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Underworld for Flamebowl III

Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2010 1:55 pm
by Nethrag
So with 20 points to use and a lot of the mutations being low pointed skills I was considering the following for the Flamebowl. Our 4 man team will almost definitely be near/at the bottom table so I was trying to keep that in mind when picking skills.

Troll Tentacles 2 points (so I don't get tempted to do anything important with him!)
Thrower Extra arms 1 point (standard ball carrier guy)
Thrower Two heads 2 points (break away ball carrier when I've got in trouble)
Blitzer Tackle 3 points (blitzer dodgy opposition)
Blitzer Horns 2 points (blitzes strength opposition)
Linerat Prehensile tail 2 points
Linerat Prehensile tail 2 points
Gobbo Extra Arms 1 point (the gobbo for the 1TTD plus can try picking up the ball in
crowded areas)
Gobbo Horns 2 points (can blitz into awkward spots)
Gobbo Hail mary 2 points (a 1 point doubles skill)
Gobbo Diving Catch 1 point.
3 rr

The ones I'm not too sure about are the value of prehensile tail on the linerats and spending 3 points on the hail mary / diving catch combo (although diving catch does get round animosity passing to the goblin if I pass to the empty square next to them instead - but then I obv miss out on the +1 to the catch roll). Wrestle is a 3 point skill (on the line rats) and was also tempted by diving tackle (3 points) on a couple of goblins?

Re: Underworld for Flamebowl III

Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2010 2:14 pm
by Joemanji
Nethrag wrote:Linerat Prehensile tail 2 points
Linerat Prehensile tail 2 points
Gobbo Hail mary 2 points (a 1 point doubles skill)
Gobbo Diving Catch 1 point.

The ones I'm not too sure about are the value of prehensile tail on the linerats and spending 3 points on the hail mary / diving catch combo (although diving catch does get round animosity passing to the goblin if I pass to the empty square next to them instead - but then I obv miss out on the +1 to the catch roll). Wrestle is a 3 point skill (on the line rats) and was also tempted by diving tackle (3 points) on a couple of goblins?


Drop those you mentioned and you have 7 points. A Wrestle linerat is awesome. Two is even better. You are also missing a 2Heads Goblin, which IMO is the main reason to take Underworld in the first place! 2+ dodging to anywhere is just so much fun. :D

Tentacles is a solid call on the Troll. As you say, it gives him value in not taking an action. Some people take Claw, and at a reduced 3 points that isn't a bad shout. Totally a matter of taste though.

I'd go something like:

Troll - Tentacles (2)
2 Blitzers - Tackle (3), Guard (5)
2 Throwers - Extra Arms (1)
2 Linemen - Wrestle (3)
6 Goblins - 2 Two Heads (4), Horns (2)
1 AC
1 Ch
3 RRs

Though to be honest, you could drop Fez, a Goblin and the gubbins for a Gutter Runner (Skitter).

Re: Underworld for Flamebowl III

Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2010 2:54 pm
by Nethrag
Last year I played stunty underworld and was allowed Skitter, he was extremely useful your right, I was just worried that it'd leave me with too small a bench if I took the full line up underworld?
I didn't think the prehensile etc were worth it so thanks for that.
What do you think of this?

13 man team
2 x Linerats (2 x wrestle 6pts)
2 x Blitzers (1 x Tackle 3pts, 1 x Horns 2pts)
2 x Thrower (1 x extra arms 1pt)
Troll (Tentacles 2pts)
5 x Gobbo (1 x Horns 2pts, 2 x two heads 4pts)
3 rerolls.

With this I assume I'd be best putting the troll and the two line rats on the line?


Re: Underworld for Flamebowl III

Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2010 3:15 pm
by Joemanji
That looks very good, though as you say it has a thin bench. However, your original Fez roster was really no better as he only plays for one drive.

Re: Underworld for Flamebowl III

Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2010 8:28 pm
by Nethrag
Cool, that'll do if I take full underworld then, the other option is for stunty underworld again.

I think that goes like;

Troll (tentacle)
13 Gobbos (2 x Horns, 2 x Two heads, 2 x Diving Tackle and then either 1 x catch and 1 x Big hand or 2 x Prehensile tail)
3 rr

I did half think of taking Troll, skitter, glart and 10 gobbos but that only gives me 13 players and as 10 of them are goblins that didn't seem enough!

Re: Underworld for Flamebowl III

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2010 1:28 pm
by mubo
Nethrag wrote: With this I assume I'd be best putting the troll and the two line rats on the line?
Tricky one. I'd be tempted to put 2 gobbos on if playing vs no tackle or S4 players (less 3D blocks). Those linerats are pretty crucial to you, I'd try and protect them.

However if you're playing elves, then they'll have to leave players next to your troll if they want to 2D your rats, whereas gobbos they can 2D from the diagonal, no obvious answer...

Re: Underworld for Flamebowl III

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2010 1:32 pm
by Joemanji
I would have thought the choice was between goblins or blitzers. Either most expendable or most resilient. I usually put goblins on the line though. It's amazing how often they survive even 3D blocks, and if they do they can dodge away and your defence is strong.

Re: Underworld for Flamebowl III

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2010 2:00 pm
by mubo
Blitzers! But what if they die?

If the oppo has little block, gobbos are a good choice. However, you only have 2 unskilled goblins, who'll probably be on the bench.

Re: Underworld for Flamebowl III

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2010 11:05 am
by SillySod
I tend to put goblins on the line because they are much better at repositioning when they get tied up or knocked down. A fun trick is to put disturbing presence goblins on the scrimmage. They are basicly worthless but their disturbing presnece is in play even if they are stunned. Hence you can chuck a bomb or two into the heart of their formation on turn 1 and there is very little chance of a catch, let alone a successfully returned throw.

Re: Underworld for Flamebowl III

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2010 5:40 pm
by Nethrag
A distinct lack of a bombadier in my underworld team sadly :)

It was indeed the fact that the gobbos have skills that was my concern about putting them on the line.

It seems that against tackle, the skaven go on the line as dodge is useless.
Against S4 the skaven go on the line as I don't want 3d blocks against.
Against elves it also seems like the blitzers go on the line as to get a 2d block the elf coach would have to put someone next to the tentacles troll and then he can try and keep them there.
Against block you don't really want gobbos on the line.

so its only against S3 with no block that the goblins go on the line?

And its mumbojumboist's
Blitzers! But what if they die?
thought that's making me lean towards the wrestling line rats as yes they're important but the blitzers are more important!

Re: Underworld for Flamebowl III

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 1:17 am
by Leipziger
Johnny, tentacles is quite good on the troll, but I've noticed a few coaches in other tournaments finding claw (3pts) useful on the big man. Depends how you feel about using him aggressively, I guess.