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If you change your email account linked to your profile

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2007 2:11 pm
by Darkson
If you change your email account linked to your profile, your account will automatically be set to inactive (I haven't found an option to turn that off), and you will be unable to log on.

If you want to change your email, and still have access to TBB, please do one of the following:
a) Send a PM to a Admin (not a Mod) requesting the change - remember to include the new email address!
b) After doing it, send an email to Webmaster[at]talkbloodbowl[dot]com with details of the account name you've changed, and the new email address you're using.

As soon as we can, one of the admins will then re-activate your account.

If you don't follow either of these steps, your account will stay inactive, and you will be unable to access any part of the website except to read this "Announcements" section.

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 12:21 pm
by Darkson
Please note that although we're asking you all to make sure your email is upto date before the hopeful move, your account might not be reactivated beforehand. We'll try our best, but obviously, things might get a little hectic soon! :wink:

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 9:53 am
by Darkson
All deactiovated accounts have now been reactivated.