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What difficulty do you play on? (BBLE)

Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2010 5:40 pm
by inkpwn
So I have had BBLE for about a fortnight now and after practicing on easy for a day I have been playing on medium about 6 games a day buuuuuuut its just too easy.
Does anyone else find this? I have had things like the opposition within touchdown range running back toward their own endzone, multipile times.
Dice down blocks made against me all the time when they are not needed/ better block available. Low AG players dodging frequently e.t.c
Is hard mode actually difficult? Or does it also suffer from the unrealistic playstyle that medium does.

Re: What difficulty do you play on? (BBLE)

Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2010 5:59 pm
by Darkson

Easy takes to many stupid risks (which sometimes pays off, but normally SPLAT!)
Hard doesn't take enough risks (3+ Dodge with a reroll to score - oh, to risky!)

Medium has the best balance., but it's still insanely easy.

Re: What difficulty do you play on? (BBLE)

Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2010 6:07 pm
by inkpwn
Darkson wrote:........
Medium has the best balance., but it's still insanely easy.
Insanely easy? Yes.

I'm fairly new to the game and even then my win ration is about 90% I have had one lose and the rest as draws.
The only time I lose a touch down to the opposition is when that player has high movment, no one with MV6 or lower has managed to slip my loose cages in my current campaign (amazons). And the lose was to skaven 3-2. (Turn 24)

Re: What difficulty do you play on? (BBLE)

Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2010 7:29 pm
by JaM
I have to say that the "first" edition, after the latest DL, has gotten better.
No more pass-block Black orcs, or break-tackle gobbos.
Good skill choices all around (block MB, guard for hitters, tackle, strip ball for blitzer types for instance), even seen a 1ttd-skaven.

I've faced decent skill choices and it looks like the AI is playing better, too.
Still on medium though, like Darkson already stated.

Re: What difficulty do you play on? (BBLE)

Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2010 8:41 am
by Krulfang
So the pass-blocking black orcs weren't just a one-time glitch in my original copy...

LE has cleared up most of the dumb skill selection, but I still have a near perfect record with my Orc team, and I'm just letting them get bloated in the extreme with little consequences. My opponents bring star players often, but they don't know how to use them so not too much worry on my part. Darkson hit it spot on though, as Medium will at least teach you the most about Blood Bowl as a game overall. Easy is weird and Hard is too cautious, Medium plays better than both.

Still, my recommended difficulty is multiplayer ;)

Re: What difficulty do you play on? (BBLE)

Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2010 9:19 am
by Pagan
Without the AI cheating on dice rolls it will never be able to put up much of a fight. Too many things that make what would be a good decision bad for the game to really consider. The LE did seem to fix bad skill choice on players at least.

Re: What difficulty do you play on? (BBLE)

Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2010 10:35 am
by Darkson
AI doesn't cheat on dice rolls.

One of the fixes they made was it seems that every player type had been listed as an "lineman" (or was it "blocker"...?) in the AI, which explained some of the daft skill choices it took. When Enarion joined the team, this was one of the first things they checked and corrected.

Re: What difficulty do you play on? (BBLE)

Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2010 11:02 am
by inkpwn
Makes sense.

Darkson can you explain why there is so much +ST?

I have rarely seen +ST in league play but I have seen at least two ST3 flings, the vampire coast swashbucklers (playing against them as we speak) has two ST4 thralls and bugmans best has a ST5 troll slayer (I want one!).

Re: What difficulty do you play on? (BBLE)

Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2010 11:05 am
by Darkson
The AI teams? Boosted artificially to make them more of a challenge.

Rather than try an program a AI that could play the game (to a reasonable level - I certainly wasn't expecting a AI of Lycos' or Geggster's ability), they just made the teams "better" by starting them at a higher TV and given them more Stats/doubles than you might expect.

Re: What difficulty do you play on? (BBLE)

Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2010 11:08 am
by inkpwn
Cool, cool.

Another question, why don't vampires bother using hynotic gaze? I have played against them several times and I havnt seen them use it once.

Re: What difficulty do you play on? (BBLE)

Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2010 11:11 am
by Darkson
Crap coded AI. Same reason that the AI doesn't try to score on T8 when 1-0 down, but would rather run back and cage up the ball carrier.

Seriously, the AI is awful - I won the Blood Bowl with an all-goblin team (BB1), and it's really no more difficult to beat under LE. I'm waiting for the first Halfling Blood Bowl winner (I'd try it myself, but I find SP games so boring now).

Re: What difficulty do you play on? (BBLE)

Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2010 11:15 am
by inkpwn
True I have noticed that.
They don't act with turns in mind like human players. That running backwards and caging thing is very common. And the vampires (like I said I am playing against them now) havnt used a single reroll all half (turn 7 medium difficulty) but have failed bloodlust 3 times killed a thrall and lost 2 vamps, you think they would reroll the bloodlust.

Re: What difficulty do you play on? (BBLE)

Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2010 3:32 pm
by Piousman
I put medium down as well, as the higher risk moves make for more unexpected play. On Hard it is too easy to make the AI react to you.

Your best mileage may be from playing lower tier teams (Gobbos, Vamps, Ogres, Flings, etc.)

- Piousman