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Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2001 1:51 pm
by Deathwing
Not sure why you need 3 Frenzy players. If you're using allies, I'd be tempted to use a normal human Blitzer rather than a Norse one. Dwarves lack movement, and I'd rather have the extra MA and AV at the expense of Frenzy and Jump Up. Don't forget that Jump Up is a much weaker skill in 4th, if you use it then you can't use Block or any other skill. Frenzy has a downside in 4th too(at least as written in Gold!).
Not sure about the Thrower either...Runners have the same stats, the same access to general/passing skills, plus you can use team re-rolls on them. Why try and play the passing game with Dwarves anyway? You have no access to Agility skills, so no Catch/Diving Catch/Sprint etc. I'd replace the Human thrower with another Longbeard, do what they're good at and pound it down the field! :evil:

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2001 5:04 pm
by Ancalagon
Well, my idea of using norse blitzer is because it has skills similar to trollslayers. It's true they lack strenght (dauntless) but they also have more AG and move. Maybe it can be replaced by one norse catcher (willing to get block/dodge combo). About the human thrower and passing dwarf game... well I think it won't be a bad idea to use someone to catch the ball while runners don't loose time moving back to get it . As you said before dwarfs need less rerolls, so spend one catching an accurate pass won't be a huge loss.
I also have to say that I've never tried dwarf before, and maybe I'll change my mind once a few matches have been played.
:pissed: :pissed: :pissed:

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2001 6:28 pm
by Anthony_TBBF
I would stay away from allies especially on a starting team in a tournament, only because they can't use rerolls and the tend to be the players you rely on. You know the second you *really* have to pick up that ball with an ally he's gonna blow it :wink:

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2001 1:56 am
by Longshot
forget about allies
we work in those moutains
forget about ennemis
they'll know PAIN!!!
-Dwarf Song - by Longshot

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2001 8:45 am
by Ancalagon
Human throwers are one of the best ally. Doesn't matter if you cannot spend RR on them, they have sure hands to get the ball and pass and, for me, this two skills count as two possible RR. And again, norse will give more movement and are cheap, and ogre... well it's completely necesary (nobody talked against it).
And my final argue: I'm against racism :grin:
:pissed: :pissed: :pissed:

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2001 9:20 am
by Ancalagon
Bad news about the 3rd edition tournament:
I won't play using lizards nor dwarfs and I'll tell you why. They will allow as many starplayers as you can afford when building the team and they use their own extended starplayer list. Once read this list I know wich team will be the favourite; Undead. I post below the stars for this team:

Count Luthor 6 5 4 9 Block, dodge, Hipnotic gaze, Regen. 180K

Bernie, the mummy 3 6 1 9 Block, Stand Firm, Mighty blow, Regen. 170K

Toot-and-com -it-blow Mummy 3 6 1 10 Block, Pile on, Mighty blow, Regen., M.Helmet 180K

Those stars don't count as pos. players, so the complete team could be:
those nasty 3 stars, 2 mummys, 2 ghouls, rest skeletons or zombies, 1 FF no RR. Completely brutal. You can change one ordinary mummy by a skeleton and have a RR or maybe more FF but at the end is one of the most brutal teams I've ever seen; 2 ST6, 3 ST5... and although I like playing with teams I like, maybe this time should play to win.
I warned the organization about this but they said that a elf team could win and human teams can also have good stars.
Those people are blind...
:pissed: :pissed: :pissed:

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2001 3:00 pm
by voyagers_uk
What are the stats of the best Human and Elf Star players? Just out of interest of course.:grin:

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2001 4:39 pm
by Ancalagon
Well I didn't look much about human stars but there is count luthor and morg. The basic problem is that only one big guy is allowed per team and mummies aren't big guys, so it becomes the strongest team. I think only dwarfs using dauntless could do something, but his lack of speed will give the match to undead (don't forget mighty blow and pile on mummy star wich would do lots of injuries).
:pissed: :pissed: :pissed:

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2001 10:23 pm
by Longshot
think about elf teams...
they dont care about stars players or strongers one coz they score anyway! (the other team have only one blitz per turn, think about it)

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2001 8:08 am
by Ancalagon
I know! But I'll explain you one thing; each time you score you have to put three men on the scrimmage line. And the way of playing is this: if I receive, I get the ball with luthor and three men on the line are injured by my mummies, then keep the ball and continue making injuries, waiting to score till turn 7 or 8. If at the start you receive, well, just make injuries and force you to score fast. Sure second half will be much more easy.
:pissed: :pissed: :pissed:

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2001 9:53 pm
by Longshot
it dont work all the time!
I won matches versus stronger team, and they wanred to play like that. (i still hate Stars...)

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2001 9:01 am
by Ancalagon
I changed a bit my mind. Yesterday I played my first match using dwarfs against one undead team using those nasty stars (luthor, those two star mumies, one normal mummi). I played using the team posted some time ago (grim, 2 trollslayers, 2 blitzer, 2 runner, rest longb. 1 RR 3 FF). I lost on turn 8 2nd half, the result was 1-0 and I enjoyed so much watching the troubles undead had to break my defences. Only Luthor could dodge into my lines to hit the ball carrier, and he did using hypnotic gaze. Mummy stars wasted a lot of time waking up after they met my trollslayers and luthor had some problems when I isolated him and blocked more than twice, but finally he escaped and scored the TD. I'm happy with this dwarf team, and after playing a match using undead I'll choose which team I would use on the tournament.

Ancalagon was the hugest black dragon ever walked in middle earth. Furious :pissed: smily

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Ancalagon on 2001-11-23 09:02 ]</font>

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2001 10:20 am
by voyagers_uk
keep us updated it sounds good fun.

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2001 12:51 pm
by Ancalagon
Well, lots of things have changed since my last post and those are the results:
First of all new edition has been posted so allies have dissapeared but dwarf team keep an ogre wich can grow on skills as fas as any other player (first skill is block!) and although those free rerolls are gone the increasing skill rate (ssp 6, 16...) benefies dwarf team because they are skilled from team building.
About the team that I'll use this weekend on the 3rd edition tournament, well, after having played a match using undead I finally choosed dwarf. I've tried two teams, one with grim, 2 runners, 2 blitzers, 2 trollslayers, 4 longbeards, 1RR, 1 FF (I lost 1-0 turn 8 second half against the NASTY undead team) the second team I tried was the same but I changed the runners by longbeards in order to have 1 extra RR; played again against undead and although we didn't finish the match I injured several players wich didn't regenerate (count luthor was one of them) so the second half could be easier. The third team I'll try (tomorrow) I'll change Grim by a longbeard in order to have: 2 trollslayers, 2 blitzers, 2 runners, 5 longbeards 2 RR 2 FF and Apothecary. The worse about this is that once you build the team you cannot buy starplayers (due non oficial rules of this tournament).
What do you think about? I think that at this moment the most successful was my 2nd team (no runners, they don't have block).
And... what about grim, 1 trollslayer, 2 blitzers, 1 runner, 6 longbeards, 1 RR, 1 FF and apo?

Ancalagon was the hugest black dragon ever walked in middle earth. Furious :pissed: smily

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Ancalagon on 2001-11-28 12:57 ]</font>

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2001 9:55 pm
by Longshot
forget about Grim....