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I'll be number 1 then!!!

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2001 11:27 am
by Princelucianus
My friends BBsite.

Soon our first competition will start and we'll be playing for the chaos cup.
Check out
competitie-- (competition) press teamname to see team stats
gespeelde wedstrijden-- (played games) press date for gamesheet

My teams are
Leichenberg UD
Membermountain maniacs

The site could be better, but it is actually only meant for a small group of friends, and this guy didn't mean for the world to see it.

smokin dragon smily

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2001 8:09 am
by Ancalagon
How do you play with more than one team?? what happens when two of them have to play one against the other?? do you have multiple personality? :grin: without doubt this is the best way to win a league... having three or more teams :grin: -just kidding-

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2001 8:33 am
by Princelucianus
Fortunately, we haven't started a real competition yet, but this week it will start. we have 4 leagues and it so happened that 2 of my teams are in one.
there are 2 solutions for this:
1- Play the game, with somebody who has no gain to either win or lose the match. Just somebody who wants to win and would like to play with another team for a change.
2- The two games which both teams have to play will end as followed. 1-1 endscore. 1 compl, 1 TD and 1 MVP. 40.000 winnings and no FF rolls. I actually think that this is kind of fair, but a good rule is always hard to find.

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2001 8:42 am
by Ancalagon
Nice to surf near you princelucianus (I've seen you're now connected to the board). About your answer, I think I'll try to introduce the use of more than one team in our next league, but I'm sure It won't be easy because some of us are a bit stupid when trying to introduce this kind of changes... I think the best way is the first one because the other will grant you having some benefices without loosing players due injuries... but let me ask my fellows about their opinion, I'll tell you the result if survive.

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2001 11:23 am
by Princelucianus
The point about injuries is a valid one. but because we already limited the amount of spp gainable in such matches, it would be really difficult to award injuries to teams. For instance. My undead are hte champions in the casualtie department. 2 games without casualties dramatically lowers my standiong in thsi department. The problem is reasonably solved because these matches will be played at the beginning of the championship. So it is difficult to say if a team will benefit or lose because of it.
Too many palyers want to play with more then 1 team.

A compromise leaves everybody unhappy.

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2001 8:10 am
by Ancalagon
Yes, I would like to play with two teams because I've enough time to do it, but some of my friends have not this spare time so they wouldn't agree with this method that gives advantage to those who play with more than one team. But for next league only have to ask and maybe find the best way to do this with minimum impact for those single team players.