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Re: Brettonians, really why not?

Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2010 12:14 pm
by sann0638
Tish, and I only got a handful of replies:

Re: Brettonians, really why not?

Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2010 12:47 pm
by burgun824
Geoff Watson wrote:
burgun824 wrote: So I asked myself, "Why?"

Answer: Nurgle is the only team you can specifically point to and say, "That's there because of the WH world with no other reason."
And Skaven, Chaos, Chaos Pact, Chaos Dwarf, Underworld, Khemri, and a bunch of positionals.

There is a lot of Warhammer fluff in BB. Not as much as there used to be, but it's obviously based on Warhammer if anyone looks.

Yes...WH fluff is present in many BB teams, but WH is based on a fantasy world and expands upon things that have been around for a long time. Any of those things you mentioned can be found in other fantasy worlds in one form or fashion. Hence the reason that I made the distinction that it's there for "NO OTHER REASON." And it's not that Knights can't exist in this fantasy world but calling it Bretonnia gets a little too specific for my personal liking. I'm also not a fan of Nurgle having it's own team. It's approved though so there isn't much that can be done about it.

I would be willing to accept a new roster if it were approved by the BBRC and not based specifically around Bretonnia. But keep in mind that I accept things because that's the way they are every day of my life. It still doesn't mean that I like it. Luckily for me we're a long way off from that. Not to mention that heavily play tested roster of plasmoids still has some pretty hefty cheese in it and would need to be nerfed a bit.

Re: Brettonians, really why not?

Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2010 9:36 pm
by thrysstan
a nice team will always give me the temptations to paint it and play with it ! :lol: :lol:

Re: Brettonians, really why not?

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 10:12 am
by plasmoid
OK - a lot of people point out that (a) BB world isn't the Warhammer World, and (b) there has been a shift away from Warhammer looks towards 'spikes and leather'.
I agree on both counts.

(a) The BB world is based heavily on the Warhammer World. Certainly the denizens of the BB world are all present in the Warhammer world. Most telling is probably the Skaven team. Skaven are unique to GW, they are not in 40K, but are unique to the world of Sigmar Heldenhammer - i.e. the "Warhammer World".

(b) Let's not exaggerate the shift here. Take a look at the Skaven roster again. No new team of miniatures. Certainly not a re-write of the roster - Same line-up as before. Heck, it even still has Gutter Runners! Only change is the Storm Vermin are now Blitzers. Hardly a fundamental shift in the way teams are designed!

(c) Everyone agrees that Blood Bowl is headed back to it's golden roots. The glory days of previous editions. Finally - the Slann. Chaos All-Stars. Underworld Creepers. If only we could have more of that authentic quality flavour.
We'll how about these 1st edition Albion players:
Let's have some of that :orc: - but with some spikes and leather thrown in for good measure!

Re: Brettonians, really why not?

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 12:43 pm
by Darkson
plasmoid wrote:Most telling is probably the Skaven team. Skaven are unique to GW, they are not in 40K, but are unique to the world of Sigmar Heldenhammer - i.e. the "Warhammer World".
Bzzzzzzttt!!! Wrong, but thank you for playing! :wink:

Skaven are in 40K, they've just never bothered to do anything with them. They're named the "Hrud", and they're mentioned now and then in various codexes. Couple of pics have been shown, one in Jes Goodwin's sketch book, and in a pic of various aliens in an older 3rd ed codex(but I can't remember which).

[edit - found a bad scan of some of the Goodwin pics]

[edit II - though it seems GW are now trying to distance themselves from that idea:]
From the book Xenology:

Right, that's enough 40K talk - I might get hit by the irge to buy a SM. :puke:

Re: Brettonians, really why not?

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 1:03 pm
by plasmoid
Well I did say are, not were.

Re: Brettonians, really why not?

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 8:33 pm
by artjones123
plasmoid wrote: (c) Everyone agrees that Blood Bowl is headed back to it's golden roots. The glory days of previous editions. Finally - the Slann. Chaos All-Stars. Underworld Creepers. If only we could have more of that authentic quality flavour.
We'll how about these 1st edition Albion players:
Let's have some of that :orc: - but with some spikes and leather thrown in for good measure!
This would be some great revival! Albion Wanderers deserve to be back on BB.

Re: Brettonians, really why not?

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 11:59 am
by ombwiri
Would people be happier if Plasmoid's Brettonian team was kept the same but renamed Albion Wanderers?

Re: Brettonians, really why not?

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 12:21 pm
by Xadie
I don't care how they're called at the end. I just like plasmoids Cockerel and think they're a good addition to Blood Bowl.

Re: Brettonians, really why not?

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 2:10 pm
by Long_Bomb
In the RT era sniper rifles could be equipet with Rodotoxin which was effective against Skaven. It was however of little or no use as no other reference to Skaven have to my knowledge made it into the 40k Universe. There is currently an effort to distance 40K from Warhammer.

Re: Brettonians, really why not?

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 2:28 pm
by inkpwn
Long_Bomb wrote:In the RT era sniper rifles could be equipet with Rodotoxin which was effective against Skaven. It was however of little or no use as no other reference to Skaven have to my knowledge made it into the 40k Universe. There is currently an effort to distance 40K from Warhammer.

So GW you got rid of any referance to beastmen, squats e.t.c in 40k huh. So why the dillio do you still have rattlings and space mongolians?

Re: Brettonians, really why not?

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 2:30 pm
by inkpwn
If you look in the warhammer fantasy battle rulebook there are diagrams of skaven weaponary that include warpstone powered chain saws and powerfists. Subtle GW subtle.

Re: Brettonians, really why not?

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 3:01 pm
by burgun824
ombwiri wrote:Would people be happier if Plasmoid's Brettonian team was kept the same but renamed Albion Wanderers?
I would be happier with the roster if it were called 'Noblemen' and looked more like this:

0-16 Men-at-Arms 40,000 6 3 3 7 None GSP A
0-4 Yeomen 60,000 6 3 3 8 Fend GS AP
0-4 Knight 120,000 6 3 3 9 Block, Dauntless GS AP

0-8 RR @ 50,000 GP each
Star Players available - Helmut, Zug, Zara, Griff, Morg

That's it...sign me up for the BBRC...I rule. :D

Re: Brettonians, really why not?

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 3:44 pm
by Danzeru
burgun824 wrote:
ombwiri wrote:Would people be happier if Plasmoid's Brettonian team was kept the same but renamed Albion Wanderers?
I would be happier with the roster if it were called 'Noblemen' and looked more like this:

0-16 Men-at-Arms 40,000 6 3 3 7 None GSP A
0-4 Yeomen 60,000 6 3 3 8 Fend GS AP
0-4 Knight 120,000 6 3 3 9 Block, Dauntless GS AP

0-8 RR @ 50,000 GP each
Star Players available - Helmut, Zug, Zara, Griff, Morg

That's it...sign me up for the BBRC...I rule. :D


Re: Brettonians, really why not?

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 5:48 pm
by Asperon Thorn
1. Fluffwise, Knights would not be found on the Bloodbowl pitch. Being a knight is a sacred calling that is both militant and spiritual. Chivilrous knights protect the weak and when not called to war they are training for war or upholding law and order in the lands they are swarn to protect. OR they are participating in some sort of holy quest.

Playing a low-down dirty sport for the pleasure of the mob is not something a Brettonian knight would do. Not now, not ever. Dignity, man, dignity.

2. I am one of the rare few that actually does not believe that BB needs more teams. In fact, I think there are too many. They don't all fit. The more teams that are added the less distinct each one gets and not only are they less interesting, but it makes the similar teams less interesting. I used to enjoy playing Chaos, but now there is Nurgle, so I don't enjoy playing either. I liked the interesting distinct play of Undead, but now there is Necro and Khemri as well, and again. . . all three lose interest to me. I don't want the models I just don't care about the three of them. Yes, I understand that all three play differently but they are subtle compared to Undead and Elves.

Call me old fashioned, but I don't think we need to change the rules or add teams anymore. I can't remember the last time the MRC (Monopoly Rules Committee) got together to rebalance Mediteranian Ave. Or add another neighborhood.

Asperon Thorn