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Toxicity of tabletop hobby materials

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2019 1:26 pm
by Saebelsultan
Hey people!
Following a disussion I had with other gamers, I was wondering if the materials we use in our hobby routine (Paints, varnishes, glues, greenstuff, etc.) are altogether safe to use or if one should take special care with certain products. Google serch turns up very little for that subject (apart from a mildly intersting article about the hazards of licking your brush ... -evidence/).
I understand that different materials may require different levels of carefullness and that we use them in small doses only but regularly, which will probably not have a major inpact on one's health. I was hoping though, one of you might point me into the right direction for more information on the tpic or might even have a good overview himself.
Thanks a lot in advance!

Re: Toxicity of tabletop hobby materials

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2019 12:58 pm
by rolo
Thank you for posting an interesting article!

The "Historical Danger" of brush-licking linked to in that article is a famous case involving radioactive radium paint, used to make numerals on watches glow in the dark. As awesome as glow-in-the-dark paint would be, Radium paint is not used any longer because holy shit, it's deadly. There are some gruesome images out there which the article thankfully doesn't show.

Anyway, I can confirm that aerosol sprays (spray paint and especially spray sealant) are very toxic and should be done outdoors. There's a reason they have all those warnings printed on the can!
But the worst I've used in my projects is paint thinner. Just opening the can makes my head spin a little.

Re: Toxicity of tabletop hobby materials

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2019 1:23 pm
by rolo
I found the MSDS (Material Safety Datasheet) for Kneadatite (aka "Green Stuff"):

It is classified as Category 1B Skin Sensitization hazard (can cause an allergic skin reaction).

They don't list a lethal dose, but under "Ingestion" they list "No known significant effects or critical hazards". They do list an inhalation hazard if you breathe the dust while sanding it:
"Exposure to decomposition products may cause a health hazard. Serious effects maybe delayed following exposure"

The dust created by sanding does contain "Crystaline silica non-respirable", which they list as a human carcinogen.

Conclusion: It might irritate your skin, don't breathe the dust, but it's not particularly poisonous.
I can confirm ... ah, that is, I've ah .. heard .. that it tastes so godawful that I can't imagine anyone willingly putting that shit in their mouth.

(don't look at me like that, I was prepping models and eating chips at the same time ...) :orc:

Re: Toxicity of tabletop hobby materials

Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2019 7:51 am
by Saebelsultan
Thanks for the hint, rolo.
I found that Vallejo put out their Safety Data Sheets all convinietly grouped on one site:

I wonder, why other companies don't do the same.

However - and this might be paranoia on my side - I am not all too certain about the safe use of Green Stuff. From what I am reading the epoxy putty part in Green Stuff is made of BPA to a very high degree. And BPA apparently is look at very crittically at the moment for acting as an estrogen on cellular levels ... th_effects

Good to know that most canned goods have an inner layer containing BPA which is therefore in contact with our foods...
I guess, it won't kill me any time soon and since we all reproduce fairly well without major issues its effects might also be not too great on humanity. However, it pays off to be aware of the things we use. They are artificial chemicals and they will have an impact on you (however small) if not used with caution. I suppose.