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Re: Show Us Yer Teams!

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2018 4:28 pm
by Digger Goreman
gumbi wrote:Awesome team, love the top hat?!
Cooking pot.... :)

Re: Show Us Yer Teams!

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2018 1:04 am
by Skitters
Hi all...picked the hobby back up in July last year (last played 2nd edition) . Thought I'd share my painting progress so far.

First up my human team.....still not decided on a name for these yet....they were more an exercise in picking up the paint brush again.

Re: Show Us Yer Teams!

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2018 1:10 am
by Skitters
Next up is my Orc team - Da Puddin' Klub (backstory is the team were formed by the remnants of an Orc tribe that were part of a failed Halfling social experiment which tried to rear Orcs within Halfling society to provide ready made muscle against raiders. Unfortunately the Orcs discovered that squishing Halflings was too much like good fun....though the Orcs do still like a good pudding

Troll has a Rat Ogre arm replacing the goblin throwing arm - though the Goblin itself was salvaged for the team

Re: Show Us Yer Teams!

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2018 1:19 am
by Skitters
Up next are my Goblins. Had a bit more fun with conversions with this team

As per the Orc team, there is a troll conversion - using the thrown Gobbo to create a Doomdiver
Pogoer used the body of a ball goblin. The 'ooligan is from the Gnoblar GW set with a milliput scarf.

Getting carried away with conversions, Fungus was based on a fanatic model. That set has a it was a given I'd make a Madcap Miggz by combining it with a Gnoblar model. Nobbla gets a bit of a Battlewagon upgrade kit for what I think is a pretty mean looking chainsaw.

The Gnoblar set was the source for the referee, coach and cheerleader (with milliput pom poms)

Re: Show Us Yer Teams!

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2018 1:39 am
by Skitters
Finally my Skaven team. The Skaven BB box was supplemented by the Forgeworld booster, plus Glart Smashrip (love this model - just seemed to invite the brush), Hakflem Skuttlespike (which seemed a lot messier to paint). A rat ogre from the Rat Ogre and handler set gives them the big guy, but also gave me a few heads and body bits to try to help mix up the BB models.

I got a little carried away with this team though. Initially I purchased an extra Gutter runner and converted a thrower to be the fourth GR.....but then I got carried away and nabbed the booster set so ended up with 6 GR's and 3 blitzers. With GR's I decided to add a couple of arms to one and quite happy with the outcome.

Fezglitch has the body of a Goblin fanatic with a Skaven head, foot and tail

The handler set was used for an apothecary and a couple of giant rats to act as a cheerleader.

Experimented with the bases a bit more with this team, and pretty happy with how they turned out.

Numbering to be done

Nearly completed a Chaos team, and have also started a Dwarf team which has an excessively sized scratch built Deathroller...

Re: Show Us Yer Teams!

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2018 12:32 pm
by gumbi
Great teams - good work.

So funny how you can tell the difference between robed goblins and skaven but who is wearing shoes :)

Re: Show Us Yer Teams!

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2018 1:15 pm
by Elkantar
Chaos Marauder finished for the Munich Legacy Team 2018, i will paint a Minotaur too, which is up next:

Re: Show Us Yer Teams!

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2018 6:37 pm
by SlannMann
My current Norse team

Re: Show Us Yer Teams!

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2018 11:11 pm
by Skitters
Dwarves near completion, numbering and transfers to add. The oversized Deathroller mostly an Ork Battlewagon upgrade kit, with Kharadon overlord bits plus the reroll counters and a turn marker from the Dwarf set.

...though I now find myself wondering what to do for reroll counters!

The Second Runner was spliced with the spare armoured Blitzer head for an extra blocker

Re: Show Us Yer Teams!

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2018 1:39 pm
by Regash
:o How the hell are you gonna use that Monster Roller on a pitch?!?
It's at least 3 squares wide!

Re: Show Us Yer Teams!

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2018 9:05 pm
by Skitters
To be honest it's unlikely to be used in proper anger...I generally wouldn't play dwarves and if I did I can't see I'd field a roller.

But I happened to come across the Ork upgrade and once the idea had spawned I had to give it a go. it would have been bigger still if I'd have gone with the original plan to use the full roller!

Re: Show Us Yer Teams!

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2018 10:37 am
by peo2223
My new High Elves - Phoenix Knights

Got the inspiration from Jty's beautiful high elves, but I used phoenix warriors instead. Thanks for the idea jty

Re: Show Us Yer Teams!

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2018 11:25 am
by ooarrtracter
Finally remembers to photograph some of my minis.

Nurgle team: "WebMD.cas"

And with the additional models that allow them to double up as ogres standing on their custom field - "The Petri Dish".

Re: Show Us Yer Teams!

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2018 11:36 am
by ooarrtracter
Less well photographed:

Pro Elves: "Quintown Elementals" on their field "Fhloston Gardens"

Necro: "Edinhem Bodythieves" on their field

Re: Show Us Yer Teams!

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2018 6:39 pm
by SlannMann
Loving your Nurgle team Ooartracter, in particular the worm bloaters/warriors, the team's bases and the pitch. Really cool