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New to all this!

Posted: Sun Dec 01, 2013 9:02 am
by Wirelizard
I seem to have found myself involved in a Games Workshop ruleset, after years in miniature gaming avoiding same... mind you, Blood Bowl does seem the least GW-ish of the GW rules!

I've got a Sarcos Croc team from Impact on the painting table now (Lizardmen, in BB terms) and an Impact Amazon team lined up to paint once the crocs are done, and I've just bought a chunk of fabric to lay out a BB pitch on. Work's nice big printer has provided me with a printed copy of the competition rules to read. So far, I'm into this "GW" ruleset a fair ways without giving GW a cent, which amuses me...

BB has been played for ages by various gaming friends, and now I've finally made the step into the game it looks like a lot of fun. I was getting into the game to have another option to play at club meetings on Sundays, but it seems to be growing on me!

I'll post pics of the Impact crocs as I finish them, and the home-made pitch too. Need to figure out what to make the throwing template from, as it seems that's the one play aid you actually need...

Re: New to all this!

Posted: Sun Dec 01, 2013 10:35 am
by Waldorf28
Welcome to the game. It's been evolving for a quarter of a century. It ain't perfect (yet) but you won't regret it.

As long as you don't take rolling a 1 as a personal insult. Which I've discovered many people do!

Re: New to all this!

Posted: Sun Dec 01, 2013 11:20 am
by Glowworm
Hello & welcome...
your right, BB is GW's poor relation which they try to avoid mentioning!

where are you based BTW?

Re: New to all this!

Posted: Sun Dec 01, 2013 11:41 am
by sann0638
Wirelizard wrote:Need to figure out what to make the throwing template from, as it seems that's the one play aid you actually need...
Only for interceptions, and that's just a strip of plastic about 2" wide. Otherwise lots of people use this grid: ... cations/#4

Re: New to all this!

Posted: Sun Dec 01, 2013 1:59 pm
by GalakStarscraper
Wirelizard wrote:I'll post pics of the Impact crocs as I finish them, and the home-made pitch too. Need to figure out what to make the throwing template from, as it seems that's the one play aid you actually need...
Welcome to the hobby!

A lot of folks use the chart that Sann just linked you to.

If you don't want to do that ... SSB made a bunch of FF use rulers that would work for you ... we resell them here. ... id=TK_SSBR

Re: New to all this!

Posted: Sun Dec 01, 2013 4:28 pm
by Wirelizard
glowworm wrote:Hello & welcome...
your right, BB is GW's poor relation which they try to avoid mentioning!

where are you based BTW?
Thanks for the welcomes and the link to the NAF site, which I hadn't yet discovered.

I'm based in Victoria, BC - Pacific coast of Canada.
GalakStarscraper wrote: If you don't want to do that ... SSB made a bunch of FF use rulers that would work for you ... we resell them here. ... id=TK_SSBR
I'm probably going with a 40mm field; does Impact do a 40mm-sized throwing ruler?

Also, cool to see folks from Impact active here! I'm really impressed with the resin Sarcos crocs; they're not the easiest things to paint (all that detail on the backs!) but they're great looking figures. Haven't started on the resin Amazons yet, but they look good too. Here's a fairly bad late-night photo of my Sarcos team in progress, from a few days ago:


I've also got a short related blog post over on the Warbard, my gaming blog.

Re: New to all this!

Posted: Sun Dec 01, 2013 4:44 pm
by GalakStarscraper
Sorry we make 40mm playing field mats but not 40mm rulers at this time. Someday ... I'd like to design a switchblade version of a 40mm ruler for the store.

Your Sarcos team looks really good!

Tom @ Impact!

Re: New to all this!

Posted: Sun Dec 01, 2013 4:57 pm
by Darkson
The Thunderbowl crew use 40mm pitches and produced 40mm range rulers at one point - contact them and see if they have any left.
PM generaljason or see

Re: New to all this!

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 7:57 am
by JaM
Welcome! Nice looking team so far.

Re: New to all this!

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2013 7:45 pm
by Wirelizard
Couple of photos in daylight, as I work an afternoon/evening shift and actually managed to get organized enough to paint and do other hobby stuff this morning before work!

The Impact Sarcos are coming along nicely, with most detail already picked out. I want to add another layer of highlighting to most of the figures, especially the Salt Water Crocs (Saurus), which are almost all too dark and lacking contrast.


I've also broken out the scenery supplies and started in on some functional but appropriately themed sideline accessories for BB. The camera was having trouble with the pink colour of the foam, but:


Base of the eventual scoreboard in the middle, which will probably have the scatter diagram put on tiles in front of it, and on either side, each team has their tracks for Re-Rolls and First Half/Second Half turn tracking. I'll be doing dugouts on a similar footprint to the trackers soon. The blocks are half-inch pink foam insulation, cut into various blocks and assembled with a hot glue gun. Except for the scoreboard, none of the rest of the pieces will be more than about 1" high, so they'll pack and transport easily. This will all be eventually painted up to look like an abandoned jungle ruin of some sort that's been converted into a pitch.

The three existing pieces are about 20" long - the little metal ruler in the photo is 6", and the figure is an Impact Salt Water Croc on a 25mm base. The whole assembly including both dugouts will probably come to just over 30" long, so one whole side of a standard 29/30mm BB pitch. Given it'll be five separate pieces, though, it can be rearranged to suit table space and player preference.

The pitch itself will be fabric; I picked up a piece of brown cotton flannel yesterday that's big enough for a 40mm pitch (with spare fabric for a BB7 pitch, I think) or to make two standard pitches. I'll probably go with one 40mm for now; fabric is cheap enough that if I decide I do want a standard pitch I can make one simply enough.

The plan to to have everything including at least two teams fit into a largish shoebox for transport; I do almost all of my gaming away from home so how a game and it's scenery/components/etc will be transported is always one of my first considerations when getting into a project.

Re: New to all this!

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2013 10:50 pm
by sann0638
Tremendous work. If you're on Facebook, check out NAF Canada, their Facebook stuff is pretty active, good way to meet local people (until the NAF coach finder gets properly up and running!).

Re: New to all this!

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2013 9:30 am
by Wirelizard

The crocs are pretty much done at this point, even the bases painted and flocked.

Still to do is adding the hooks to the two Salt Water Crocs with them as replacement right hands - I left the hooks off while I was painting to minimize chances for them to get damaged - and a few bits and pieces of detail painting, most noticeably the big spike on the Leviathan Croc's right hand, which I'm going to paint up as a giant toucan's bill.