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any advice for my Chaos Dwarves??

Posted: Wed May 15, 2002 2:52 pm
by scrollmaster
I've been looking around the Internet but haven't been able to find much tactical advice for Chaos Dwarves, esspecially not including the new Bull Centaurs.

I recently got into BB again after 5 years. I chose Chaos Dwarves because I thought the Bull centaurs was a cool addition.

So far I've played one game against High Elves and lost 1-2, but a lot came back to me during the game, but I would appriciate any tactical ideas/thoughts.

My team is
1 Bull Centaur with Break Tackle
1 Bull Centaur
4 Chaos Dwarves
5 Hob Goblins

thanks, Scrollmaster

Posted: Wed May 15, 2002 3:04 pm
by sean newboy
Understand one thing bout chaos dwarves, they are a some assembly required kind of team, all strength teams are. 2 bits of advice tho. First if u dont have one get an apothecary, secondly get your other 2 chaos dwarves. I'm not sure i would have gotten break tackle rather than block for an ag 2 player with st 4, thats your call tho. With the new spp advance table it will be awhile before he gets another advance.

Posted: Wed May 15, 2002 3:29 pm
by scrollmaster
ok thanks.

I have 4 rerolls but that was because i made the team from our leagues list while waiting for my bloodbowl box to show up. Here Hobgoblins were stated as being 50k and not 40k. when we realized the error I just took another Reroll, but probably should have taken an apothecary.

But when I realised the mistake I thought what the hell I'll hopefully get on after first game ... that was beofre I got earnings of 20k!!

I chose Break Tackle because my Bull Centaurs kept getting pinned down and actually didn't do much for the whole game other than the one touch down.

My list fo things to buy is:
1 Apothecary
1 Dwarf
1 Dwarf

Hopefully i'll get through the next game without any serious casualties to either Bull Centaur

Posted: Wed May 15, 2002 3:46 pm
by sean newboy
depending on who u play that should not be too hard.

Posted: Wed May 15, 2002 3:56 pm
by scrollmaster
well since we are in a league I could play all sorts of teams. this is the current list

High Elves
Dark Elves

What I am trying to find is a style of play against both AG and ST teams for my Chaos Dwarves.

Posted: Wed May 15, 2002 4:07 pm
by Norse
Hi SM,

I've never found CDwarves hard to play with because your options are very limited (I have not used them since the Bull Centaur addition though, so things may have changed!)..

6 CDs and 6 HobGobs allows you a lot to spend on FF and RR.. HobGobs are pretty useless at most things to begin with, but their S3 and MA6 mean that you could keep 1 or 2 deep as last gasp defenders.. Against all teams I would follow up with your CDs because their skills and AV mean they will last longer than your opponent. CDs are a very under-rated opponent, tackle is a vital skill against dodgy teams and block will be very usefull even against S4 guys (my Saurus know this all too well... :x )

Skills for HobGobs should be sure-hands (saves on re-rolls) and dirty player or block.. doubles would be dodge, sprint, etc etc..

Happy hunting!

Posted: Wed May 15, 2002 4:08 pm
by sean newboy
For the non elves keep at least one bc on the line and use the hobs to deal with the runner/catchers. for the elven teams keep the bc's on the wide zones and back as safety's. Train half of your hobs as ball handlers and the other half as utilities. The utilities should start with skills such as kick, leader, pass block, and dirty player(if u get any). Another good utility hob is block and dauntless.

Posted: Wed May 15, 2002 4:24 pm
by scrollmaster
thanks. So far my tactics planned are something like this.

1 bull on left side and 1 dwarf, 3 Dwarves left LoS, 2 goblins to catch the ball, 1 bull centaur left side of main area (ball carrier). The last 3 gobos for cage building and other various bits.

Not 100% sure but I was actually thinking of 3 Dwarves in LoS, 1 bull in each wide zone and goblins spread out behind to give a flat wall of tacklezones. That way I hope that BC and gobo can catch quick runners if they should manage to get through the flat line og TZ

I want 1 BC to become ball carrier, 1 BC to become breaker'o'opponents, 2 gobos to be throwers and the rest of gobos and CD as Standard troopers.

Originally i planned to use gobos as ball carriers, but somebody adviced me to use the BC and it seemed and still seems like a better idea

Posted: Wed May 15, 2002 4:28 pm
by Norse
AG2 ball carriers?

Expect to lose your re-rolls quickly and needlessly! Why not have a hobgob ball carrier and 2 burly BCs to escort him safely through the melee? Give them all guard and that's a S5 hobgob with the ball!!

That's how I would do it.. don't let Sure Feet convince you that BCs are natural scorers. great defenders though, give one strip ball as soon as possible..

Posted: Wed May 15, 2002 5:03 pm
by sean newboy
Like norse says. Do the math ag 2 means 50% chance to pick up/catch a good ball, with a +1.Even with sure hands thats a chancy operation, i should know i ran a Minotaur team (all with ag 2) in 3rd ed. My best ball handler, with team rerolls was 5 for 8.

Posted: Thu May 16, 2002 8:45 am
by scrollmaster
I know it sounds weird. That was my first thought as well, but both drives I had was with a Bull Centaur carrying the ball and it seemed to work, although the first drive was brutally smashed because I couldn't move my cage.

Maybe having three ball carriers: 1 bull and 2 goblins. That way i could use different tactics

Posted: Thu May 16, 2002 9:53 am
by Deathwing
Personally I don't see why not. It's an option. If the kick is deep and there's no Gutter Runners or Elves that that pounce on the loose ball, then it can still be a low risk play. Sure Hands on a Bull Centaur gives you a what, 75% chance of picking up a loose ball? I could live with that.
Be nice on a Blitzing BC as well, smack down the ball carrier, out pops the ball..well what'dya know? Sure Hands. 8)

Posted: Thu May 16, 2002 10:15 am
by scrollmaster
excately! SPP for both the Kill and the Touch Down :-D

Bull centaur ball carriers can work!

Posted: Thu May 16, 2002 2:10 pm
by Hedgehog
I've got one with catch (double roll) and break tackle. As long as he's not in a tackle zone, he's got a 3/4 chance of catching the ball, and from there on it's almost a certain score. He's already got 2 touchdowns with this combo. I've also got a hobgob with pass, which helps.

My other bull centaur doesn't have any advances, but when he gets one I'll probably give him guard or block, so he can support my scorer.

p.s. Hi everybody! I'm a newbie here, and a snotling and chaos dwarf player!

Posted: Thu May 16, 2002 2:16 pm
by scrollmaster
hi :-)