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Re: Stompie's various blood bowl teams

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2016 5:27 pm
by Steam Ball
Stompie wrote:
Madsherman wrote:lahmian medium? Works for me.. I used water on my HE's and when I went lahmian medium instead I got waay better results.
Lovely. Have ordered and recIeved some. You just use it like water? Maybe should have got one more bottle
Got to art shop and ask for acrylic matt medium (fluid type, not gel). Just like you use generic primer, go to quality & cheap source. ;)

Re: Stompie's various blood bowl teams

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2016 10:21 pm
by Stompie
My orcs against Stu's cool converted chaos dwarves. You can tell how the game went for me from the pictures. I don't think I have the patience to play orcs.

Re: Stompie's various blood bowl teams

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2016 10:22 pm
by Stompie
Can't work out how to upload more than one pic at a time.

Re: Stompie's various blood bowl teams

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2016 10:24 pm
by Stompie
I have some old plastic boars and this shows there are creative uses for them.

Re: Stompie's various blood bowl teams

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2016 10:26 pm
by Stompie
I have three Willy miniatures stone trolls. Now need to find a use for them...

Re: Stompie's various blood bowl teams

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2016 10:27 pm
by Stompie
Steam Ball wrote:
Stompie wrote:
Madsherman wrote:lahmian medium? Works for me.. I used water on my HE's and when I went lahmian medium instead I got waay better results.
Lovely. Have ordered and recIeved some. You just use it like water? Maybe should have got one more bottle
Got to art shop and ask for acrylic matt medium (fluid type, not gel). Just like you use generic primer, go to quality & cheap source. ;)
I'll see how it goes with Lahmian medium first and let you know but thanks for the tip.

Re: Stompie's various blood bowl teams

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2016 8:41 am
by Madsherman
I'll see how it goes with Lahmian medium first and let you know but thanks for the tip.
btw, I saw a tutorial on how to make your own lahmian medium, and therefore also washes.. Turns out the flow improver in Lahmian medium is Rinse aid for dishwashers. So he just used rinse aid instead of it. I am definitely going to try that out on something unimportant :)

Re: Stompie's various blood bowl teams

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2016 2:35 am
by Steam Ball
You can also buy flow improver tested for acrylic paints at the art shop. ;)

Re: Stompie's various blood bowl teams

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2016 10:17 pm
by Stompie
Well. It has
Not gone all that great with the lahmian medium. It does thin paints nicely and makes the yellow on this Willy human star player look smoother. But the bottle is a pain and i put the lid on and knocked it over by mistake to find the new GW bottles need to be forced down at the back too, where they don't go down naturally. So half of it leaked. And just noticed same problem means my auric gold has dried after one use three months ago. Anyway. At least I now have my st4 human lineman with this Cool willy miniature.

Re: Stompie's various blood bowl teams

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2016 9:01 pm
by Stompie
Rebased some goblins for my underworld vs ogres match on Tuesday. Will be a bit of a mad game. Couple of skills a side but basically vanilla starting teams. Finished basing my human st4 lineman. Hadn't realised how huge this Willy miniatures guy is. Think was a franarcilla sculpt. Have ordered a 00 brush as I've decided it was because I didn't have a pointy enough brush I messed up facial highlights...

Re: Stompie's various blood bowl teams

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2016 9:38 am
by Madsherman
Yep.. from now on I do a "cap pushing round" every time I'm putting the paint I used that night away. But do you not like the actual medium or just the bottle?

Re: Stompie's various blood bowl teams

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2016 8:35 pm
by Stompie
Madsherman wrote:Yep.. from now on I do a "cap pushing round" every time I'm putting the paint I used that night away. But do you not like the actual medium or just the bottle?
Medium is quite cool. Hate GW bottle. Bought ten quid Windsor & Newton pot which is massive, as someone suggested. Thing is I am so used to using water to mix paint I keep forgetting. Habit of more than twenty five years as I've been painting with acrylics since like fourteen. This is what's on workbench. I got a skill upgrade on a renegade dark elf. But he's got a niggling injury so he won't last long. So thought big hand to use him as a ball recoverer as... I often seem to lose the ball, get it back on the floor and then cannot pick it up. I was going to use one of the claw like hands from the GW possessed sprue but none left so I used this one off a gobbo from Gaspez Arts. Dark elf no longer looks noble and scary. He now looks a bit comedy. I will paint him to look menacing. Maybe black face paint. Dismissed blue for dark elf skin. He'd look really comedy then.

Re: Stompie's various blood bowl teams

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2016 6:23 am
by Pedda

Re: Stompie's various blood bowl teams

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2016 9:38 pm
by Stompie
Ok. Cool. Maybe I'll try that. Looks less "alien" blue luminosity. Anyway. After guerilla war that is bedtime, finished last four of my sea elf themed elves...

Stompie's various blood bowl teams

Posted: Sun May 01, 2016 7:10 am
by Madsherman
Just tried rinse aid... NOT the same.. Not danish rinse anyways :)

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