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Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2002 6:43 pm
by GalakStarscraper
Sometime during the last 3 months the following websites disappeared forever from net world.

Triple Skulls
Da Shrine of Nuffle
Everybody's Favorite Blood Bowl Page
Coach Blackknife's Dugout

These sites set the bar for many of the BB sites that tried to come after them. Their owners choosing to pull the plug is unfortunate and their contribution to the BB community was respected and will be missed. 21 gun salute to them and their mark on BB.

If you want a few glimpses of the deceased sites you can still get some memories of them through Google cache and

(footnote - I started for just this reason ... great sites come and go ... I wanted a site to house the best materials for sites such as these should their candle every burnout, the rest of us have more than memories.)

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2002 7:17 pm
by Anthony_TBBF
You know, you site is just itching to be set up in XML for future prosterity :smile:

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2002 10:54 pm
by Deathwing
Sad, these are some of the sites I discovered and explored when I first game on-line and was amazed at the wealth and quality of some of the BB stuff out there. The tactics tips on Coach Blackknife's Dugout I thought were particularly valuable to newer players.
Tragic, and a loss. :sad:
Better go and amend my links page.

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2002 10:58 pm
by GalakStarscraper

I was able to grab all the HTML pages for the tactics from Coach Blackknife's Dugout ... they have not been lost ... you will see them again within the month on under the Tactics tab.

Like I said I will make my web site a one stop shop for BB information past and present eventually.


P.S. Anthony .... I barely understand HTML ... don't throw XML at me yet. :wink:

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2002 11:13 pm
by JenniRP70
That is bad news. That has meant the loss of some very good resources from the internet. has disappeared again and has been down for a substantial amount of time so that looks like we've lost the mailing list.

I have the services available to provide as much as I can so will endevour to host as much of the data and related services as possible.

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2002 11:41 pm
by GalakStarscraper

1) You won't lose anything from those sites. I have saved copies of the source code behind most the BB sites out there. Most of the information from those sites is already on my site and what articles are missing I'll be adding now quickly since the original sources are gone.

I'm also hiring some typists to help me get more content onto my site (1st and 2nd edition complete rulebooks anyone?) This year I'm really going to try to get the site flushed out with the information that its missing.

2) The mailing list is not really gone, just moved. It is now the bbowl group at

See its not so much that things have been lost ... more like reincarnated.


Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2002 11:46 pm
by JenniRP70
Ah right I see, thats alright then. Not so bad after all.
On 2002-01-23 23:41, GalakStarscraper wrote:

2) The mailing list is not really gone, just moved. It is now the bbowl group at
Oh, how come I don't get any emails from it now then? Do I have to re-subscribe? Is not returning then?

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2002 2:51 am
by Deathwing
I thought there was a post on here about it somewhere, I've been back on about a week. It's still reasonably quiet, people are still drifting back in dribs and drabs. Didn't realise you weren't recieving it or I'd let you know.
Talking of sites, most of mine is only on the net at the moment (had a HD wipe). I'd better capture it in case the server goes down, especially with NTL's current financial problems. Gulp!

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2002 3:48 am
by GalakStarscraper
You need to resubscribe to get the mailing list.

Go to and look up the bbowl group and join and you should be ready to rock and roll.

The nicest thing about doing the list this way is that you can get blow-by-blow emails, daily summaries, or no emails at all (just look up the history online) ... which is what I do (the last) since my work email gets overloaded otherwise.


Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2002 8:56 am
by Ancalagon
I downloaded some of the tactics in coach blacknife too (dark elf) but it's really a pity that those webs dissapear... I readed lots of times really usefull info from this sites...
Galak if you can save all and re-publish, do it, you'll have congrats from everybody!

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2002 8:42 pm
by GalakStarscraper
Your wish is my command.

I've reposted the strategy pages from Coach Blacknife's dead site to a page on my site. So you still have some place to send the newbies for strategies.

I added other strategy guides that I've found here and there along with the articles from the White Dwarf and Citadel Journal.

If you find any missing pieces/broken links or such let me know.

Here's the link:

Wow that was more work to get that all together than I thought it would be.


Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2002 2:32 pm
by Ancalagon
Thanks! Soon or later I'll translate them to spanish.