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Re: Spike Journals, Team Card Packs and card sleeves...?

Posted: Mon Jul 22, 2019 2:51 pm
by JT-Y
They're also available in my personal awesome complete list of all star players, new, old and rare (not found in almanacs or spike magazines)
And not shared in a public forum I use, I trust. Thank you.

Re: Spike Journals, Team Card Packs and card sleeves...?

Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2019 9:10 am
by TopsyKretts

Re: Spike Journals, Team Card Packs and card sleeves...?

Posted: Wed Jul 24, 2019 5:34 pm
by faust_33
1. Spike Journals.

I've bought them all. Haven't really been playing much lately, but they can be useful to get new people excited about the game and teach them a little about their chosen team. I like the fluff and seeing what new Star Players come out. Also very useful for getting ideas on Star Player conversions.

2. Team Card Packs.

Have them (collector mentality, here!). We have used them, mainly the Special Play cards. The other stuff, no.

3. What happened to the card sleeves with the Blood Bowl logo on them? They seemed to be released and have now just faded into obscurity.

Not sure (most likely answered by someone above). I think I bought some other sleeves that need to be trimmed to fit Blood Bowl cards. Someday I'll get around to that, yep.