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Ogre Humans

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2015 10:28 pm
by Toenail
The Humans don't have anyone with Right Stuff, so can the ogre use his Throw-Teammate at all?

Re: Ogre Humans

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2015 10:38 pm
by Digger Goreman
Iirc, only when inducing puggy....

Re: Ogre Humans

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2015 5:19 am
by Regash
The previous poster is absolutely correct.
But let me repeat this with a couple more words so a newcomer will understand more easily.

Every ogre has the Throw Team Mate skill, that is correct.
With some teams, it seems useless, like with humans, you got that right.
Please note that way back in time, the big guys weren't as limited as they are now.
For example Orcs could field an ogre OR a troll where now the can only field a troll.
If you had an ogre with orcs, you could fling the goblins around.
This is due to the changes of the Blood Bowl rules over time, when there was the BBRC (Blood Bowl Rules Commitee) and the LRB (Living Rule Book).
About every two years, a revised edition of the rules were published, if I'm not very much mistaken.

But never forget that there are starplayers!
Starplayers mostly play for a variety of teams, not only for teams of their own race.
The legendary Morg'n'Thorg for example plays for every team except any kind of undead team.
He doesn't trust them any more, as one undead team tried to kill and ressurect him, which he didn't like very much.
But behold! there actually is a starplayer with the Right Stuff skill that will play for human teams:


As you can see, Puggy Baconbreath is a halfling but also plays for human teams, has the Right Struff skill and therefore can be thrown aound by your standard ogre.

But basically yes, with a standard human team the TTM is pretty much wasted.