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Re: Good Blood Bowl Sevens Team lists?

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2018 12:14 pm
by PercyTheTroll
Gaixo wrote:There are a bunch of transcription errors, mainly owing to incorrect assumptions. Variants probably need to be revisited at some point for BB2016 and to address other issues that have cropped up, anyway.
If you need a hand I'd be happy to volunteer.

Re: Good Blood Bowl Sevens Team lists?

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2018 7:51 pm
by nightwing
I want to give a shout out to the always (generally correctly) rarely utilised Dark Elf Assassins. Took 2 of the little blighters in a recent 7s tournament, and they were great- in an environment with (very likely) zero rerolls, Shadowing is amazingly useful- and of course, they are still elves at the end of the day :wink:

Re: Good Blood Bowl Sevens Team lists?

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2018 7:56 pm
by E99
I'm starting a local BB7s league and I'm currently considering the following team lists:

Chaos Renegades:
Minotaur, Ogre, Dark Elf, Goblin, 4 x Human Renegades.

3xBlitzers, Yeoman, 5 x Linemen (or 3 x Linemen and an Apo + 30k).

Rat Ogre, Blitzer, Gutter Runner, Thrower, 3 x Linerats and an Apo (or another Linerat).

High Elves:
2 x Blitzers, Catcher, Thrower, 3 x Lineelfs.

Bloodthirster, Herald, Bloodletter Daemon, 4 x Pit Fighters.

Ulfwerenar, Runner, Berserker, 5 x Linemen, Apo, 10k.

I just can't decide... :)

Re: Good Blood Bowl Sevens Team lists?

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2018 8:04 pm
by howlinggriffon
I did remarkably well with a Chaos Pact team in a Sevens tournament - I went with all three big guys, the skaven and three marauders. My reasoning was that when there's no rerolls, everyone's a loner anyway. Finished 2nd :)

Re: Good Blood Bowl Sevens Team lists?

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2018 8:15 pm
by E99
You're absolutely right! But our league will allow 1 double costed reroll, so not so sure on the 3 guys build. I tried the above roster in two games against a vampire team (2 x Vampires, 6 x Thralls and a reroll). The first game I KOed 1 and injured the other vampire, so it was fairly easy. The second my Minotaur got BH by blitzing a Thrall and my Ogre got KOed by a thrown rock. Lost that one 1:0. :)

Re: Good Blood Bowl Sevens Team lists?

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2018 8:16 am
by E99
I think I've narrowed my choices to:

Chaos Chosen:
Minotaur, 2 x Chaos Warriors, 4 x Beastmen.

Dark Elves:
2x Blitzers, Witch Elf, Runner, 3 x Lineelfs.

What do you think?

Re: Good Blood Bowl Sevens Team lists?

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2018 3:14 am
by Digger Goreman
After a few games, these three teams are performing ok:

Danse Macabre/Necros/2-0-0
3x Zombies
Ghoul w/pass
Ghoul w/catch
Wight w/MiB
(Wight started with team and fired after second game)
Werewolf hired for upcoming games

Hard to say they are doing "great" as their two games have been against goblins and an all skink lizardman team.

S'not Funny/Nurgle/1-0-2
5 Rotters (one fired after third game)
3 Pestigors (started with one; bought the others after games two and three; first pestigor is awaiting a skill roll)
Beast of Nurgle w/Juggernaut

Lost 0-1 in first two games against Orcs and Humans. Surprisingly won third game against a 4x gutter runner skaven team: 2-0.

Blackwolf's Mutants/Chaos Pact/2-0-1
5 Marauders (fired one after third game) Three skill ups on three Marauders: Diving Tackle; Sure Hands; +Ag
Minotaur (in first game, double skulled against a goblin and received -Ag)
Skaven w/Extra Arms
Goblin (bought after second game)
Delf (bought after third game)

My opps keep playing stunties, so I don't know the true fight in this team.

Re: Good Blood Bowl Sevens Team lists?

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2018 6:50 pm
by cornixt
Raveen wrote:By the way, the rules for a Riot kick off result need rewriting - there's no turn 7 in 7s.
My league changed it to turn 5, since it seemed to be the intent to do it near the end of a half.

Re: Good Blood Bowl Sevens Team lists?

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2018 7:18 pm
by Digger Goreman
While almost any team can win by the grace of Nuffle, we have noticed a marked advantage for teams with faster players: werewolves, gutter runners, skinks.... The blitz & score from midfield is hard to defend, not enough defenders for a column defense....

I have four teams, now, with three of more games. From least to more successful:

S'not Funny, Nurgle, 1-0-2, 1rr, 3ff, 1ac, 1cl, 750,000
started w/ 5 rotters, 1 pestigor, and beast. Gained additional pestigors after games two and three; lost/fired one rotter. Beast has Juggernaut and first pestigor is awaiting a skill roll. TD differential, zero.

Blackwolf's Mutants, Chaos Pact, 2-0-1, 1 rr, 2.ff, apothecary, 830,000
Currently: 4 marauders (3 w/ skills; diving tackle, sure hands, +ag); mino w/-ag in first game; Delf, Skaven w/extra arms; Goblin. TD differential +2.

Danse Macabre, Necro, 4-0-0, 1 rr, 4 ff, ac, cl, 880,000
Started w/2 ghouls and 2 wights. Bought wolves after games two and four. Fired wight and -av ghoul. Currently 4 zeds (one with kick), ghoul w/pass, wight w/MiB & guard, wolf w/MiB. TD differential +6. Awarded 70k in winnings EACH game!

Dead Cross, Vampire, 2-1-0, 1 rr, 3 ff, apothecary, 900,000.
Started w/ 2 vamps. Currently: three vamps (pass, strong arm), (pro, catch), (rookie); 5 thralls ( one w/+ma). TD differential +5