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Re: Omni-Elves and friends.

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2014 7:03 pm
by spubbbba
I think the “Timmy teams” joke has long run its course, time to get some new material Digger me old mucker.

Back on topic, the team have some fantastic poses, i really like how you’ve made them so dynamic. The back looks great as well, the dark eldar all have annoying high tech backpacks sculpted on and getting rid of those is tricky. Is a real shame as some of the witch bodies are perfect for BB from the front.

I really like the strength of the orange and white colour scheme as it makes them stand out in contrast to black bodysuit on the rest of the model. The dark green armour plates are a bit too close the black for my tastes, I wonder if a warmer and slightly lighter green or even dark blue would work better?

Re: Omni-Elves and friends.

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2014 7:59 pm
by Heff
Beautiful plumage squire. Bit futuristic for BB for me, tho tbh I have a harlequin team.

Re: Omni-Elves and friends.

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2014 8:23 pm
by Wifflebat
spubbbba wrote:I think the “Timmy teams” joke has long run its course, time to get some new material Digger me old mucker.
Ahh, seems like good ol'-fashioned trash talk to me. Glad he didn't take the bait and start a pissing match here.

Xanthier, did you use metallics in your orange areas, or is that just a glossy surface? I tried to make a sparkly-looking jersey for my last team that looked like that, but I was unable to get anything I liked. I suspect that I'm just seeing some kind of gloss coat or even some kind of shine from a wash, but I though I'd ask...

Re: Omni-Elves and friends.

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2014 8:28 pm
by Xanthier
Cheers for the comments guys!

I was tempted by dark blue, but went for the mottled turquoise/green as it's a colour I've used before for my 40k Eldar Corsairs, so used it for familiarity. I'm also more enthused for it combined with orange. The overall vibe is intended to be somewhat dark as they're primarily Dark Elves, but I certainly understand what you mean spubbbba.

As for metallics, none. That's just shine from the paints and flash I'm afraid - that'll be gone once I get a few more painted and give them a coat of matt varnish. For the jersey I'd recommend satin varnish, since it's somewhat of a mid point between matt and gloss.

With luck in the next couple of days I'll get another 2 painted up, likely both linesmen. With most projects I get bored with the rank and file, but with a team made of individual models it's not really an issue!

Re: Omni-Elves and friends.

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2014 2:18 am
by Xanthier
Been a few days and I've had two matches and made a start on 3 more models!

Game 1 was against Slann, who leapt absolutely everywhere on 2+ with those catchers, heh. It was near impossible to mark them, so I switched to simply sacking the ball carrier repeatedly and punching frogs, netting me a 3-1 win and 0-1 cas. The one cas on my team was the free journeyman, who actually died. Well, if someone's gotta die...

My friend then tried his Slann against some Lizardmen and managed a 2-2 draw though he says he was cheated. He was going to score 3-1 before a saurus managed a 5+ dodge, a couple of gfi's to blitz, knocked the catcher to the side, the ball bounced off the pitch, got thrown on flawlessly on top of the saurus who then caught it on the 6 he needed. Thus, the lizardmen equalized!

The lizardmen didn't have any time for another match after that, so I played the Slann again, and this time things even more decidedly went in my favour. I won 5-0 with 5-1 cas caused. Thankfully no long term injuries across all 6 casualties, though 3 Slann will be missing their next game. My friend had a really hard time of dealing with 4 or 5 Delfs breaking in to his half after a block or two making an opening, me sacking the ball carrier, picking it up and putting it in an Elf cage. He found his main issue was trying to protect the catchers who, at strength 3, just kept getting taken down by Delf blitzers after assists had been marked. fterwards we both got adequate gold and had earned 2 skills per team.

So Elf Insurance is doing fairly well at least! 3 games and 3 wins so far, though Norse and Lizardmen are on the horizon... I now have 3 Blitzers with dodge, a Blitzer with Mighty Blow, a Linesman with Guard (who annoyed the hell of the Slann) and a Runner with Leader. I also had enough cash to bought a Witch Elf, so crowd surfing now enters the pitch!

In terms of painting, so far I've finished the turquoise armour on 2 linesmen and the Witch Elf, as well as her flesh and base coated her hair. Since Elf Insurance is intended to be used as any elf team, the helmeted linesman will be a thrower for non-Delfs, and the guy without a helmet will be a catcher.


I still need to put together 3 more guys to fill in a 4th catcher and the 2 wardancers should I run the other rosters and I currently have the parts for those. I'm undecided on what to use for the treeman though. Mossbeard from reaper is tempting, as are the Willy Miniatures treemen. Anyone know of any good others?

Re: Omni-Elves and friends.

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2014 8:50 am
by TheDancingClown
Xanthier wrote:Mossbeard from reaper is tempting, as are the Willy Miniatures treemen. Anyone know of any good others?
May this for something different? Not really Blood Bowl related but I like it. ... 19564.html

Re: Omni-Elves and friends.

Posted: Sat Aug 02, 2014 10:36 am
by Xanthier
Not a bad recommendation, cheers! I've not checked out Fanticide in a while, didn't even realise they made a treeman. Currently I'm leaning towards the Black Scorpion one as it's cheap, not too big and resin allowing me to carve the face off and sculpt a more expressive one.

Another evening of painting last night finished up the witch elf and 2 linesman, so here they are -


Slowly getting there! I opted to go for black numbers in the end, as the white numbers with black outlines were a complete pain to get even. The first blitzer now also has a plain black number, and I remembered to paint the orange symbols on his forearm guards too. I'll likely paint another blitzer and probably the runner next, plus the ball. That should take me less time, so I'll have at least half my current roster painted for any potential games on Sunday.

I really should come up with some names for these guys.

Re: Omni-Elves and friends.

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2014 2:42 am
by Xanthier
Oho, the dreaded double post! I did manage to get 2 more Elves painted, a blitzer and the runner, though the ball remains merely basecoated, boo, hiss etc etc. Said blitzer and runner still need the numbers on their shoulders but otherwise are helping the team come together with 6 actual painted models. That's progress!


When I do the numbers I'll add the same white stripe on the shoulder of the other blitzer to tie him in more and generally make it easier to spot the blitzers on the pitch. Though the ball hasn't been painted yet I did put together the first wardancer in what I feel is a fairly good 'can't catch me, leaping' pose. Once again a mix of mostly Dark Eldar parts and Wood/Dark Elf hands, minus sci-fi cabling etc. The Scourge helmets are very nice and sleek with the little side rebeather parts removed, which really ties them in with the Shadow Warrior helmets.


Re: Omni-Elves and friends.

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2014 3:35 am
by Steam Ball
Why dreaded?

About tree, there is also Fae Bogies, smaller than Fae Forest Father.
Check far line, those seem to be 1 father and 4 bogies. Small ones in 25mm bases but with arms apart, and the other in a 40mm with less spread arms. They seem very modular and probably the big fits in a 30mm with some bending.

Re: Omni-Elves and friends.

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2014 6:43 am
by Pedda
Regarding treeman, what about this one from Impact


Re: Omni-Elves and friends.

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2014 3:00 pm
by feeder
Lovely painting. Looking forwards to the complete team.

Re: Mossbeard. He is a nice sculpt and very affordable, however he is a little too big for BB, unless you play on a 40mm pitch. He comes with a 50(?)mm base iirc and overflows on a 40mm round.

Re: Omni-Elves and friends.

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2014 4:08 pm
by MattDakka
Xanthier wrote: I also tried out a Chaos team against a norse team and so say it was bad would be putting it mildly. Every 3+ roll with a reroll needed to score, failed. I managed to stun 3 norse, but otherwise couldn't get through armour at all. I managed to cas 1 norse lineman near the end of the second half, at which point I had 2 beastman injured (one with niggling now) and a chaos warrior injured. Furthermore, the norse knocked over and fouled a Chaos warrior at the end of the game, killing him. It was incredibly disheartening to say the least, but thems the breaks I guess, losing 100k in the first match is somewhat painful for the team, and I was simply going to restart them since they'd only gained 3 SPP from the first match - a pass and the cas.

Regardless, I think I'll keep going with them even though now it'll take me 3 to 4 more games to buy back the Chaos warrior, and I'll be starting game 2 with 4 beastman journeymen and only 2 Chaos Warriors on the pitch...
Not surprising at all, TV 1000 Chaos is way weaker than TV 1000 Norse but in the long run Chaos gets stronger than Norse.

Re: Omni-Elves and friends.

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2014 9:36 pm
by Steam Ball
Yep, Mossbeard is huge, maybe overflows a 50mm round too.


Re: Omni-Elves and friends.

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2014 1:27 am
by Xanthier
Cheers for the comments guys. Fair point on Mossbeard then, I was considering him due to the picture in the Wood Elf playbook pdf floating around. The Fae Bogies and Impact treeman both look good, but I don't feel they really fit the aesthetic of the team. I'm actually going to go for the Enigman miniatures male dryad thing - it's about 2 or so heads taller than a regular model and adding branches will probably increase that by another 2 or so. He'll fit on a 30mm base easily and be a relatively small big guy, but clearly a treeman. He also has pseudo-shoulderpads, so I can go for a dark grey/brown bark, fading in to orange for the shoulders to tie him in, with patches of turquoise moss and foliage. I quite like the model, here's an official shot of him -


Not the most exciting of painting progress reports today, since I mainly hung out with 2 of the other league players who had a game against each other, Ogres (the secondary team for the Slann player) against Norse, a pretty fun to watch 2-1 match in the Norse's favour. Not too bad for Ogres against a full team of block with strength 4 blitzing werewolves!

I mainly prepped 8 2nd ed models - 6 Dwarfs, a Skaven thrower and a Chaos Dwarf Thrower, the latter two primarily to try and work out schemes for the teams. I painted some Skaven a long while ago, back when I last played, in a fairly simple green and cream, and here's one of the really old shots -


I'm thinking about sticking with the scheme for the skaven, just generally with smoother and stronger highlights, probably just touching up the old figures and actually finishing the rest. The Chaos Dwarf is likely to be black and another bright spot colour, possible neon green or orange to stand out, reminiscent of my old partially painted Necromantic team the Dayglow Deadbeats, who were in fact neon green and orange together... I'm not too sure about the Dwarfs, but I'm angling towards something garish, like purple and bright turquoise/cyan, something really in your face. Hmm.

I also managed to paint the ball quickly during the match so a proper painted token could be used, and 2 more Delfs have the armour mostly done, barring a few touchups here and there.


I'll probably finish up those 2 within the next few days, as well as a Dwarf or so.

Re: Omni-Elves and friends.

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2014 8:42 pm
by Madsherman
That is a beautiful Dark elf team... love the color scheme