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Member Status

Posted: Sun Aug 18, 2002 10:06 am
by Remco
How do you "promote" from rookie to veteran? How many "promotions" are there and how are they named? And most important of all: How do you become "School Girl Pinup"?!? :D

Posted: Sun Aug 18, 2002 10:11 am
by christer
Most of the titles are based on the number of posts. Some of them are "honorary".

I think "Veteran" is at around 50 posts, "Star player" around 250 and "School Girl Pinup" at 500.

-- Christer

Posted: Sun Aug 18, 2002 10:30 am
by Thadrin
Current Honoraries:
Deathwing - Da gossapa (due to his having posted twice as much as anyone except...)
Galak Starscraper - Da Numba Kruncha (being the expert on BB history, and a general maths nerd - no offence meant Tom)
Norse - Da Organiza (one of the two men behind the invitational tournament, which was won by...)
Marcus - Da Tulip Champ (who won said tournament, in Amsterdam last month. Bloody good fun it was too.)
Acerak, Neoliminal, Milo, Angus McKee, Andy Hall, Babs - Rulz Guru (these are six of the seven members of the Blood Bowl Rules Committee. The seventh - Jervis Johnson himself - doesn't, as far as we know, post here. I'd imagine he looks by occasionally though.)

Voyagers-UK, myself and Anthony TBBF are all getting towards the 1000 post mark...and only have four stars each. I'm wondering if there is something at the 1001 post mark...we'll see in a couple of weeks or so.
If there isn't then by that stage we might get our own honoraries, like da Paint masta for Anthony (best painted team at Ressurection, organized the TBB painting contest), Santa for me (my dwarf team were made famous on here a couple of months ago thanks to everyone deciding that my Deathroller driver looks like Santa Claus. A very pissed off santa claus. he's still on show...the thread is in the minitures section) and something equally silly for Voyagers...dunno what though.

Posted: Sun Aug 18, 2002 2:41 pm
by Zy-Nox
Thadrin wrote:and something equally silly for Voyagers...dunno what though.
ESSEX BOY that should do it :wink:

Posted: Sun Aug 18, 2002 3:09 pm
by Marcus
Venomous Breath also gets "Da 2002 Bloodbowl Champ" for his guernsey at Res.


Posted: Sun Aug 18, 2002 3:20 pm
by Deathwing
1001 is BB Legend or something, there used to be a list in the FAQ, but it's not there since the latest update.

Posted: Sun Aug 18, 2002 3:24 pm
by Marcus
Here's a thought, any way to link in NAF ranking when NAF goes live?


Posted: Sun Aug 18, 2002 4:04 pm
by Deathwing
I have no idea. I doubt it though..the easy option I guess is to put it in your sig. and update it yourself.

Posted: Sun Aug 18, 2002 8:16 pm
by Longshot
Does anybody have any informations about this NAF ranking?
Like starting Date, the way it is calculated and used and so on?
Thx guyz

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2002 5:02 pm
by Anthony_TBBF
Starting date is "soon" ;)

We were aiming for August but we are a bit behind but working hard to wrap it up!

The ranking system is based on a formula that make me cry every time I look at it, but the simple explanation is that it's based on the world Chess ranking system. Basically you starty off withg a rating and can gain or lose points from that rating depending on the rating of the person you play.

Neo can explain it better, in fact if you do a search you can probably find on that's already posted.

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2002 9:21 am
by Longshot
no problem, i see how it will work (i ve played chess for 10 years..)
Just one thing more: will it be bonus point to get during WE internationnal Tournament or no? will it be as important as a house tournament and so on?

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2002 1:31 pm
by christer
Large tourneys will be more important in terms of ranking than small ones..

The basic idea is that for each game you play, you can change at max K in rating. K = 2*sqrt(num_of_coaches). So, for a 16 team tournament, you'll be able to win or lose at most 2*4*number_of_games rating.

The actual change in rating per game is based on result and win probability, so the only way you will be able to win/lose the max number of points is if you have a 100% chance of winning and lose or if you have a 0% chance of winning and win.

Very nice formula if you ask me :)

-- Christer