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Cyanide Windows & 360 games - compatible?

Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 3:08 pm
by Milo
Is it possible to play multi-player between the Xbox 360 Blood Bowl game and the Windows Blood Bowl game, or are they incompatible? Has anyone tried to run a league between the two clients?

Re: Cyanide Windows & 360 games - compatible?

Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 3:10 pm
by Darkson
Not possible, and no intention of being made compatible, either for the current version or BB:LE.

Re: Cyanide Windows & 360 games - compatible?

Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 3:23 pm
by Milo
That's a damn shame. Thanks for the quick response. If you have to go one or the other, are there any reasons to choose one over the other? Compatibility? Performance? Ease of use? I assume both of them have the ability to run an online league, right?


Re: Cyanide Windows & 360 games - compatible?

Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 3:30 pm
by Darkson
PC version is full of bugs, changes from the rules and random crashes.

The Xbox version is even worse. Worse bug is that your team will start to randomly lose skills with time, regardless of which mode you play in. A patch to supposedly fix that was released, but ok'd by Microsoft US only, and they've no plans to resubmit the patch, so US coaches can't play Euro coaches and visa-versa, and even then US coaches have still been complaining of the big, even after the aptch.

If you have a choice, don't touch the Xbox version with a barge pole.

Add in the fact that there might be a patch for BB1 when BB:LE is released (might!), whereas there is nothing planned for the Xbox (not even BB:LE on it's own) should give you an indication of how well they've managed the Xbox side.

Re: Cyanide Windows & 360 games - compatible?

Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 3:31 pm
by Darkson
Oh, and no, the Xbox version can't run an online league (despite what the advertising says :roll: ).

Re: Cyanide Windows & 360 games - compatible?

Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 3:33 pm
by Ulthuan_Express
PC all the way, as I find the Xbox version is 'luckier' for the computer.

i.e. it cheats more.

Re: Cyanide Windows & 360 games - compatible?

Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 4:03 pm
by Grumbledook
microsoft scrapped making games compatible across platforms

I guess it is fine for a turn based game but a lot of games the keyboard and mouse combo is just so much better as seen in previous games that did marry the platforms

Re: Cyanide Windows & 360 games - compatible?

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 10:37 pm
by Porkus_Maximus
Ulthuan_Express wrote:PC all the way, as I find the Xbox version is 'luckier' for the computer.

i.e. it cheats more.
The AI doesn't cheat.

If you plan on buying the PC game, wait until the Legendary edition has been out for AT LEAST a month to check to see what bugs it has etc. I think they plan on releasing it for Christmas so wait until around February before buying it. Cyanide claims that the game is LRB5 but it really isn't a true version of LRB5 due to various bugs and omissions, which Cyanide claim don't exist. They also claim that Legendary Edition will be fully LRB6 compliant but judging by their track record I won't believe it until I see it.

Re: Cyanide Windows & 360 games - compatible?

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 6:17 am
by Ulthuan_Express
Porkus_Maximus wrote:
Ulthuan_Express wrote:PC all the way, as I find the Xbox version is 'luckier' for the computer.

i.e. it cheats more.
The AI doesn't cheat.
AI Black Orcs needing sixes, fives and sixes to dodge, and making all three of them without re-rolls?
Rolling Triple Skulls when blocking the computer, then re-rolled to Triple Skulls again?

How very 'lucky' of it. Sure, we've all had days with hot dice and cold dice, but repeatedly, turn after turn after game after game, the Xbox ends up with hot dice and me cold dice. It feels to me like the PC version is less prone to this particular brand of luck.

Re: Cyanide Windows & 360 games - compatible?

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 7:01 am
by Greyhound
the AI risks actions we wouldn't.

Which means it plays very badly, looses often and once in a while pulls some crazy moves out of their arses which we never thought anyone would try.

There are two statements that keep coming back:

1) the AI is stupid and does not make the best actions, in the best order
2) the AI is pulling some moves you would only ever try if you knew the forthcoming rolls.

The 2 statements for me are showing that they're not cheating. I only saw a triple skull rerolled to triple skull in one game out of 200, not exceptionally unbelievable.

Re: Cyanide Windows & 360 games - compatible?

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 8:20 am
by Darkson
I've had more triple skulls/reroll/triple skulls than I've ever had on the tabletop, but then, due to the poor positioning the AI does, I've had more 3-block dice than I have on tabletop.

Re: Cyanide Windows & 360 games - compatible?

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 4:08 pm
by Porkus_Maximus
The AI succeeds at more risky moves because it makes more risky moves, simply as that. You only remember the times it succeeds because of the "WTF?" factor of seeing a troll slayer dodge into 3 tackle zones to pick up the ball and make a long bomb completion. You don't remember the times when the AI screws up because it's just business as usual.

The AI is outrageously stupid, to the point where it will not even recognise a chance to 2d blitz the ball carrier if it needs to GFI. It also makes 1 dice blocks and blocks in your favour when it could easily move in an assist. The AI has no concept of how guard works and often moves assists in which have no effect. The AI has no idea when to use a re-roll and when to save it; saving re-rolls when they could be useful and wasting them on actions that are doomed to fail. Overall the AI has no concept of risk management and will often open their turn with a high risk move EG. Attempting to pick up the ball with a saurus.