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Re: Cyanide PC League

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 11:30 pm
by purdindas
Barney, is it you and me next?

Re: Cyanide PC League

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 3:30 pm
by PubBowler
I've moved the match day on so the next games can be played.

Ally, it's you and me next.
When would suit, I'm working on both Saturday and Sunday.

Re: Cyanide PC League

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 3:36 pm
by voyagers_uk
who have I got?

Re: Cyanide PC League

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 7:27 pm
by Barney the Lurker
purdindas wrote:Barney, is it you and me next?
No, Think you've got Voyagers_UK

I'm facing Tim[GER].

Hey tim I'm free most of Sunday (not too early!) and then mon-wed eve from 7.30is (UK)

Whens good for you?

Re: Cyanide PC League

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 8:51 pm
by inoculator
quote="PubBowler"]I've moved the match day on so the next games can be played.

Ally, it's you and me next.
When would suit, I'm working on both Saturday and Sunday.[/quote]

Hi Dave

I could play you at about 9.30 on Monday night if that suits you?

Playing Ant @ 8 in the other league & should be finished by then.

Re: Cyanide PC League

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 10:52 pm
by purdindas
Ok voyagers_uk,

I'm free all day thursday if you would like to play then.

Re: Cyanide PC League

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 4:47 pm
by voyagers_uk
hmmm, I may be travelling to Ireland on business on Thursday. Can you do evenings?

Re: Cyanide PC League

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 5:43 pm
by Thadrin
What's left of my reptiles will be playing Stick tommorrow.

Re: Cyanide PC League

Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 4:29 pm
by Thadrin
And, in a carnival of errors, the Lizards take a 3-0 win.

Got a Blitz first thing, Stick had an early turnover, score on turn one.
Big pile of crap dice left a scrum on one sideline. Pushed his ball carrier Beast into the crowd, nice throw in, free skink. 2-0 at half time.

Second half big scrum up the other sideline. Saw an opening, grabbed it and my skinks simply outran the Beastmen. 3-0 and game over.

Stick had pretty pitiful luck, and Chaos can't afford that. My luck was average and it was enough. I'm probably understating things in my favour there (I was probably very jammy). I think it was more a case of my "bad" dice were pushes rather than the splats I wanted, whereas Stick was getting Skulls and Coconuts. (example: The reason the Beastman went in the crowd was three successive skull-pushes. The fact that I GOT three two dicers on his Ball carrier says something about Ian's dice.)

Was extremely stupid thanks to trying to multitask, used my Apo on a Journeyskink (which failed anyway) and have a second niggled Saurus now. At least I have six at last. Two of them have Block. Got a Sidestepping Skink (scored twice I think) as well.

Re: Cyanide PC League

Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 6:31 pm
by purdindas
Not really this week I'm afraid. When are you bakc from the emerald isle?

Re: Cyanide PC League

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2010 4:45 pm
by PubBowler
inoculator wrote:
I could play you at about 9.30 on Monday night if that suits you?

Playing Ant @ 8 in the other league & should be finished by then.

I'm doing the same with the Don.

See you online then.

Re: Cyanide PC League

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2010 5:10 pm
by voyagers_uk
it is an in/out same day job. I'll stay in touch and we may be able to do it

Re: Cyanide PC League

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2010 8:57 pm
by purdindas

Let me know if your able to play sat or sun at any point. I can arrange the rest of my weekend activities around our game.

Re: Cyanide PC League

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2010 10:05 am
by PubBowler
1-0 Win to me against Ally.

Two crowd pushes by my rookie Witch Elf (while costing me both rerolls on 1in9 blocks) BH a lino and ko'd another one in the first two turns was always going to make it hard.
Good play left a TD possible but it was a lot of dice and a failed catch left it 0-0 at teh half.

Despite being a CAS up, a failure of KO's to return left the Dark Elves a man down agaisnt the Orcs.
Pushing for a quick TD to get another go at KO's I failed another 1in9 with the Witch Elf and she KO'd herself and lost the ball.

Ally recovered it but couldn't make it safe and I snatched it back and was able to blitz in for a TD leaving Ally 3 turns for an equaliser.

A short kick left an option of blitzing the Blodging ball carrier straight after the pick up but I concentrated on potential scorers leaving all within distance on their backs for the final turn.

Ally saw the oppurtnity for a double chainpush to get another Blitzer within scoring reach but double both downed the first hit to end the game.

No serious injuries to either side and my +1AG Blitzer now has Leap (It turned down +1MA/AV for it which I think is the right choice).

I'm up against 1st placed Tim next and thus I urge to 2nd placed Barney to kill all his Gutter Runners as a public service.

Re: Cyanide PC League

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2010 1:01 pm
by Thadrin
It has occurred to me that the two teams my poor battered reptiles have left are against the two top teams. Oh dear.