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High Elf for Exiles (TR115)

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 10:08 pm
by Darkson
Thought I had a roster all worked out, but when I came to print it.... :roll:

115, 3 normals skills game 1, 3 skills (one can be a double) game 4.

Blitzer (Dodge 1)
Blitzer (Guard 2)
Catcher (Block 1)
Catcher (Block 1)
Catcher (Block 2)
5 lineman
3 RRs

Up for discusion:
1. Block or Dodge on the Catchers? Or a mixture?
2. Day 2 normal skill - Block or Dodge on the 4th Catcher, OR Leader on the thrower, drop a reroll and add a Apo?
3. Drop Guard on the Blitzer and take a 2nd Blodger?

I know it's late (seeing as the car leaves in 9 hours), but... :roll: :lol:

Re: High Elf for Exiles (TR115)

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 11:56 am
by armydave
So how did they get on?

Re: High Elf for Exiles (TR115)

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 9:46 pm
by Darkson
Block was a waste, Dodge was a waste, Guard was ok.

They sucked.

I suck.

'Nuff said!