), and look for another possibility in WHB world... Of course, you don't have to play with DO. But if you think my first question wasn't so a waste of time, maybe you'd have a better solution.
well, then in that case, lets change the focus of the discussion altogether, from 'how to make a dragon ogre' to 'what's up the chaos halfling roster?'

personally, i don't think they should have the champion or a big guy option... here's my version of the CH roster, basically as i'd originally envisioned it:
<table border = 1 width=500>
<tr><td colspan=9 bgcolor=#66ccff>Chaos Halflings</td></tr>
<tr><td>0-16</td><td>Chaos Halfling</td><td>40,000</td><td>5</td><td>2</td><td>3</td><td>6</td><td>Guard, Razor Sharp Fangs, Stunty</td><td>G</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan=9>Rerolls Cost: 70,000</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan=9>Allies: None</td></tr>
i've played this team many times, and i get exactly the result i want... they scare the hell out of the other guy, injur a couple of players, but get absolutely squished. the CH's should be no more likely to win a game than the regular halflings, and in fact, i'd prefer to see them be even less effective at playing the game, since they're just angry little meanies... this team is sort of what the hobgoblin team always was in fluff, they're a crowd favorite because of their utter brutality, but they don't seem to understand the idea of picking up the ball and getting one of them touchdowns people talk about so much...

at one time, this team could add up to 2 regular chaos warriors to their roster... this made the team something else entirely... the CW's were pretty much set for life, with swarms of guard assists around them at all times they'd walk up and down the board, blitzing and scoring far too easilly...

the point being that the "strength" cult approach to the CH's goes from a neat idea to an unbalanced bit of gamesmanship the second a normal player gets onto the team. on a team like this, it is important not only to the integrity of the fluff, but also the flow of the game itself that there be no allies...

now, if you're using the 'immortality version' of the team, the situation is quite a lot different, and this team has a legitimate claim to big guys, but i'd be quick to point out that they should be less useful than treemen in order to keep the CHofI team balanced with the regular halfling team. the CHofI are a little better than regular halfsies (having regeneration), so the big guys on the CHofI team need to be a step down from trees to keep the two teams on par... really, the only existing big guy that i would consider a step down is a troll, and that's debateable... and it doesn't look like the dragon ogre, unless it winds up being so hamstrung by negative traits it's useless altogether, is going to be that required step down...

and finally, *phew*, i'm not sure if dragon ogres fit into the yum fluff... they're renowned for being lethargic, not for being gluttons... make the big guys for the CH team something that is known far and wide for it's incredible appetite and maybe you'll talk me into it....

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Lucien Swift on 2002-03-29 14:21 ]</font>

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Lucien Swift on 2002-03-29 14:21 ]</font>

Posted: Fri Mar 29, 2002 2:33 pm
by tommy316
If the only way to get a Dragon Orge on the pitch is to make him a Star Player, then how about something like Thrud?

One of the only Dragon Orges to prefer the pitch to the battlefield. Ravenous tired of taking orders in the Chaos army and decided to head for the fame and money of Blood Bowl, not to mention the carnage.
Ravenous is a Freebooter who will play for ANY team.
Ravenous may only be hired for one match he must then be re-hired after each game. Appearance Fees are included.
COST: 50k
MV: 6
ST: 5
AG: 2
AV: 9
SKILLS: Mighty Blow, Frenzy, Stand Firm
TRAITS: Bonehead, Thick Skull, Wild Animal, Claws, Prehensile Tail
Sleepy Head: After each touchdown and at the start of the second half roll a d6. On a roll of 5 or 6, Ravenous feels a little sleepy and is taking a nap (and do you think you can find someone to willing to wake him). Set him in the dug-out until the next kick-off, roll again and see if he is awake yet.

Just an idea (ripped off some of it from Thrud) to get a DO into BB.

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2002 7:47 am
by Trambi
No star players :mad: :mad: