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Chaos Dwarfs vs Strong Teams

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2013 3:09 pm
by CoolIRL
I'm a relatively new player and I've started playing Chaos Dwarf recently (Dark Elves/Skaven were my first teams). We're going to be starting a small online league soon and I've only had a few practice games against people and the computer. The computer is easy, but I'm running into trouble against those pesky humans (not the team, the species).

Chaos Dwarfs play very differently from anything I have done before and I'm struggling with teams that have higher strength than me... specifically Lizards and Khemri. I'm used to being able to dodge away easily to limit how much I get hit.

Should I just give up on trying to block their Saurus/Tomb Guard? Leave a Dwarf locked in with them to take a beating while I focus on beating up the rest of their team?

I've thought about leaving a Hobgoblin on them, because, who cares about those guys, right? But that got me into trouble with handling the ball later on. I had a funny 1-1 tie with Khemri that had to have been some of the worst ball handling in BB history. Plus, the Dwarfs at least have block and odds are low that they will get injured.

Is it worth trying to start with a Minotaur?

Are high strength teams a bad match up for Chaos Dwarfs, or am I just dumb?

Thanks for any advice.

Re: Chaos Dwarfs vs Strong Teams

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2013 6:02 pm
by Talarius
CoolIRL wrote:Should I just give up on trying to block their Saurus/Tomb Guard? Leave a Dwarf locked in with them to take a beating while I focus on beating up the rest of their team?
Yes. That's absolutely the way. Focus on getting all the skinks off the pitch. Don't be afraid to throw two dice, their choice vs. Saurus, especially if they don't have Block yet. Do it late in your turn, of course.
CoolIRL wrote:I've thought about leaving a Hobgoblin on them
I wouldn't. You need your Hobgoblins to handle the ball or to foul. If you leave them as bait, they will get KO'd or injured and you'll be down on man-advantage.
CoolIRL wrote:Is it worth trying to start with a Minotaur?
This is the hard question for me to answer. I am buying my Minotaur now at the end of my first season of development in tabletop league. I don't think I've suffered too much for not having him, but then again, I've been able to induce Nobbla Blackwart 4 games in a row and he's done wonders. Since you are facing a majority of bash teams in your league... maybe it would be good to get him early. I'll defer to more experienced coaches on this one!
CoolIRL wrote:Are high strength teams a bad match up for Chaos Dwarfs
Yeah, I kind of think they are. At the recent Chaos Cup I faced: 2x Chaos, 1x Lizards, 1x Orcs, 1x Chaos Dwarfs, 1x Slann. I spent the majority of the weekend dealing with ST4 players. I wound up with 4 ties, 1 win and 1 loss. It seems to me that throwing 2-die blocks at ST4 requires too many of your Dwarves, which hampers your ability to effectively defend against ball carriers and bleeds away cage corners when you have the ball.

fwiw, I have played 28 games of tabletop with Chaos Dwarfs, so I'm sure there's more sage advice from others. It's just my 2 cents.

Re: Chaos Dwarfs vs Strong Teams

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2013 8:41 pm
by CoolIRL
Thanks for the tips, I'm glad to see I had the right idea, I just gotta execute it better.

I think I'm going to get a Minotaur over a second BC... but that's a tough choice. BCs are so damn good.

Re: Chaos Dwarfs vs Strong Teams

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2013 11:51 pm
by MattDakka
CoolIRL wrote:Thanks for the tips, I'm glad to see I had the right idea, I just gotta execute it better.

I think I'm going to get a Minotaur over a second BC... but that's a tough choice. BCs are so damn good.
I wouldn't do that, a Bull Centaur is better than a Minotaur.

Re: Chaos Dwarfs vs Strong Teams

Posted: Fri Sep 20, 2013 2:06 am
by Talarius
Very true. Bulls can win you games; Minotaurs not so much. Otoh, the Chaos Dwarf team I faced at Chaos Cup did a heck of a lot better than I did and I had 2 Bulls while he took 1 and the Mino.

Re: Chaos Dwarfs vs Strong Teams

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2015 10:47 am
by flick
Hi, not going to answer the questions as such just give you a general view of how to use them.

My starting team I always take 2 bull centaurs I think 4 dwarfs and hobgoblins. It does leave much but having them fast moving centaurs at st4 really helps.

Dwarfs do the stand and blocking, try get an apoc ASAP then it helps if people target the important stuff. Hobgoblins are your ball handlers for most the game, don't be afraid to throw the ball if needed. But word of warning from me I never push for more than 2 touch downs in a game, one each half. It's a slow game play but if done right wins 2-0 every game. Only thing is halflings and goblins that can one turn TD.

But don't be afraid to give the ball to a centaur, hand offs and touch backs mean you have a st4 M6 to 9 player. First skill on them is guard, and then half them as running blockers to the hobgoblins.
He first skill I get any of my HG is sure hands, it saves a reroll picking the ball up. Then it's frenzy! A back field HG with frenzy is a surprise to most players.

Hope it helps :D

Re: Chaos Dwarfs vs Strong Teams

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2015 8:50 pm
by Heff
Bull centaurs. get both. first skill is break tackle, second is block. score with them till they get there then the magic happens. without break tackle you have an expensive blorc, btw they are move 9 not mv 6, sure feet sprint rarely fails.

blockers are harder. MB will get you to guard faster, but Guard helps the block war, either way will be the wrong choice.

Hobs wrestle and fend, one goes kick fast. one may go dirty player. I have gone strip ball third in the past.
Minotard adds uncertainty but brings strength. early game he can be useful but not worth getting in place of a BC, late game he is a liability. Can be good for punching holes tho.

Re: Chaos Dwarfs vs Strong Teams

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2015 9:19 pm
by Talarius
Heff is 100% on the money here. Flick is right that giving one Hob Sure Hands is a good idea. Other than that, listen to Heff! :D

Re: Chaos Dwarfs vs Strong Teams

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2015 12:52 pm
by Chris
The minotaur is a liability. Really it loses you games...

The Bull Centaurs are great, but if this is a long term league build them as blitzers not ball carriers. Re block/break tackle, I tend to go block, but I fight with them more. Many do break tackle on one first and block on the other first. Generate the chances to take the risk to hand the ball to a bull centaur, really get those guys their skills ASAP! You will find after a few games you will have guard and it makes a big difference. A developed CD team strikes fear into those strength teams thanks to your claws.

Is this a long term league?

Re: Chaos Dwarfs vs Strong Teams

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2015 4:19 pm
by mzukerman
My Pygmies have played one season now and I went a different angle with ChaoDwarves. On offense, it's the hobgoblins that take the ball. On defense, I am usually opening cages with my block/frenzy bull centaurs and then they pick up the ball and score. I have 1 AG all over the place, including on one of said bull centaurs but I've always wanted the hobgoblins to play ball carrier, not the bull centaurs.

When I leveled up the bullies, I went with block/frenzy on one and frenzy/block on the other.

Re: Chaos Dwarfs vs Strong Teams

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2015 12:48 am
by Chris
Break tackle lets your blitz centaurs move....