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All Things Norse

Posted: Thu May 29, 2003 12:57 am
by Magni_Thorsson
Naturally, my favorite race in Blood Bowl is the one Games Workshop has released the least amount of "official" resource material on! I've done extensive web searching for Norse material as well, and everything I've so far located seems to be pretty much stuff the webmaster has come up with. On my Norse Warhammer/Blood Bowl site at, I am striving to provide as much GW published resource material as possible. (With the stuff that I have created, I make a point of stating that it's unofficial.) Please visit my site by clicking the spiked football icon on the main page. If you can provide additional official info or would care to comment on my e-novel, The Norscan Saga of Thor's Thunderers, please reply. Thanks!

Posted: Thu May 29, 2003 1:09 am
by Longshot
really nice website!
Go on people, go to see it!

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2003 12:38 am
by Aramil
If you're so Norse-centric, I think that these BB-ads I've done could be useful or funny for you to use :D




Omnitel is the Italian company Vodafone bought to enter in our country... Obviously I've modified also it logo... but you can take my images and modify them as you prefere ;)

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2003 8:54 am
by Redfang
Nice, good work!


Thank you!

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2003 3:28 am
by Magni_Thorsson
Thanks everyone, for your positive comments! Thanks especially to Aramil for the Norscafone ads -- I've got a couple other ads I've been trying to work into the site, but I haven't yet decided on the best placement for them. However, I have just added a bunch of other stuff, including another chapter to my Norscan Saga of Thor's Thunderers (I have to finish proofreading it, but I wanted to get it posted ASAP).

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2003 9:29 am
by Redfang
Put them somewhere at the top or the bottom of the page; where you normally find adds and stuff

you could add something like: This page is brought to you by:
or This page is sponsored by:

something like that...


Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2003 10:25 am
by l_dauguet
I like the players presentation. Nice site. Keep up the good work! :D

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2003 11:54 am
by rochallor
Nice Site! :D

If you wanted some more stuff on BB Norse, maybe you could use some of the stuff on the official GW BB site ( - there are a couple of team profiles there. (Norsca Rampagers and Asgard Ravens).

All Things Norse

Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2003 3:13 am
by Magni_Thorsson
Rochallor -

Thanks for the link. I'd been there a while ago, but your message made me go back and look again. Found some stuff I'll eventually be using.

Catch ya later!

Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2003 9:38 am
by traveller
wow, where get you this nice ice elemental from ? Thats a mini worth my collection... :roll:
I like the presentation of the players, too. When i finish my orcteam, i have to think of a presentation of the "History" of my first play team... should be like a story of each player. And it will be different to my webarchive of the bB minis.

Hey, is there a name generator for orcs , too :wink:


Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2003 8:57 pm
by Darkson
Nice site.

Just one smal point. Don't you think the Norscan Barbarian is undercoster at 60k?

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2003 9:40 pm
by los_locos
Really nice site!!!!! :D

Norscan Barbarian undercoster at 60k?

Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2003 9:40 pm
by Magni_Thorsson
Greetings fellow Norse fans!

I've just returned from the Norscan homeland (i.e. Norway) where I gathered many Viking research materials which will eventually find their way into The Norscan Tome Depository at Today I'll reply directly to a couple of your postings.

First, Darkson had asked, "Don't you think the Norscan Barbarian is an undercoster at 60k?" This was in regards to an unofficial character I created based on Thrud the Barbarian. I used 60K as his cost because that is what Thrud costs as a Star Player. Of course for Thrud, that's 60K per game whereas for my generic barbarian it would be per season. I decided 60K would be a good amount anyway since (1) my generic barbarian has a few less skills than Thrud and (2) he is supposed to be substituted for your basic lineman who costs 50K. I'd like to hear what the rest of you think a reasonable cost for my character would be.

Second, Traveller wanted to know, "Where did you get the nice ice elemental from?" This is a Dragyri Ice Elemental miniature which I ordered directly from the Dark Ages company website. The link (which is also on my Blood Bowl Norse web page) is ... ucts_id=49. A word of caution, however: Dark Ages goofed up my order, sending me two figures in seperate envelopes and double charging my credit card. I didn't bother trying to straighten it out with them because I figured I could use both of them being that the figure comes in five pieces which can be fashioned in different poses. I used one of the plastic spiked footballs that comes with the plastic player sprues in the BB boxed set to make a thrower out of one of mine even though Ice Elementals generally don't make good throwers or catchers because they're so slippery.

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2003 4:35 am
by Darkson
Well, going from the "building new players" guidelines the Barbarian comes in at 170,000 :o . Probably slightly to high for a new team :wink:

Don't forget that Thrud is supposedly a Legend, so will have gained approx. 7 skill increases. Stick 7 on your guy and you've a monster.

Try 5/4/2/9 Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Bonehead for 100k (and even then this is slighty undercosted)

Pulling the plug... at least for now.

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2003 12:14 am
by Magni_Thorsson
As of November 21st, will be going the way of the dodo. I hope to return to the web at some future date with an all-Blood-Bowl site for which I am currently gathering research. However, the renewal for came up and after much soul-searching, I decided I didn't want to continue spending money on something that I haven't found time to seriously update in several months. I'm really grateful for everyone's positive comments and would appreciate your recommendations for good free or at least inexpensive site hosts that wouldn't clutter my site with constant annoying pop-ups (like GeoCities does).