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Imminent Site Upgrade

Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2007 12:12 pm
by JenniRP70
Hello all,

I have been severely neglecting TalkBB over the past several months....err, years!!....and have not been paying attention to the problems that exist, mainly the new member sign up process.

One of the things I have been waiting for for the past few years is the release of PHPBB 3.0 and I'm pleased to say that it happened a few days back. With this new release comes many new features for message boards and a definate advancement for PHPBB 2.x users.

My plan is to process this upgrade over the Christmas period and hopefully ease the sign up process.

For those of you who are yet to be activated please bear with the admins and moderators and things will be dealt with asap. I plan to make an announcement about new members waiting for activation soon.

Apologies for my negelct of you all and I hope to improve things at TalkBB as a way of repaying you for your continued interest in the site.



Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 10:18 am
by JenniRP70
Unfortunately I've been suffering with flu since Christmas Day and haven't really done anything at all, let alone start an upgrade to TalkBB.

I am still planning on getting it done, but the timescale has now grown a little.



Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2008 10:15 pm
by JenniRP70
A lot later than planned, but I have started testing the upgrade process from phpBB2.x to phpBB3.

I will also be incorporating the phpBB3-Portal mod if everything goes to plan on my test site.

Stay tuned for more info, it is happening at last.


Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 5:10 pm
by JenniRP70
Testing is going well at the moment. The main database upgraded nicely and I was able to get phpBB3 active with talkbb data failry quickly. Unfortunately, the search db is not migrated and has to be rebuilt from scratch, this is a very time consuming process but thankfully it can be done in stages.

I've not started on building in the phpBB3 Portal mod yet but will hopefully have a go over the weekend.

It looks like everyone gets reset to the default skin so I'll need to get some new ones, or design one myself!! (I might be in IT for a job, but web design is not my strong point).



Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 11:45 pm
by JenniRP70
Now got a portal setup but still not finished the search database.

Feel free to check it out at, but remember it is not live and subject to re-installation/deletion at any time.

Let me know what you think.

