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How to setup a new wood elves team

Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2002 3:18 pm
by lyannou

I'am a rookie french bloodbowl player and i would like some advice from veteran bloodbowl player on how to setup a wood elves team?

I thaught about these settings:

1 wardancer
10 line elves
2 RR
8 FF


1 wardancer
1 thrower
2 catcher
7 lineman
1 RR
7 FF

What do you think about these setting? Do I need a apothicary for the first match or do i have to wait the first match to buy one?

Thanks a lot for your help.

Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2002 7:44 pm
by DaImp
I would start with 2 catchers every time. their mv of 9 is deadly and causes alot of panic in opposing teams. The wardancers I am unsure about, maybe 1 if you have the money but certainly never 2. You can get away with not buying a thrower as the W Elves agility of 4 means they pass well no mater who they are.
So I would suggest:
2 catchers
1 Wardancer
9 Linelves
1 reroll
ff 2
not the best team for a league but a strong one off team


2 catchers
10 linelves
1 reroll
7 ff
which is a better league team, then when you get a chance buy a wardancer or an apothocary and build up a thrower from all the SPP from all the TD's you will be scoring. :)

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2002 12:16 am
by DaFrenchCoach
Hello there lyannou, you're welcome (who said "especially because you're a damn... french too" ?) !!! :D :D :D

For me, coaching a wood elves team is really hard if you're a new coach, due to the fact they're really weak... if your opponent blocks them.

It also depends on the rule package you used in your league. With 2K1 ruleset: this is the latest rules review, released in october, 2001, and free downloadable on (clik on the bottom menu bar, on "specialist games", then on the new menu bar on "blood bowl" and then on "Rules review"), having an apothicary is important but less than if you're playing with 3rd edition rules (because fouling is harder to do, and injured players are harder to have... A little bit ;) ).

My choice:

1/ "Hard times for wood elves"

10 linemen (700 k)
1 catcher (90 k)
1 wardancer (120 k)

1 RR (50 k)
4 FF (40 k)

Be careful... your first purchase should be an apothicary. your second one, a thrower (see below)

2/ "yes, we love disco"

8 linemen (560 k)
2 catchers (180 k)
1 wardancer (120 k)

2 RR (100k) or 1 RR and 1 apothicary (100k)
4 FF (40k)

Hard to play if you hard a hard first match... Loosing a player is damagable. Absolute priority: having cash in order to buy some linemen !

As you can see, I'd rather play without 10 linemen... Even if it's also a good choice. A last general note: AG4 of wood elves should report the purchase of a thrower at the beginning... If you have some rerolls. My impression when seeing wood elves in a league is the first matches are really paradox (under 3rd edition rules + house rules, some times ago): your stats give you some good chances to win your matches, if your opponent don't destroy 2 of your players... it's highly subjective, and many people on this board should say the absolute contrary...:

First matches: paradox
5-10 matches (approx.): hard to play against powerful teams
10+ matches: could be a good team.

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2002 7:45 am
by Trambi
I prefer your second solution :

1 wardancer
1 thrower
2 catcher
7 lineman
1 RR
7 FF

But i'm not a wood elves expert . :(

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2002 10:21 am
by Marcus
1 wardancer
10 line elves
2 RR
8 FF

Every time.

You can't survive on 1 reroll.
You can't afford to use catchers when you only have 11 men on your roster. They have ST2 and they will die.
You need the 8 FF to replace your early deaths.
1 Wardancer will be enough of a playmaker to get your through the first game or two.

I've experimented with all kinds of other starting rosters and, for a league, I've never found better than 10 linemen, 1 wardancer.


Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2002 10:49 am
by DaImp
I agree with Marcus, but mv 9 catchers are still a great assest... if you keep them alive. The basic point being made I think is that the standard Wood Elf lineman is a good enough agility player on his own and can perform the rolls of catcher or thrower better than many specialist players of other races. But when using a team made almost totaly of linemen you do need to have at least 2 and preferably more (difficult with the cost of elves) to make up for their lack of skills. And as high a fan factor as you can get is important too.

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2002 11:44 am
by DaFrenchCoach
Marcus, I don't disagre with you... I just give the 2 ways for me. Even if I don't think having only a wardancer at the beginning is a good idea: the AV isn't a lot important, an the fact of having only a special position player in your roster will automatically concentrate all your opponents blocks... You also can play with 2 catchers instead of 1 catcher/ 1 wardancer, and increase your FF...

I agree with you that it's hard with 1 RR... Even if I think 2 RR isn't a so far better solution...

10 linemen (700 k)
2 catchers (180 k)

2 RR (100 k)
2 FF

Hard too !!!

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2002 12:15 pm
by Deathwing
FF 2?????
Here we go again..... :wink:
lyannou, the popular opinion is that you need to start with as high a FF as you possibly can. (DFC disagrees on this, more of a fluff point of view than anything else! )
I recently started a High Elf team, 2 Dragon Warriors, 1 Pheonix, 8 line, 2 RR and FF 6. I lost a lineman first game, only won 40k and so I'm going into game 2 with 10 players and still no apoth.
I was going to drop a DW for the extra lineman and start with FF9, but I took Chet's advice on the list (against my better judgement! :wink: ) and in retrospect it was probably the wrong decision. Another fatality next game and I'm in a whole world of hurt!
Bottom line is that FF pays for itself very quickly, and that's not even considering the Kick off table. My opponent had FF9 and won every single KO result when FF came into play. With WE there's going to be more rolls on the KO table than most teams, and the odds just don't add up!

Pitch invasions and thrown rocks will hurt you more than most with AV7.

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2002 12:23 pm
by Princelucianus
Deathwing wrote:FF 2?????
I was going to drop a DW for the extra lineman and start with FF9,
It looked like you were dropping yourself when I first read it :D :D :D


Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2002 12:35 pm
by DaImp
I always try to start with 12 players on my team when playing with an agilty race.
This does compromise the number of rerolls and fans you can buy - more the rerolls. But I feel it is a safer option than just 11 players. Basically it is a slightly defensive team building strategy. You can risk it and go with 11 players and an extra reroll and fan factor or two but the consequences are alot harsher if you lose a few players in the opeing games. My feeling is less rerolls and more fans is the way to go... makes it harder in the beginning but if you can survive the early games the money will be rolling in and you can begin buying new players for your team.

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2002 9:15 am
by Longshot
buy an apo!!!

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2002 9:23 am
by DaImp
that too :lol:

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2002 9:43 am
by Norse
Wardancers are easily the most reliable ball carriers in the game, my wife uses a 2 wardancer 9 line-elf combo with apo and it can be very hard, plus you have someone to actually blitz the opponents ball carrier with too...

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2002 11:06 am
by lyannou
First of all, thank you all for these advices.

What i can see is that FF is very important and having an apothicary for the first match is not necessary becaus of the high FF.

After there are 2 ways: the first one is the Wardancer's "school" and the second is the Catcher's "school".

The problem with the second "school" is that woodies catchers are very exepensive and very freak with their strength of 2! So if i lost one during the first match it will be very hard to continue.

I will play woodies for the first time. I played last year on a league for the first time and i played with orc. I learned a lot of things but i would like to have some advice on how to play woodies: do you know where i can find some articles or web site about this? Or maybe some of you can give me some tips :P


Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2002 11:11 am
by Longshot
about FF and apo ,there is 2 school.
one for high FF and no apo, and another one with apo and no FF.
u can choose. (my is low FF and apo)