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New PBeM League...

Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2002 2:47 pm
by tchatter
I am starting a new PBeM league that will use LRB1.3 rules with a few house rules thrown in. I am hoping to kick off the inaugaral season on Oct. 27th at the latest.

Check out all the rules at the website at:

REBBL League

Join now!!


Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2002 4:46 pm
by neverdodge
i m in !! i ll mail you soon

Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2002 10:29 pm
by Vesticle
Quick question, 4d4 doesn't give a random roll from 1-16, it winds up having more of a 'normal curve' distribution, for picking a random number for each team... is this intentional?


Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2002 11:40 pm
by sean newboy
I would but i have mbbl2, mbbl, rabbl, publeague, possible goblin league ( if one is created i am soooooooooooo there), and Earth and Beyond.

Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2002 12:37 am
by tchatter
Vesticle... yeah I realized that after I went to add two teams to the league today.

Anyways, simple solution... I have a program called Dice Pro on my Palm and it let me create a 16 sided die. So I am using that and re-rolling spaces that are already taken up.

I know that it isn't completely random, but I think that it will be random enough. Besides I am trying to come up with some 'fluff' houserules that will cause the league to be re-aligned in some way shape or form, so that you aren't always playing against the same teams year in and year out.


Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2002 1:54 am
by Vesticle
Ok, just wanted to make sure you knew, some people might want to do something like that intentionally, and that'd be fine, as long as it's what they wanted.

Reading over the rules, I tend to be too lazy to want to have to deal with any considerable group of house rules being used, but I think they add to the game, so I'll have to figure out if I can put in the effort to get past my intial confusion and head-spinning on it all. =)


Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2002 2:55 am
by Scott King
I'm in, but 1 question. I can probably only do 1 turn per day, since my time online is wildly opposite to people in the USA (early morning for most of you - about 5 am) so to get a match finished in 3 weeks, I need to play through the weekends as well. Are you asking all of the coaches to do this? If so, count me in. Team will be sent posthaste.

Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2002 3:04 am
by Scott King
Actually, just looking through the rules you are using I don't think I will be able to join. :cry: Three weeks per game just won't be long enough. You are allowing teams to go into OT, and how can this be done in three weeks? I'm not flaming, but I just don't think that I could complete a full game in the timeframe given. Do other people think that we're looking at a very tight amount of play time here?

Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2002 9:54 am
by McDeth
I've already mailed my entry, but i think you may need to look at the Overtime. three weeks isn't a problem for me, i can play a couple of turns per day, but recently i 've been settling for 1 only.

if its aleague then draws at fulltime shouldn't be a problem, and it'll open the game up in the second half if the game is tied and one side desperately needs the win.

Also i like the Conference touch. having league within the toiurnament is something i'm all for, especially with the chance for a re-match later in the season. Alternatively you could get a shorter season with more players by having 4 groups of 6, each plays each other once etc.

Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2002 11:52 am
by tchatter
Thanks for all the input guys... I really need to go back and re-write some of the ways that I worded the rules.

I said three weeks but if you go to the schedule page, you'll see the actual time allotted. It ends up being more like 3.5 weeks. But I do like the idea of scrapping the OT during the regular season any thoughts on that?

If no one has a strong feeling either way, then I will be getting rid of the OT during the regular season.

McDeth - yeah, eventually we may have to add more teams and more conferences and divisions, hopefully this will grow.

Keep the input coming, I don't want to be just a dictator of rules after all this is the coaches league, I just do all the work. :roll:

Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2002 4:26 pm
by tchatter
Vesticle - I am following the LRB almost to the letter, even with Wizards and APO's. The only real houserules are the rules needed to make the PBEMBB tool work properly, which are typical. The other house rules are the sponsorships, which you won't have to worry too much about I will :-? , Stadiums (once we get to that much extra cash), and that is about it. So the only real MAJOR change from the LRB is the whole sponsorship thing.

Scott King and everyone else - I am going to change the rules tonight to delete OT during the regular season. If you look at the dates on the schedule page you'll see that I give 3 weeks + until the following Thursday, so really one day short of 4 weeks. This is to give me Fri - Sun to update stats, and get emails for freebooting and hiring of Wizards. So I think that without the OT there should be plenty of time?? 19 business days + the weekends if needed. Will this be enough?

I think that no OT will add to the excitement of the games, as McDeth said, and I think that I too will soon have less time to devoute to BB so I think that this is best. Any other ideas before we get the league off the ground?

I also setup a Yahoo! Group:[/url]

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2002 2:22 am
by Scott King
Yes I think that 19 dyas will be enough, and now I will be :lol: to join in the league! I may need you to clarify the league structure. In NewZealand there are no sports (that I know of) which work on a conference system, so it's a bit of a new mystery to me. Are the divisions ranked in any way, (ie, does pain have better teams on average than gore? OK OK I know at the moment they won't, but is this what you're aiming for?)

Plus, an idea I had when I was setting up a tabletop BB league to try and rotate opponents in a division setting...
My divisions were ranked, although the teams were assigned randomly at the beginning of the league. At the end of the season, the top rated team in a division would swap place with the bottom rated team of the divison above. This way, the better teams would over the course of time rise to the top division while others would naturally find their equilibrium. And it also meant that at the end of a season, you were faced with either two or all new opponents, to stop the repeat boredom factor setting in.

Although your divisons are not ranked (I think), you could do this with two teams from each division rotated out randomly, so each team would have two new opponents (if they stayed in their divison) or three new opponents (if they rotated divisions). Anyway, just a thought...

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2002 3:18 am
by Vesticle
tchatter wrote:Vesticle - I am following the LRB almost to the letter, even with Wizards and APO's.
I know, but like I said, I'm lazy. ;) Moreso I'm too much of a perfectionist to 'not worry' about any of the rules. But what the heck?

And also, I'm wary because it says 'Rochester'. I went to school there, it was awful, everything that came out of that town was cursed. ;) It's the only place where I ever had it frost on the *inside* of my car, and where I had to 'pull over to the shoulder' once where the shoulder of the road was demolished to make an empty space in the middle of the road, so we had to 'pull over' there. I've had to use the heat and the air conditioning in the same day... anyway.. =)

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2002 3:25 am
by Vesticle
Tried sending an e-mail to the addy listed on the site, but it returned as a fatal error. Any ideas? I sent it to ...

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2002 8:00 am
by McDeth
Same thing happened to me i've sent him a PM to explain, but obviously the roster isn't attached