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What would you change about legendary edition?

Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2010 8:35 am
by inkpwn
Played my first few games of legendary edition lastr night.....I wasn't impressed. But this wasn't the games fault, it lacked the competitive feel and attachment to the players that the table top version has. After buying, converting and painting minis you feel hugely attached to the players which I just don't feel from the pc game. Again not the games fault, it could never compete with the board game version in that area.

After a first few games I noticed a few things,the lack of a grid, the animations are tedious and all the star players I want arnt there (I need willow!).
I'm sure I will find more things to nit pick but for thr minute:

.the game needs an option for a grid overlay at all times (I can't possition well without it)

.even if they become different races (willow rosebark-> dryad into wood elf e.t.c) all star players should be included.

.option for a static no animation mode

.the last 4 teams to be included in patches (but I don't think its going to happen)

Anything I missed/look like an idiot for moaning about?

Re: What would you change about legendary edition?

Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2010 11:20 am
by nazgob
can you not switch on the grid?

you could on the original. i think you just hit g.

Re: What would you change about legendary edition?

Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2010 12:58 pm
by inkpwn
Really? I will try that when I get home.

Re: What would you change about legendary edition?

Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2010 1:18 pm
by txapo
yes it does.

and if you want to know more stuff on the players try pressing n several times,...

Re: What would you change about legendary edition?

Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2010 4:45 pm
by spubbbba
If you don't care about the pretty graphics and want a better representation of the full rules then sure stunty leeg or MBBL would be a better choice.

Either that or wait for the Fantasy Football client on FUMBBL to be finalised.

Re: What would you change about legendary edition?

Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2010 4:47 pm
by Darkson
I'd have the bugs fixed, especially the ones that were reported in the beta, and of the Open Beta of BB1, and in the closed Beta for BB1. :roll:

I'd make an ELO ranked MM ladder (and probably close the current ones).

I'd have moderators on the ladders (paid or voluntary) - ridiculous it takes months to get a self-confessed cheaters team deleted, and then he jjust starts agan and nothing is done.

CDs added, along with all the missing Stars - I'd like to see the 3 new teams added, but seeing as they're not "official" as far as GW are concerned, I'm not sure whether they'd be allowed even if the work was done for them.

Re: What would you change about legendary edition?

Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2010 11:24 am
by Glowworm
Probably just the stadium selection.....IE having the option! when Im playing Nurgle V High Elves why do I play on what is obviously an Orc ground??

Apart from that not much, its not great but its something!!

Re: What would you change about legendary edition?

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2010 8:44 am
by Krulfang
Mods on online play and stadium selection are the first two that pop into my head, but the biggest is:

Chaos Dwarfs! I understand if the other 3 don't get added (even though they should... Cyanide might have trouble getting the thumbs up from GW though) but at least bring in Chaos Dwarfs!

Re: What would you change about legendary edition?

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2010 8:52 am
by inkpwn
Krulfang wrote:Mods on online play and stadium selection are the first two that pop into my head, but the biggest is:

Chaos Dwarfs! I understand if the other 3 don't get added (even though they should... Cyanide might have trouble getting the thumbs up from GW though) but at least bring in Chaos Dwarfs!

Read somewhere that they don't want to add them because the bull centaur is almost impossible to model. Bull plop I say! I want chaos dwarfs!

Re: What would you change about legendary edition?

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2010 9:06 am
by Krulfang
Well, while they are hard to fit in their square all nice and proper, they managed to pull off Grasnak Blackhoof, Morg n' Thorg, and Treemen I have faith that they can pull it off.

As is, my tall hat has been on the digital shelf for too long!

Re: What would you change about legendary edition?

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2010 3:28 pm
by WhatBall
Sounds like what you are looking for is fumbbl. Once the new fantasy football (FFB) is out of beta it will be all you need. Currently it is very playable and with only a few 'serious' bugs which are being addressed. The non-beta also promises custom icons which is as close as you will get to painting/modding your own minis.

Re: What would you change about legendary edition?

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2010 4:53 pm
by Coach
There are ways around quite a few of these problems, mostly done by playing in a private league and not hosting it all using the poor implementation by Focus/Cyanide for that side of the game.

If you play using a direct connection instead and host the roster elsewhere, then you can use all the Star Players but just have to use an existing model from another player. I'm pretty sure you can select the stadium you want to play in as well. May even be possible to play the missing races again using the existing models as proxy players.

A private league can also have all the moderation that you like. Keep your eyes peeled for the BBTactics league hopefully launching in Jan. Should have both a normal scheduled one and then an open league as well.

Re: What would you change about legendary edition?

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2010 7:15 pm
by WhatBall
Sounds like a lot of work to be able to sort of play the game. :wink:

I understand wanting nice shiny graphics, but when you start talking about turning off animation, adding a grid, playing top down, etc. are those fancy graphics really so important versus a playable game with no huge exploits and proper leagues without having to use all kinds of third party add-ons?

Re: What would you change about legendary edition?

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2010 7:26 pm
by Darkson
And some people wonder why FUMBLL has a bad reputation. :roll:

This is a thread about the Cyanide game - if you want to big up FUMBBL (or whichever client it is now) then there's plenty of threads about it you can use. I'm sure someone would moan if I starting spamming Javabowl thread about how crap the graphics were, or how basic the pitch looked.

You like FUMBBL - great - FUMBBL is a great why of playing (wish I'd had better luck with it), but some people don't like it, some people want the latest shiny toy, and some just like the Cyanide version.

FUMBBL <> Cyanide.

Re: What would you change about legendary edition?

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2010 8:39 pm
by James_Probert
Darkson wrote:FUMBBL <> Cyanide.
you know, there's an easier way to convey what i think your trying to say with this statement...

it's that FUMBBL =/=Cyanide

Personally, I'd like to see the RNG issues fixed. No, i don't mean the hacked cover up for bboracle they've done so far, i mean properly fixed in such a way it's not actually possible to review the seed.

And that is before I start to consider buying it.