House League rules

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House League rules

Post by BobbyDavro »

I did post this on the GW BB forum, but didn't get any feedback, so apologies if anyone read it there as well.

We have been putting together some modified rules for our new (5 or 6 teams) league that we will be starting next month, and I would appreciate some feedback. Are their potential problems that we haven't foreseen? Will it unbalance the games too much?

Some of this is taken from other websites, but the home and away system is ours, as well as the new financial system. The aim of the home and away game system is to create real dread at the thought of facing a hostile crowd by letting home teams get away with more fouls and lots more cash.

League Points
Following the same rules as soccer, you will get 3 points for a win and 1 point for a draw. Because the games are played in a league basis, there is no extra time available in the event of a draw. League placement will be based on points, then touchdowns.

Home and Away games
Each team will play a home and away match against every other team. The principle difference between home and away matches is the number of fans that a team can muster for each game.

Game Fan Factor
Prior to the game, each team calculates the fan factor that they have brought with them to the game, known as the Game Fan Factor.

Game Fan Factor = Current Fan Factor
+1 If the opposition is in the upper half of the league.
+1 If the team won their last game.
+1 If the either team is due to field 1 or more Star Players.
-1 If the opposition is in the lower half of the league.
-1 If the match is played in bad weather.
-1 If the team lost their last game.
* ½ if the team is playing away from home (rounded down).

For example, a team with a fan factor of 7 playing away from home, having won their last game and fielding a star player will bring a Game Fan Factor of: (7 +1 +1) x ½ = 4.5 = 4 (rounded down).

Fan Factor limitations
You must purchase a minimum Fan factor of 4 to begin with. It is highly recommended that you purchase a Fan Factor of 8 or 9, given the increased dependency upon the fan factor in these mods.

Game Earnings
Each game, you earn money in proportion to your Game Fan Factor; i.e. how many fans you managed to bring to the game. The amount received varies slightly due to the effects of merchandising, burger and soup sales, illegal tickets, programme sales, corruption etc.

Both teams receive $20,000 + (D10 * $10,000) for each of their Game Fan Factors. The home team also receives an extra (D10 * $10,000) for each away team Game Fan Factor (burgers, programmes, raffles etc).

Wage Bill
After each game, you will be required to pay your players. The salary of players is equivalent to 1/10 of their purchase cost per game, plus $1,000 for every 5 star player points. For example, a veteran Dwarf Long Beard (cost $70,000) with 17 star player points will demand a salary of $10,000 per game. Thus most teams will have a wages bill after each game of around $80,000 to start with. You have to pay every player on your roster, not just those who appeared in the game.

Dodgy Dave’s Discount Debt Management
When funds get tight you can always resort to borrowing money. Dodgy Dave is happy to lend you up to $200,000 before a game, but he will expect payment afterwards, with just a moderate level of interest (25%).

Failure to pay in full immediately after a game will results in a visit from Dodgy Dave’s associates. Randomly select a player from your team; this player is beaten up. Make an immediate injury roll. Add a +1 modifier to this roll for each previous attack of this nature. This will happen after each game until the amount is paid off in full.

Selling Players
Alternatively, you may feel the need to sell off players to a decent premiership team… or anyone who will take him. A player’s transfer value is:
Original Cost
+ $10,000 per 5 star player points.
- $15,000 for each niggling injury.
- $30,000 for each permanent injury or ageing effect.

Transferring Players
Rather than simply selling a player to an outside team, you may wish to transfer him/her to another league team to try and get a higher price. The cost of the player to another team is the value of the player (as calculated above) plus a transfer fee, which can be negotiated between the two coaches. This is the only way that a team may purchase players outside of their normal team restrictions.

Referee Intimidation
Once a player has been red-carded, the player may attempt to use his fans to intimidate the referee into reversing the decision, allowing the team to keep the player on. Each player calculates their Intimidation Score by rolling a D6 and adding their Game Fan Factor. Now compare the difference between the Intimidation Scores. If the coach of the offending team beats the other team by 6 (plus any modifiers) or more, the referee will reverse the decision. There is no limit on the number of times intimidation can be used. A roll of 1 by the offending team’s coach will always result in failure.

Modifiers: Each time a referee is successfully intimidated, add +1 to the score required for future intimidations.

Crowd intimidation may be used instead of your coach heckling the referee. If the crowd is attempting to intimidate the referee then the coach will simply not be heard over the roar.

Advertising Income
You will receive an additional $50,000 of advertising revenue at the start of the season, for promotional services rendered. The money will arrive right after the first game, once you have proved that you actually have a team playing in the league. [This is to ensure that teams playing their first match away do not go into debt immediately]

Conceding a Game
If one coach concedes the match then the loser automatically removes 2 points from his Fan Factor. In addition, any players in the loser’s team that have 51 SPPs or more will leave the team on a D6 roll of 1-3. Roll separately for each player with 51 or more SPPs to see if they leave.

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Post by gallowin »

Wow! That's a lot of stuff to keep track of. How has that been in the pre-game sequence? Do you build in extra pre-game time to calculate costs?

Our league points are a little different: 4pts Win, 2pts tie, 1pt loss plus 0.5 each TD & 0.25 for each casualty. Your number of touchdowns & casualties is compared against the amount your opposition racks up against you and the difference is then added or subtracted from your league points. Players that only manage to beat their opponents by one TD each game won't do as well as someone who outscores their opponents by a large margin.

And for financial security the league bank has enlisted the aid of Thrud to enforce any and all debts not paid. He automatically plays for your opponent in your next game. We of course allow Thrud's 1 in 6 to switch sides after each drive but he goes back to the opposition after that drive.

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Post by Ithilkir »

Too many words!!! *brain melts*

Seriously though. Try and limit the number of house rules and make them as simple as possible, otherwise people lose track, mistakes happen and rosters end out completely screwy.

Simpler the better for house rules :)

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Post by BobbyDavro »

While it may look like a lot, there aren't actually that many 'new' rules there. The main difference is the finance system where we use home and away games and player wages. We have really just followed the format for football (soccer) leagues.

We have tweaked these a little since I first posted them, as well as adding some more, and have been putting a site together for our little league here:

I am just waiting for the final team rosters before I can finish it.

Gallowin, there is more to keep track of, yes, but I have incorporated as much as possible into our modified team roster excel spreadsheet (available on the site). This automatically calculates player wages, values etc.

With regard to people keeping track of things, I will also be keeping a central copy of everything, and we have a nice little "match sheet" that we have compiled for recording everything that happens, so that we have a written copy if something is disputed.

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Post by VampyrSoul »

Power to you.. As long as everyone agrees to all the rules, then there should not be a problem. Give every team a copy and then there should be no problems. And since you will be overseeing things with your copy, not much should go wrong.

I mean, the books and rules that come with the game are guildlines, unless you are playing in acutal BLOOD BOWL leagues at a GW store. So, if you take some of them and modify them to fit your HOUSE league, then, have fun!

Let us know how it works!

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I am not that mean .... I am just plain evil.
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