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New Dark/High Elf Team for NCBB Season 32

Posted: Thu May 02, 2019 4:09 pm
by mattgslater
I had some RL stuff drag me away from the National College Blood Bowl league. I had become disenchanted with the Slam Diego State Smacktecs, and the Rutgers Hauers are in a weird spot, where they're too strong for the all-rookie "Non-AQ" (AQ=Automatic Qualifier) conference but would just get massacred in the main show.

So I want to build a new team. I may come back to the Smacktecs someday, so I'm not going to pick my alma mater again as a college theme. But there are two other big universities in town, though they're not known for sports. My main objective is to build good players for the NBFL Draft, where the Denvork Bronkorks (or Destroyt Ork City, or whatever they're called when they rejoin the NBFL in whatever franchise) can pick up good players. I'm not willing to sacrifice basic success for this. I don't need to stoke my ego, but I don't want to tarnish my rep, either.

You know what I always need, and is a drag to build? Linemen. You know what bugs the heck out of me and bedevils me more than anything else? Elves with a Leaping Frenzy Juggernaut. You know how to beat them? Side Step Linemen. Just two. You know how hard it is to get two Side Step Linemen?

So I'm gonna stock the draft with Side Step Linemen. Block, Side Step, Fend. As such, I've decided on a High Elf or Dark Elf build, with 10 Linemen, 1 Blitzer, and either 3 Re-Rolls + Apothecary, or 4 Re-Rolls, and buy the Apothecary ASAP. Leaning to 4 Re-rolls, but basically the two questions are: High or Dark, and 3RR+Apo or 4RR?

For purposes of the draft, all graduates are put into one or more draft categories: Lineman, Blitzer, Skilled, Strength, and Big guy. My Orcs can draft Goblins (Line and/or Skilled), Linemen (Line), Throwers (Skilled), Blitzers (Blitzer), BOBs (Strength), and Trolls (Big), though we mostly go for Linos, Blitzers, and BOBs. Going into the draft, as they graduate, High and Dark Elf Linemen are Line, Blitzers are Skilled and Blitzer, and everyone else is just skilled.

What that means for me is that anything but a Lineman or a Blitzer is kind of a waste, which makes me think Dark Elves. But I've had a lot more on-pitch success with High Elves, because the High Elf Catcher is better than anything the DE have. So, really, a vote for DE is a vote for "build for the draft" while a vote for HE is a vote for "compete!"

What say you all?