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Allies and Big Guys

Posted: Thu May 22, 2003 3:03 am
by hades2003
How do Allies work in a league?

The ruling that I use in the Welsh Weyr league is that 1 Big Guy is allowed, but no other allies.

This is quite unpopular with some of the players as there is Human Coach who wants to take Wardancers. Personally I think that allies are an easy way out. The "official" teams are balanced nicely, and the teams are supposed to have their individual strengths and weaknesses.

However; it does make sense for a "traditional" Undead team to be able to take a Vampire, as I don't think that they can have Big Guys and the Vamp would technically be an ally.

Oh well, just some random thoughts that someone might be able to help out with!

Cheers :D

Posted: Thu May 22, 2003 3:37 am
by Grumbledook
there are no offical rules for allys

allys just allows a player to take someone who fills in the weakness of that race and this upsets the balence of the teams

some of the teams are allowed 1 big guy just like the rulebook says

Posted: Thu May 22, 2003 1:28 pm
by Dave
I can understand some confusion here. The LRB mentions Big Guy Allies...

Posted: Fri May 23, 2003 12:16 am
by hades2003
Thanks for that. I like Big Guys, and they have loads of weaknesses as well as strengths so they are pretty well balanced.

Allies do make up for weaknesses in teams which are meant to be there, so therefore should not be allowed.


Posted: Fri May 23, 2003 12:24 am
by wesleytj
3rd edition had some ally house rules that were semi-official and created by jervis johnson, and a lot of leagues played with them. i agree that they are only good for making teams less unique, but if somebody out there wants to use them then whatever floats their boat. :)

there were fan factor penalties for every ally after 1. there was a list of what teams could take what races as allies, and the rule was you could take 1 ally for every 4 of that player on the roster (so NO wardancers!). So in other words if you had orcs as an ally, you could take 1 black orc, 1 blitzer, etc, to a max of 4 total allies.

it was an ok system, and relatively balanced, if you're into that sort of thing.