new skill

Got some ideas for rules? Maybe a skill change or something completely different!!! Tell us here.

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new skill

Post by Khar-peth »

i created this from a 2nd ed. skill :
"up and under" a player with this skill can kick the ball sooo high that it takes a long time to come down.the player may choose any square to place the ball up to short range,roll the dice with only modifiers being opponent's TZs,on a result of 1 it's a "classic" fumble,any other result is a successful kick.the special part is that the ball comes down only at the end(immediately after the last action) of the opponent's turn!because of the high kick the rebound is important so the ball scatters three times (like hail mary pass)but goes 2 squares in each direction(so the ball can land 6 squares away from the target!)
some might say "but where is the ball during the opponent's following turn?" and the answer is "in the air!"
this bring more mayhem-if needed!-to the game and IMO some new tactical side because of the uncertainty ("where will land the ball?")
failing to catch an up and under on your turn should obviously lead to a turnover...
so what do you think ?

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Post by grimfang »

its an interesting rule... but if you use that rule, you would be forced to specify which player is kicking the ball... under the current rules, i do not think you need to declare exactly who kicks the ball. This creates another bacth of concerns... if you need to declare a specific individual to kick the ball, then you need to worry about his field position (kicking from the line of scrimage, inside a tackle zone would be a problem.) AND... if position on the field is an issue, then the range ruler comes into use again... etc.
I like the rule, really... and you can choose to use it without incorporating all these little details. I believe that the "up and under" was eliminated BECAUSE of all the additional rules it created.
Personally, i miss the days of the "kicker" on the field.
Also... i think the "up and under" met its demise with the invention of the turn counter... i am sure that had something to do with it.

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Post by Khar-peth »

at last a little feedback!
i'm sooo proud!
well i apologize for my poor english,it's maybe the reason why you misunderstood the use of the skill : you dont use it on kickoff but when the player with the skill carries the ball and it works kinda like a pass action !
the little difference is the pass is not resolved at once, the rebounds,catch and so on are delayed until the end of the opponent's turn.
you get me?

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Post by Thadrin »

I think the ball should land at the end of you opponent's next turn, eliminating any problems with turnovers. Otherwise, if the scatter takes the ball to - for example - a Troll or mummy you're screwed for a turn.

Nice idea. Passing skill methinks.

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Post by plasmoid »

Nice idea,
perhaps better suited as a "kick-off" skill?

Does kicking the ball require you to take a passing action?

Either way, I'm not sure I understand Thadrins comment.
Failing a catch roll isn't necessarily a turn-over (think bouncing ball here), so causing a TO would kind of depend how you worded the skill in the first place.

Martin :)

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Post by Khar-peth »

"kick off" skill?
is it a new skill category?(maybe for leagues using kick rules?)
anyway i think upandunder should require to take a passing action in order to avoid devastating combos ( run,handoff,run,pass,run kick...) this should be tested.
as for Thadrins comment i think he means that scatter, rebounds and catching should be done at the end of the opponent's turn to prevent full turn loss (like wild animal does sometimes...) and i agree with him;if a player catches the ball then it shouldn't count as a completion...

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Post by Skummy »

Couldn't someone use this skill to break the game a little bit? What happens if you secure the ball, your opponent has one turn left, and the ball hangs in the air for their entire turn? Your opponent is left with no chance to win the game.

It would limit the one turn scoring potential on kickoffs, though.

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Post by Khar-peth »

well,okay;my english is really that bad :( ?
my idea when bringing upandunder was not to use it for kick-off but as a passing action!so you couldn't negate oneturners but you could take time on your side(just like "ball control"players do!)
you have to carry the ball (and have the skill!) to use upandunder.
in this form the skill is not overpowering and brings a little more strategy...for some teams;example: slanns ,with dodge and stunty you can send a bunch of skinks in loose formation,use upandunder and hope the ball will eventually get to you! meanwhile the opponent can't take you the ball... [/b]

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Post by Skummy »

well,okay;my english is really that bad ?
:) No, it was the "Kick" bit that threw me off. I'd suggest that the name of the skill be changed to "Punt". You're essentially lobbing the ball high up in the air in a defensive manner, which is very similar to the NFL puntine mechanic.

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