Omni-Elves and friends - update after 6 years!

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Re: Omni-Elves and friends.

Post by sann0638 »

Xanthier wrote:though oh god I don't know why I did that number, I need to do that again for all the rest...
Lovely painting, especially the eyes through the helmet, v cool. Just leave the 2, don't number the others, and make your opponents wonder... :)

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Re: Omni-Elves and friends.

Post by Xanthier »


I spent a bit more time on the team and finished up another Linesman/Catcher and Blitzer, getting me up to 8 finished, though I still need to matt varnish them. I also went back and finished up all the numbers so far, urgh.


A team shot so far -


For what's next, I need to either find my plastic stormvermin to convert, or just grab a 2e Skaven, so test a reversed armour scheme to tie them in - still white helmets and black fur, with orange armour and turquoise cloth. This means I'll be able to use them together for my Dungeonbowl team! With luck I can find the stormvermin, allowing my 2e Skaven to keep their old scheme.

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Re: Omni-Elves and friends.

Post by shaniepoo »

Im in the middle of doing a DE team using the Dark Eldar Wyches as well. My question to you is, what did you do regarding the weapons stuff on their butts? Ive removed them but found they have left them with odd looking butts. Im prob gona greenstuff some leather strips but am interested to see/hear what you did. I do like what you have done and agree that the Dark Eldar minis offer great dynamic poses.

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Re: Omni-Elves and friends.

Post by shaniepoo »

And on the Moss Beard thing, he will fit on a normal base as i use him as Willow.

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Re: Omni-Elves and friends.

Post by ulvardar »

shaniepoo wrote:Im in the middle of doing a DE team using the Dark Eldar Wyches as well. My question to you is, what did you do regarding the weapons stuff on their butts? Ive removed them but found they have left them with odd looking butts. Im prob gona greenstuff some leather strips but am interested to see/hear what you did. I do like what you have done and agree that the Dark Eldar minis offer great dynamic poses.

Same concern here, I think you sculpted the butts totally, but would be great to know. Legs on kabalite warriors suggest it's not a hard task, maybe wytches are more difficult.

Thanks in advance for any advice.

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Re: Omni-Elves and friends.

Post by Sizzler »

This team is fantastic. Omni-elves are very hard to get right but you've executed it spectacularly with the build and colour scheme. I really can see these being any of the four elf teams.

Well done!

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Re: Omni-Elves and friends.

Post by Xanthier »

Cheers guys!

Concerning butts - for the blitzers (and wardancers) the Scourge legs don't have any pouches, so I didn't have to do anything there. For the Kabalite Warrior legs I just left off the back section with the knife etc and indeed used procreate to generally fill in the gap and give them a reasonably rounded posterior.


I did remove the pouches and what not on my runner model since I wanted to see how it went, and it left an incredibly awkward gap which I had to extensively fill in, resulting in a vague corset-thing going on. I wasn't overly enthused, so just left them on the rest of the linesmen and so on, since it doesn't detract much. You can't see them from the front, and they're small enough to be largely unnoticeable. This is what they look like left on, with the added bonus of a Witch Elf bum in the picture.


As for overall progress, I finished up the last 4th blitzer and another thrower/linesman, bringing me up to a total of 10 painted.


I also got round to making up the 4th catcher/assassin and the second wardancer who still need to be basecoated. Again I like the birdlike Scourge helmet when the little rebreather parts are removed, nice and sleek. The hooded head is from a Wood Elf kit, a really nice piece.


I've not only got 2 more linesmen left to paint to fill my current roster, though I'm close to affording the second witch elf so she'll be painted soon too. That'll just leave the extra positionals and treeman once I get him then Elf Insurance will be finished! Then it'll be on to the Skaven and Beastmen to round out the Deathball team, amidst painting some 2e Chaos Dwarfs, Elves, Dwarfs and Skaven.

As for games, I managed to play 2 last Wednesdays. I faced the Lizardmen with my woeful Chaos team, The Zuvasinine. I lost 2-1 but it went spectacularly better than last game and I 'won' in casualties, 5-1 in my favour. The Warrior with block put in all the work wrecking skinks and saurus all over the place, and I got the TD with a second warrior, who with the MVP got doubles and thus dodge! I also earnt 60k winnings from losing, giving me 100k and thus the dead chaos warrior got bought back, huzzah! Thanks to that I'm now merely 2 games behind on winnings with them, which is less than i expected! No long term injuries, and the only skilled skink on the Lizardmen team, the one with catch, died. Ouch.

I also faced the Slann once again with Elf Insurance, since they're the only 2 teams with more than a game or two played, so are the most even. It's practically a grudge match at this point! On the 8th turn of the second half my Elves manages a flukey series of rolls (admittedly all 2+ with a single 3+ with built in dodge reroll, but still...) with no team rerolls left and go figure I rolled a 1 for the very last roll to catch the ball in the endzone and therefore missed a touchdown, damn. As it was, I won 4-1 with only a single casualty caused the entire game, by the Elves! At this point my friend and I have agreed that all the Slann vs Elves matches are clearly civil affairs as any injuries have no long term ramifications and the game centres around scoring, or lack thereof.

Next Elf Insurance will hopefully be facing either Ogres or Undead on the weekend, and then Lizardmen and Norse on the Wednesday. here's hoping the Elvish win streak continues!

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Re: Omni-Elves and friends.

Post by Xanthier »

Another update! I managed to get a game in against Undead today. I gave my opponent so much inducement they flat out hired Count Luthor. This combined with the usual 2 mummies, 2 wights, 2 ghouls and zombies meant I generally got smashed all around the pitch.

He kicked to me and thanks to an early KO I decided to try and score turn 2, failing a catch and suffering a turnover. More beatings and I just picked it up and threw to score turn 3. The knocked out blitzer stayed asleep, so the reserve linesman came on.

Kicking to him the ball scattered flawlessly and I got a Blitz kickoff. A linesman ran the other side around the undead, picked up the ball, threw and I failed a 2+ catch leaving the ball next to 2 tackle zones on my half of the pitch. He generally knocked people around but again I scored quickly and the blitzer woke up.

This time when I kicked to him I got perfect defence, kept linesmen away from the mummies and generally did my best to minimise blocks. Over the next couple of turns a ghoul with a light screen made it 4 squares away from scoring before I got him down, picked up the ball and moved it to the other side and managed to score turn 8 of the first half. However by now I was 2 linesman down thanks to mighty blow mummies and both had suffered -1 MV miss next game. Eh, that's what linesman are for. Blitzers eventually managed to get a wight casualty which resulted in an unregenerated miss the rest of the game.

Second half I kicked to him yet again and to keep it short, Luthor went after the witch for 6 turns or so and knocked her all over the place but couldn't get through armour 7. Nice. Again a ghoul grabbed the ball and got near to scoring before almost being crowd surfed. 2 zombies and a mummy came along to be a pain near the ball. In the end however I managed to dodge in to a mummy's tackle zone with the ball, pick it up, dodge away, move round and long bomb to a blitzer the other end who then calmly walked it in near the end of the game, all with no rerolls. Really unlikely, but hey, I'll take it.

During this 2 more linesmen had got slammed by mummies, with both missing the rest of the match. On the last turn a ghoul fouled my downed elf guard linesman and got a miss next game casualty, who my apothecary helpfully offered to kill. Miss next game it is then! A zombie had also got slammed off the pitch to miss the rest of the game, similarly not regenerated.

Overall then it was a 4-0 TD win, with 2-5 Cas caused. I've learnt those mummies are frankly ridiculous, heh. That undead team has now caused 11 casualties in their first 2 matches, yeesh.

I rolled a measly 1 for winnings and rerolled in to a 6 for 80k winnings after fame, excellent stuff. I'm saving it for now, as my TV is going up like a bloody rocket.

The might blow blitzer got an increase and I got a doubles again - I took guard as that's incredibly useful for my entire str 3 team as mentioned. The witch elf got an increase and took block as expected. I was tempted with wrestle to open up gaps, but she already has a fouling target on her face as it is...

The star however was my 'basic' blodging blitzer #4, Agareth Bregel - he got an increase and also got doubles! Double 6! I took the strength instantly, so, so useful. An undead wight also got a strength increase, so the undead are looking even more intimidating.

That puts my TV at 1480 with 170k in the bank, ready to buy another Witch Elf once someone dies. 2 Journeymen for the next game, so that's the line of scrimmage largely sorted out.

I thought about firing the -1 MV linesmen as they have no skills but eh, it's not really any loss as they'll be on the scrimmage pretty much all the time and won't really be getting any skills.

I also managed to finish the last 2 linesmen of the current roster, #12 and #13, giving me a fully painted team of 12 as I've not yet bought the Witch Elf for position #6.


You can't quite see #12's eyes from the angle but they're done like the others. I also put in some work for The Zuvasinine, and the first Chaos Warrior, Blocky Balboa is now finished up!


Hopefully he's suitably garish. Now I just need to work out how to top that with Dwarfs and Chaos Dwarfs. I've just got 4 elves left to paint now too - a witch elf, assassin/catcher and the 2 wardancers, so nearly there since I've not yet procured and converted the treeman.

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Re: Omni-Elves and friends.

Post by Xanthier »

Been a few days, but there's at least a small update!

I converted up a skink as a test and put some paint on him, just to get a proof of concept as I pretty much have all the models for a Lizardman team, they're just not really assembled yet.


I also decided to start up a third team in the local league to get some games in without giving away 'silly' levels of inducements with Elf Insurance. I decided to go with a silly fun team, so went for Underworld as they looked like the lesser halves of a skaven and goblin line up smashed together, with added mutations. I've had 4 games with them in the past few days - a 7-0; 5-0 cas win vs High Elves which involved me generally smashing the elves around with a troll and blitzers then running in skaven to score, a 3-0; 1-1 cas win against a different High Elf coach which was like game 1 but turned down slightly, and a loss and draw.

The loss was against Skaven and was unfortunate - turn 8 I was 1 TD behind and managed to throw the ball to a waiting linesman who needed a 4+ to catch after a really lucky inaccurate pass scattered back on to him, but I had no rerolls. Rolled a 3, game ended. Sigh, Lost that one 2-3 but 'won' on cas 4-1 and actually killed a gutter runner. Whoops. The draw was a 2-2; 2-3 cas game against the now infamous-for-never-winning Slann Dunk. It was pretty even - whenever I managed to rush the ball in, the Slann jumped over defence and did the same. Fair enough really.

The massed winnings mean in 4 games I've bought a 12th goblin, bought an apothecary and still have 170k left, waiting for players to die off. I've already managed to get block on the troll, as well as claws, and block on both skaven throwers, mighty blow on both skaven blitzers and an agility 4, big hand goblin! That guy is insane, 2+ rolls all day, every day. A thrower also got -1 MV but eh, not a big deal overall yet.

I converted up the troll using a Hordes Night Troll, leaving off the normal lower jaw and instead using one from a plastic horror, as well as a gnoblar's nose and ears to make it more trollish. A bit of sculpting to add upper lips and fill gaps and job's a good 'un.


The Zuvasinine, my chaos, also got 2 more games. a 2-0; 1-0 cas win against high elves and a 3-0; 1-1 cas win against the scary undead team with the str 4 wight. Hilariously, the only cas the undead got was with a zombie. Lots of winnings has led to an apothecary, finally, and 90k savings. Probably going to buy a minotaur as even if they're not reliable, it's something I can put on the los with tentacles, eventually guard, and not care much.

The main game however was with Elf Insurance against the Norsmashers, the Norse team that killed my chaos warrior in The Zuvasinine's first game. Since then they'd gone undefeated, aside from a single draw, and had a new yhetee and massed guard, mighty blow and of course higher strength. I gave away 'only' 150k of inducements, which went on a reroll and babe.

To say it was the most stressful of games I've ever played would not be exaggeration. I wasn't looking forward to the game at all and it didn't disappoint. Halfway in to the second half, I had 4 dark Elves left on the pitch. Just 4. 2 blitzers, the witch elf and a linesman with no skills. As in a previous game, the poor elf journeyman got killed. At that point I was winning 2-1 and had only caused a single casualty to the Norse's 5 and 2 KO's. With 4 elves, 4 measly elves, I prevented the Norse from scoring for 4 turns even after they got a kickoff blitz. Those poor elves, few in number, played keep away long enough to secure me an actual win, jeez. It all came down to a go for it with a blitzer to pick up the ball and stand a couple of squares from my own endzone, all with no rerolls so it was fairly nerve wracking, and then relying on a strength 4 frenzy wolf with multiple assists not knocking him down with 5 dice. The mighty blodging elf remaining standing like a glorious hero, and the Norse couldn't get the ball!

I was supremely glad when the game was over for the mere fact that the ordeal had ended. Being down to 6 players after the first half was somewhat harrowing. I again rolled a 1, rerolled in to a 6, for winnings, so pocketed 80k. As I had a silly amount of money I hired the second Witch Elf, fired both -1 MV linesmen and bought another linesman, still leaving me with 70k in the bank, not too shabby. I'll likely save up for another reroll next (unless someone important dies) since playing with a base 2 plus leader feels pretty risky at times. Especially so considering in the last several games I've ended up with no rerolls halfway through a half, which is unfortunate considering I only need a 2+ for nearly anything with the team... With the mvp I got a single skill from the game on a linesman, who, like an utter champion, rolled +1 strength. Success!

Here's how the team is shaping up after 6 games -

Not too bad really.The victory against the Norse also means I'm now the only undefeated team and I'm pleased with how my TD record is looking - 21 scored, 4 conceded.

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Re: Omni-Elves and friends.

Post by cdwat »

WOW :o
Football armor + lizards. That is superb!

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Re: Omni-Elves and friends.

Post by Fassbinder75 »

Five (!!) doubles and two +ST in only six games. Ludicrous!

Love the skink as well!

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Re: Omni-Elves and friends.

Post by Xanthier »

Another small update! Played against a High Elf team that has had a dead linesman in both of it's first pair of games, ouch. I gave away half a million in inducements, which bought a wizard, extra reroll and 2 babes for 450k.

I lost the flip and ended up receiving, so I scored pretty quickly. Then when kicking I blitzed in to put pressure on the elven cage that had formed and next turn sacked the ball carrier with strip ball, picked it up, handed off and passed it to a waiting elf to score again. Not a bad first half, though there were some unlikely turnovers on 2+ rolls, one even with a reroll, fair enough.

The second half just went badly for both of us. So, so many turnovers. The high elf player threw several 1 die blocks to try and free up space, only to get skull followed by skull. I attemted to dodge on 2+ with a dodge reroll only to get double 1, not once, but twice, plus again without a dodge reroll. I also failed to pick up the ball on a 2+, with a reroll. Almost half of my second half involved a turnover on a 1/36 chance.

I was also about to score a 3rd time when my opponent remembered her wizard and hit the guy with a lightning bolt, but he was alright. My turn 8, stand up next to the endzone, go to pick up the ball. You guessed it, a 1. Turnover again.

Across my 16 turns I had in total 9 turnovers on 1's, 4 of which were a 1/36. really? Really?! Sigh. I also caused no casualties at all even with a pair of mighty blow players, ah well. The Helves did get a cas on a witch which ended up being a normal badly hurt, so the apoth fixed that up to reserves perfectly fine. I did manage to get 2 passes (eventually, since 1 2+ quick pass was, in fact, a turnover first half) which netted me 2 skills overall in combination with the MVP - a linesman and the already skilled Witch Elf.

The linesman got a doubles (again, yay!) and thus got guard, giving me 2 guard linesmen and 2 guard blitzers, not too bad. The witch elf is puzzling me however, as she rolled a non-doubles 10. So yeah Fassbinder75, that's now 6 doubles and 2 + ST in 7 games, ohohoho.

I can see another skill as pretty useful - probably something like side step to generally be annoying and help her survive more, especially as she's a blodger. However +1 MV to 8 makes her really nice and fast. Conversely, +1 AV means she's on par with nearly everyone else and removes one of the weaker points of my team, meaning I'd only have 2 AV 7 players - the other unskilled witch elf and the runner.

Any thoughts on what I should go for on the Witch Elf? She's currently got block and mighty blow in addition to her normal skills.

I did also manage to get a bit of painting done, currently about halfway on the Assassin. I'm really pleased with how the flesh has turned out and I'm currently undecided on the hood. I was going to go for white to tie him in with the rest of the team, but black really suits the model. Hmm.


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Omni-Elves and friends.

Post by voyagers_uk »

Take the movement she can then be your safety on defence with greater reach

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Re: Omni-Elves and friends.

Post by Xanthier »

Yeah, several people recommended movement and it's nice to at least be able to match a skink, so I went for that.

I managed to get in a rematch against High Bourne today, and as I didn't experience 9 ridiculous turnovers the game went even better than last time. This time I managed a 5-0; 1-0 cas win. The cas was against a journeyman linesman which is fair enough, no real loss there. Mainly it was a fairly standard elf game, where the High Elves had some abysmal luck trying to pick up then pass the ball. Each time it was dropped, or a dodge went wrong when making the cage, Daechir my strip ball blitzer ran in, pushed the ball carrier and someone else ran in to pick it up and then run off with it as I marked everyone else. Overall, a pretty quick game even without that many turnovers.

3 people skilled up as I was specifically trying to spread the spp on the players who haven't had much yet. The new Witch Elf Dolon #6, linesman Eledhril #11 and the str 4 linesman Achas #9 all got a skill. Str 4 guy got block, the normal linesman got wrestle and for the Witch Elf I rolled another doubles (double 1)! This happened with the first one and I'd picked up mighty blow, but for the second even during the last game I kept wishing she had block. I'm somewhat undecided. I really want to give her block, but she can get that easily next time. I'm not sure if I should take advantage of (yet another) doubles for the team.

I managed (yet another) winnings roll of 1 rerolled in to a 6, so 80k went to the bank. I figured I'd finally buy that third reroll since I pretty much have everyone I need in the roster of 12, so that leaves me with 90k in the bank. I've been doing insanely well with money so far, and being able to reroll winnings has saved me from quite a few 1's.

I also managed some painting. The troll is now base coated a dark green as I'm thinking of going to a mid-range sickly green colour with dark talons, warpstone and corruption showing etc. I also finished off painting Dolon the Witch Elf and the Assassin. I actually like the Assassin model much more than my current runner, so he'll be likely subbing in for that since I'm unlikely to ever hire him. Just 2 Wardancers to go really before I have 16 done with full positionals for each elf team, minus the treeman.


I also made a start on the first dwarf and decided to go with a fairly dark scheme rather than another light one, since the Chaos, Underworld and Lizardmen will all have fairly bright armour.


I'm unsure of what colour to go for with the red. So far the current suggestion is a dark blue. Any thoughts?

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Re: Omni-Elves and friends.

Post by cdwat »

Hooray, more 2nd edition dwarves!

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