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About BB anual and Chet's kicking rules

Posted: Thu May 09, 2002 2:56 pm
by Ancalagon
I received yesterday my BB anual 2002. I waited for it a month and a half. Now no one could get it from me unless it's grabbed from my cold dead hands. I readed some of the articles, but I have to admit I haven't read again the rules (I readed them more than once when translating them to spanish). I readed Chet's kicking rules and laughed a lot with this about dirty kicking :D I still haven't tried nor read carefully those rules, but at first sight they seem to me unbalancing; elf teams can base it's way of playing on grabing, run a few squares and kick the ball... Anyone has tried them? And... anyone has a list of all errata on the anual?

Posted: Thu May 09, 2002 3:13 pm
by GenoNBBL
I've already questioned this in another thread (can't remember where) and I found them to be broken. I then realised I'd been using them wrongly! So next week we're going to play test them a bit within our league but they do look like fun. I'd love giving a Goblin 'dirty kick' if he rolled a double. As the little blighter could run up to the biggest of players and give him a swift kick in the family jewels and bring him down. Then all his mates could rally round for the foul! :lol:

You'll find that Galak (Tom) has tested these in over 200 games (it's in the article) and from what he's said they are very well balanced. Best thing to do is try them for yourself and see what you think.


Posted: Thu May 09, 2002 3:38 pm
by Acerak
elf teams can base it's way of playing on grabing, run a few squares and kick the ball...

I'm not sure this will work very well. The Elf team in question has to sacrifice a thrower for the kicker, and then...well, if you mean that an Elf team could base its game around one-turn Field Goals, that's possible. But I wouldn't advise it. For starters, it's not so difficult to defend; second, Field Goals just aren't worth as much as a touchdown!

Now if you mean that Elf teams can simply kick the ball away, they'd do better to pass it. It goes farther, and it's more reliable.

Try them out, and if you have any questions, ask here or e-mail me at My local leaguemates almost lynched me when I suggested that we wouldn't use Kicking next time around because it was still Experimental! So of course I recanted :)



Posted: Thu May 09, 2002 3:38 pm
by Deathwing

Posted: Thu May 09, 2002 4:07 pm
by Ancalagon
:oops: I think I should try them before talking :oops:
I hope I have some spare time soon to play almost one match using them. I have two matches this week; today against undead and if win against woodies (chaos cup semis and final), and another match against another undead team (league) this weekend.
Well, what about those errata lists??

Posted: Thu May 09, 2002 4:21 pm
by GalakStarscraper
Thanks for posting the link DW.

There was absolutely no way I was typing that whole thread again on why the kicking rules are fine.


I like em

Posted: Mon Jun 10, 2002 6:50 pm
by Piepgrass
To me the kicking rules look bath wellthoughtrough and ballanced.
I have read a lot on them and have strated to play with them, and so far they seem very interesting.
