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The biggest english speaking Tabletopforum

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2016 8:49 am
by DinoTitanedition
Hello fellow Blood Bowlers. For a while now, I`ve been successfully running Blood Bowl projects, building up teams, writing background storys, playing games and making matchreports to them. I think that the "mission" to promote BB worked out quite well, since there is a lot of BB projects running on now and it is being actively played.

This here is the only english speaking forum I`ve been visiting so far and I want to run another BB project soon. My "mission" this time is to promote my style of playing the game a little further. I believe that a lot of people don`t understand when I say "I play narratively" and I also believe, that a large part of the community has become a bit to rulefocused, at least according to the feedback on the net. So what I intend is to show as many facettes of the game and the hobby itself, to offer people a chcne to maybe discover one or the other feature of the game they haven`t used yet or maybe simply didn`t value the potential of it enough. Of course along with that I always thrive to aqquire more new BB coaches.

Now, after the long introduction, finally the question: What is the biggest englishspeaking tabletopforum on the net? I know only of DakkaDakka so far, but it seems to be mainly 40K oriented. The specialist games are rather hidden in the structure of the forum, so it doesn`t seem the right place to have the project running. What else is out there?

Re: The biggest english speaking Tabletopforum

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2016 9:52 am
by harvestmouse
Maybe Warseer and Dakka are a similar size? I dunno anymore.

Reddit of course is growing as a media channel.

I definitely agree with the rules focus issues. However, you need great fluff and illustrations to make a good background and promote a narrative style. This is something we are missing due to GWs lack of involvement in recent years.

It's stuff just doesn't have the appeal to coaches without graphic realisation.

Re: The biggest english speaking Tabletopforum

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2016 11:11 am
by DinoTitanedition
Ah yes, I totally forgot about Warseer! After taking a look at Reddit it seems to be more of a site that combines blog entries. Warseer or Dakka are probably better spots in this case.
It's stuff just doesn't have the appeal to coaches without graphic realisation.
I do that. Most of my stuff is handdrawn but I have also got a graphicboard lately. With a little exercize I might switch to digital graphics after a while.

EDIT: Whoops, someone posted an answer befor I replied this. But now it`s gone somehow.
If your projects needs any kind of assistance, I'd be glad to help out.
Hey thanks, I`ll keep that in mind!

Re: The biggest english speaking Tabletopforum

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2016 1:55 pm
by Dr. Von Richten
Bell of Lost Souls?

Also, props on your dedication! :D

Re: The biggest english speaking Tabletopforum

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2016 3:32 pm
by Ksprbgh
The forums on boardgamegeek are huge and quite active.

More boardgame than tabletop, but BB is sort of both anyway. Here is the Blood Bowl series overview:


Re: The biggest english speaking Tabletopforum

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2016 6:08 pm
by Regash
DinoTitanedition wrote:Whoops, someone posted an answer befor I replied this. But now it`s gone somehow.
If your projects needs any kind of assistance, I'd be glad to help out.
Hey thanks, I`ll keep that in mind!
That was me. I can help with texts of all kind, german as well as english and a liitle bit of Photoshop experience.

Re: The biggest english speaking Tabletopforum

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2016 6:34 pm
by celticgriffon
Best of luck DinoTitan!!

I love the fluff aspect of the game as well and especially feel happy when coaches within my league write articles, match reports, and other fluff. To me, it seems to make everything I do (as a league commissioner) worthwhile.

Some people just want to enjoy the game. Others want different things from it. There is no right or wrong.


Re: The biggest english speaking Tabletopforum

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2016 4:01 pm
by Regash
Warseer seems to be down... :?:

Re: The biggest english speaking Tabletopforum

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2016 1:20 pm
by DinoTitanedition
I have noticed while taking a deeper look into the other forums. I gotta say lookwise BolS seems comfortable, but the hobbysection is burried way at the bottom of their forum page, but it seems to generate a lot of traffic, since and seem to be redirected to them.

Hobbywise Dakka seems to be a little bit more active than BolS, but mainly on the 40K side. Therefore it does not seem to be the right place for it. I am considering building an own page for the project, but I`m not sure if that could cause any trouble with the original producer of the that fantasy football game. Does anyone know more about rights in that way? Do they apply, if the page is located in Germany?

Gotta say, after the period of time looking through english speaking hobbyforums the english speaking community seems to be even more split than the german speaking one, wich kind if baffles me - didn`t think that the difference would be this...."huge".

An alternative would be to habe my project running up here TFF, but not in the painting section, since that one is fairly well hidden as well and users not registered on TFF would not be able to see it, while the general chat section is visible to everyone.

Would that be a problem for the admins?

Re: The biggest english speaking Tabletopforum

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2016 1:36 pm
by Darkson
DinoTitanedition wrote:An alternative would be to habe my project running up here TFF, but not in the painting section, since that one is fairly well hidden as well and users not registered on TFF would not be able to see it, while the general chat section is visible to everyone.
The painting section is as open to non-users as the general section.

Re: The biggest english speaking Tabletopforum

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2016 1:59 pm
by sann0638
You would be welcome to use, I can set you up as an author, then you can get a blog going? You could then link to it from wherever you wanted, as it is open to all.

Re: The biggest english speaking Tabletopforum

Posted: Mon Feb 29, 2016 12:28 pm
by DinoTitanedition
Is that possible without being a member of the NAF?

Not to leave a wrong impression - I don`t intend to become a NAF member since german community organizations make more sense to me playwise and I barely use Fumbbl as well. I also do not want to leave the impression to readers that the NAF is "the community". Not a very elegant way to say it, but I hope the point gets through.

If people don`t have a problem with it, I think I`ll run a thread right here in the general chat section and I after giving it a thought, Bols seems to be a logical choice, since they redirect warseer- and dakkadakka-trafic to their page. BB is also a GW game, so I imagine new players would most likely look on a GW focused page and Bols seems to be just that.

Re: The biggest english speaking Tabletopforum

Posted: Mon Feb 29, 2016 9:30 pm
by Steam Ball
DinoTitanedition wrote: Bols seems to be a logical choice, since they redirect warseer- and dakkadakka-trafic to their page.
What do you mean? The differences between and ? That is a bit scummy trick, talking about impressions.

Re: The biggest english speaking Tabletopforum

Posted: Mon Feb 29, 2016 9:55 pm
by sann0638
DinoTitanedition wrote:Is that possible without being a member of the NAF?

Not to leave a wrong impression - I don`t intend to become a NAF member since german community organizations make more sense to me playwise and I barely use Fumbbl as well. I also do not want to leave the impression to readers that the NAF is "the community". Not a very elegant way to say it, but I hope the point gets through.
It is, though not very ethical, and it's not very expensive!

Always surprised that people don't want to be NAF members - if NAF isn't the community, why not, and what would it have to do to become "the community"? But that would be off topic.

Obviously completely separate organisation from Fumbbl, too.

Re: The biggest english speaking Tabletopforum

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2016 12:42 am
by DinoTitanedition
@Steam Ball

I know, I see it the same way, but in this case it would actually be helpful for what I intend to do.


It`s probably just my impression, but I had the feeling that the fummbl users are mostly NAF members, or the other way around. At least if I skip through the topics the same users seem to write the same things in both places ;)

@off topic

Why is it not the community? Well, first of all, this statement gives the impression that everything else is NOT the community and that is simply not correct. It also gives the impression that the NAF ist "something official". Again this is probably just my personal thoughts, but I also feel it gives it a displeasant feel of elitarization and it is in the end not part of the gameowning company. At that point I always rather take a "neutral" position, since I believe that this hobby needs to be open to everyone, without any borders. The member fee is a good example for this - of course it`s not expensive, I play with toys from a company with a far higher level of pricing. But in the end it is a border and creates a seperated community amongst others.

Last but not least, it might give the idea of other communitys being less important, while in reality especially the various communities in the specific countries are more important, where the according language is being spoken. It also has room for different opinions, wich I also feel is very important. The hobby can quickly drown in a certain focus on one aspect of the game or a currently hyped opinion in one specific community. For example: "Warhammer was awesome, Age of Sigmar is not". Wether if this is true or not doesn`t matter, but a general opinion in a forum might be dominant, so other communities leave room for different thoughts. I think you get what I mean, no matter how bad my english is at this time of the day. The project is meant to balance the weight of gaming and art of BB, or at least show people how wonderful both can work together.

Now with all that explained, I thankfully decline the offer, with no harsh feelings - after all, I want to do this project for everyone, not just myself and am thankful for the kindly offered support.