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Dark Elf line up

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 11:45 am
by Rayphoton
Hey all. What do you think is a good starting line up for a dark elves.

I want at least 3 rerolls cause i have phenomenally bad dice ...I have 850 to spend

What do you veterans all like?

Re: Dark Elf line up

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 11:56 am
by Pedda
The most commong starts for dark elves are

4 Blitzers
1 Runner
6 Line elves
2 RRs


3 Blitzers
1 Witch elf
7 Line elves
2 RRs

I'd suggest the first one and hope to get leader on your runner ASAP, but if you'd like to have 3 Rs from the get go, I'd go with

2 Blitzers
9 Line elves
3 RRs
2 FF/20k banked

or (depending on your view on the runner)

2 Blitzers
8 Line elves
1 Runner
3 RRs
1 FF/10k banked

Re: Dark Elf line up

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 3:05 pm
by DixonCider
I am a big fan of

4 Blitzers
1 Runner
6 Line elves
2 RRs

makes it a little lean in the beginning, but I want to get my Blitzers rocking as fast as possible

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 10:04 pm
by Shteve0
I suggest the 3 blitzer, 1 witch roster above. I played 4 blitzers and 7 linos in our league and found that until you can pressure a sideline dark elves can run into issues. I personally don't think you need three rerolls - the extra MA and block upgrading lineman to blitzers gives you outweighs a reroll for utility, and as you get block and dodge you'll need them less anyway.

Re: Dark Elf line up

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2015 5:07 pm
by Docmarc
3 Blitzers
1 Witch elf
7 Line elves
2 RRs

for me the WE is too good to pass.

Re: Dark Elf line up

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2015 6:06 pm
by Jimmy Fantastic
Runner is crap. Either go 4 Blitzers 10k saved for apo or 3 Blitzers + Witch.

Re: Dark Elf line up

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2015 5:43 am
by Smeborg
Rayphoton - I think it depends on format and taste. Bear in mind there is no perfect starting roster for DEs, each has its drawbacks.

I am not a great fan of the DE Runners, but if you play in a short format, with chosen MVP, starting with 4xBlitzers and 1xRunner gives you the option of 1 Pass Completion + MVP = Leader, for that precious 3rd Re-roll as early as game 2.

Otherwise, 3xBlitzers and 1xWitch is probably somewhat better. 4xBlitzers has its uses, though, and is more durable (and 10,000 is saved towards the Apoth). Which of these 2 rosters is better may depend on the type of opposition you expect to face (if facing lots of bash, then 4xBlitzers may be better).

Otherwise its largely a matter of taste. Hope that helps.

Re: Dark Elf line up

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2015 7:53 am
by Rayphoton
Its a long term league with lots of time to level up stuff. MVP are not used very much cause the collect no star points and cost so much. Rerolls cost double to be purchased later so I wanted to get in that at the beginning. However regardless this has been alot of help. As the runner seems to be looked upon with some derision Ill probably be leaving him out of the mix to start off. Are assassins very useful or are they also something to be ignored at first?

Re: Dark Elf line up

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2015 8:44 am
by Pedda
Rayphoton wrote:MVP are not used very much cause the collect no star points
MVP is the 5 SPPs that one player gets after the game. Hence the new skill with a completion.
Rayphoton wrote: Rerolls cost double to be purchased later so I wanted to get in that at the beginning.
They cost the same as a blitzer, but you want the SPPs on the blitzers asap and their block will save you rerolls in the early games.
Rayphoton wrote:Are assassins very useful or are they also something to be ignored at first?
I'd only use him as an inducement, when/if needed

Re: Dark Elf line up

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2015 10:30 am
by Rayphoton
ugh Im tired...I didn't mean to say MVP I meant to say "star players aren't used very much". Which reading back STILL makes no sense in context to your answer. Insomnia is making me stupid

Re: Dark Elf line up

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2015 7:29 pm
by babass
Pedda wrote:
3 Blitzers
1 Witch elf
7 Line elves
2 RRs
This one is my favorite.
I used the witch as ball carrier at start (with dodge she is a much better ball carrier as a runner... actually i don't like taking a runner, except when i'm playing in a very short league, to get the leader asap), and when the witch skilled (wrestle), the 2nd witch (my 1st buy) become the new carrier, until she skilled.
When both Witch have wrestle or block, i'm using as ball carrier the blodge blitzer.

Re: Dark Elf line up

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2015 9:17 pm
by Smeborg
Rayphoton - I have used Assassins, indeed, I played one season with 2 Assassins. Things did not go as I had expected.

I do not rate Assassins at all as rostered players. They are expensive, they get removed from the pitch easily (AV7, no starting Block or Dodge), and they do not skill up (TDs go to the MA7 players, CAS go to the players who block, not those who stab). But worst of all, I found that the whole team was slowed down and gummed up by using Stab (when it fails, you simply lose 1 or 2 actions, the team ceases to be nimble and dynamic, players are left out of position).

However, I rate Assassins highly as inducements against AV7 teams. I once played against a high TV Skaven team, and managed to induce 2 Assassins and Horkon. Marvellous - up to 4 stabs per turn.

Hope that helps.

Re: Dark Elf line up

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2015 1:08 pm
by Rayphoton
No it. So aim to pick up the other witch elf and a extra blitzer down the line then.....

Re: Dark Elf line up

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2015 12:37 pm
by juck101
4 Blitzers
1 Runner
6 Line elves
2 RRs

I dont buy the runner in a league and get a 7th lino. I want 11 players that all can take guard on their frist doubles. If I get to 2 skills each and I have no guard I would recycle. (bit mean but I learnt how good this is)

Runner and witch dont get my team solidified, so I avoid them until I have my initial skills. Runner also hogs the throws and without him you use your linos more to grab the odd +1 spp. Initial witch with 2 rr is not quite enough for me to win games with, so I prefer 4 block players from game 1

Re: Dark Elf line up

Posted: Mon May 11, 2015 10:46 am
by El_Jairo
I prefer the 4 blitzer, runner & 6 Linemen, 2 TRR. I prefer to put my money into FF if it is a fixed league or TV pairing isn't used because getting FAME is a good way of generating cash. An apoth is of course your first priority but if you can restart your team, why not aim for the biggest win-build in the first place?

I do like the idea of Babas of using a witch as BC until a blitzer gets Blodge. Nevertheless I can never resist using the Frenzy to set up surfs on defense. This eats away your TRR's even faster as long as she is lacking Wrestle/Block. Also if you lack Blodge on Blitzers and Liners, you can't really protect the witch and I hate it when she gets KO'd early in the game and refuses to get back on the pitch.

On the other hand I like all my blitzers in the front line to make the most out of block and punish the rookies on the line.

The runner is as fast as the other positionals and gives quick access to Leader, which is golden: not paying at all for your 3rd TRR.
I might be one of the only fans of the runner but I quite like the Dump-Off skill as it can really be annoying for your opponent to not be able to put their hands on the ball.
I know it is a skill you don't want to be using, let alone build a team strategy but we all know how quickly strategy can go out of the window in a Blood Bowl game.

As said Assassins are very niche as they rock vs AV7 but not really vs other armour teams. They do make great play sometimes but are indeed quite static as you typically don't want to spend the blitz on them.
We have a coach who tried a team with two assassins from the start. They team got battered and only one Assassin survived the first 9 games with -MA but he gained the dream: Multi-Stab!! I'm playing him next with my Wood Elves so my defense LoS will be spreading out just because of this skill. So yeah, assassins can be great but frankly they are overpriced because they are not consistent performers. On the other hand they do have a chance at whacking a troll with not risk for TO. Ok, chances are slim and typically the Troll will eat the assassin but it is so much fun when they do deliver :D