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Confessions: Stupid, stupid Blood Bowl things I've done

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2016 12:59 pm
by rolo
I have:

- Caged up perfectly for turn 7, to safely stall out one more turn ... then realized it was turn 8.

- Set up 12 players by accident.

- Set up 10 players by accident. Hey, on average I'm fine!

- Forgot to advance my score marker after a TD, later forgot about it and recorded a 1-1 tie when I'd actually scored twice.

- Set up a defense when I was actually on offense (and vice versa).

- Forgot Witch Elves have Jump Up.

- Forgot Skaven are fast (and set up a stupid one-turn defense).

- Forgot I had a Wizard / Babe / Apothecary / etc (many times).

- Forgot it was raining (while playing Khemri).

- Didn't time out my FumBBL opponent after 4 minutes, his next three blocks were casualties which destroyed my defense and lost me the game.

- Assumed that my position was safe enough to stall a few more turns, as long as Dwarves didn't dodge through tackle zones.

- Handed the ball off to the wrong player (who had already moved)

- Forgot my opponent had Tackle

- Picked up the ball with the wrong player (POMB Orc Blitzer instead of Blodge Orc Blitzer, thus neutralizing my best hitter AND leaving the ball less safe)

- Not realizing that one of the dice I was using was a d3 (six faces of 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3)

I'm hoping that other coaches can post their own confessions here, and make me feel a little better by reminding me that at least I'm not alone in my idiocy. But if you must, go ahead and just tell me what a moron I am, with optional sarcastic comments about cutting down on the drinking.

Re: Confessions: Stupid, stupid Blood Bowl things I've done

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2016 1:28 pm
by Rolex
Trying to Throw one of my halfling with my opponent's treeman....

Re: Confessions: Stupid, stupid Blood Bowl things I've done

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2016 2:09 pm
by Regash
rolo wrote:Not realizing that one of the dice I was using was a d3 (six faces of 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3)
Ouch! :lol:
  • Playing in a league final, insisting on using 'illegal procedure' rule and then cause 3 turnovers by not moving my marker

Re: Confessions: Stupid, stupid Blood Bowl things I've done

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2016 2:54 pm
by Milo
Last night my BB2 Lizardman team picked up it's first loss in 15 games, due largely to the fact that on two consecutive turns, I accidentally moved a Saurus and triggered a 1-in-6 chance dodge, allowing only the second touchdown scored against me during those 15 games.

Re: Confessions: Stupid, stupid Blood Bowl things I've done

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2016 3:53 pm
by Darkson
Turned up at a tournament thinking I had a chance of winning.

Re: Confessions: Stupid, stupid Blood Bowl things I've done

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2016 4:19 pm
by Loki
Regash wrote:
rolo wrote:Not realizing that one of the dice I was using was a d3 (six faces of 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3)
Ouch! :lol:
  • Playing in a league final, insisting on using 'illegal procedure' rule and then cause 3 turnovers by not moving my marker
Just checking but you know you don't have to end your turn on illegal procedure, you can end turn or spend RR, if you have no RR's you don't have to end the turn just give your opponent a RR.

Re: Confessions: Stupid, stupid Blood Bowl things I've done

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2016 4:47 pm
by nazgob
Does taking Ogres to a tournament count?

Definitely the 12 player thing. I think it was against Belafon...

Re: Confessions: Stupid, stupid Blood Bowl things I've done

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2016 5:48 pm
by howlinggriffon
Left all my old 2nd ed. teams round my Mum's house when I moved out. My sisters dumped them all about a year later when they were decorating my old room. Kinda serves me right for leaving them there but still... :(

Re: Confessions: Stupid, stupid Blood Bowl things I've done

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2016 6:43 pm
by Rayphoton
setting up a perfect cage around the player.....who didn't have the ball.

Re: Confessions: Stupid, stupid Blood Bowl things I've done

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2016 7:54 pm
by spubbbba
-At a NAF GT chose both down on a non-block player to take out a ball carrying fling only to realise a different player had the ball.

- In a Fumbbl Major qualifier final, forgot that you had to select hand off before moving with the new client and chose both down over a pow on a 2D on a player that didn't have block.

- At a NAF GT set up an elaborate -2D on a ghoul to push into another player and set up a 2D only to again realise a mummy was holding the ball.

Re: Confessions: Stupid, stupid Blood Bowl things I've done

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2016 11:30 pm
by faust_33
Loki wrote:
Regash wrote:
rolo wrote:Not realizing that one of the dice I was using was a d3 (six faces of 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3)
Ouch! :lol:
  • Playing in a league final, insisting on using 'illegal procedure' rule and then cause 3 turnovers by not moving my marker
Just checking but you know you don't have to end your turn on illegal procedure, you can end turn or spend RR, if you have no RR's you don't have to end the turn just give your opponent a RR.
Oh, I thought it was lose an RR, not give it to your opponent. Even worse!

We have always played with the "illegal procedure" rule, and in turn, taught it that way to every newbie. With a newbie, they get 1 warning, after that, it's lose the RR or Turnover. I became super paranoid about moving that damned turn marker, really quick!

Re: Confessions: Stupid, stupid Blood Bowl things I've done

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2016 1:40 am
by Regash
Loki wrote:Just checking but you know you don't have to end your turn on illegal procedure, you can end turn or spend RR, if you have no RR's you don't have to end the turn just give your opponent a RR.
It's been like 12 or so years ago, so we might've done it wrong.
You think I should try to find the guy and demand a rematch? :wink:

Re: Confessions: Stupid, stupid Blood Bowl things I've done

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2016 6:19 am
by faust_33
Regash wrote:
Loki wrote:Just checking but you know you don't have to end your turn on illegal procedure, you can end turn or spend RR, if you have no RR's you don't have to end the turn just give your opponent a RR.
It's been like 12 or so years ago, so we might've done it wrong.
You think I should try to find the guy and demand a rematch? :wink:
Oops, and I misread the earlier post. Yes, you forfeit an RR, unless you don't have any, then your opponent gains one. Alternately, you forfeit your turn. I think we might have played it the wrong way.

On a side note, I just looked it up in the new rulebook and it's the same rule, but the wording is confusing, such as this first sentence:

Code: Select all

The [b]Illegal Procedure rule[/b] can be used when keeping track of turns is absolutely vital or coaches keep forgetting to move their Turn marker along and using it certainly focuses people's minds!
Anyways, let's hear about more stupid, Stupid Blood Bowl things that people have done. I've been trying to recall some, but mostly I just remember the "argh!" moments, like I've made all my moves and getting ready to do that last play and all I need to do is blitz that one guy to free my ball carrier...and oh $%^& I already blitzed this turn?!

Re: Confessions: Stupid, stupid Blood Bowl things I've done

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2016 9:18 am
by rolo
Forgot about this while creating this thread ... elaborately chain pushed a player into a cage to hit the ball carrier ... hit the ball carrier, POW! Awesome! Except he didn't have the ball, the ball carrier was behind the cage. That coach still gives me guff every time he sees me "Where's the ball Rolo????"

Re: Confessions: Stupid, stupid Blood Bowl things I've done

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2016 10:26 am
by Sandwich
I played a game. Stupidest idea I've ever come up with