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Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2002 7:48 pm
by tchatter
I would second that Motion...

It would be cool to have a "World Cup" or even a tournament between all the winners of the various PBEM leagues.

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2002 8:38 pm
by Longshot
PBEM is not all...

go on England!

Daryl will play? say hello to him
Tips for engalnd(play elf) but if i remenber well, DW has beaten Daryl in Dam too. So he will not be afraid :)

LF stone? Yep, sure, this is your tactic!!! LF smoke, DW drink, this are your secret weapon.
Tips for Dutchies: (dont let them drinkl and smoke and you will surely beat them!!!!

Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2002 2:25 pm
by Norse



No doubt, match reports to follow.... :roll:

Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2002 4:20 pm
by Marcus
Very close indeed. Looks like the Holland tipsters clean up at 3-1 ;)
Look forward to the reports

Pass on my best to Lucy

Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2002 9:02 pm
by Deathwing
Well, first of all, another brilliant weekend in the Dam. Gotta love that city. :D
Here's the game reports for my Helfs ( for those interested).
Versus Darryl (Human).
It's a strange sense of deja view as we sit in the same positions as we occupied when we met at Tulips when my Orcs sneaked the 2-1 win.
The weather comes up Blizzard, so I opt to kick. First block of the game BH's one of my line-elfs, followed by splat after splat and I go one down in very short order. Lining up with my 10 remaining elves, Darryl rolls Perfect Defence. I manage to level it 1-1 on my turn seven, but take 2 KO's in the process. Both KO rolls are failed to leave me setting up with 8, and Darryl sends 2 more to the KO'd box.
Half time I promptly fail all 4 KO rolls and set up with 6. From that point on, Darryl produces a near perfect half of 'how to make numerical superiority pay'. I'm not in with a sniff and take a 4-1 trouncing, payback for Tulips and then some. Oops.
Darryl :10pts for the win, (max) 3 bonus points for TDs and 2 pts for 2 cas=15 points.
Woody: 1 pt for TD and 2 cor cas =3pts.
v. Norse (Chaos Dwarf)
I send Elves deep to put pressure on the ball, and Ramsey promptly uses a TRR to make a dodge with the hobbo ballcarrier, and then successfully completes a long pass to the Bull Centaur to score. Hmmm...
I get it back to 1-1 and the the game develops into a tough defensive struggle where neither of us could get anything done. Deja vue of Tulips again. We finish with 1 cas. apiece to bring the pts total to 7 each.
Norse: 5 (draw)+1+1= 7.
Woody: 5 (draw)+1+1= 7.

Not too successful for me, but great company, tough competition and thoroughly enjoyable. Thanks gents! :D

Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2002 9:49 pm
by longfang
Oh the haze of the weekend lifts and events of the weekend unfold in my mind! Don't you love that city? Well, Bloodbowl..............Ohhh things were close at the end in the team stakes, but in the singles things went better for me then for Deathwing :wink: ......

Norse, Chaos Dwarfs. v Longfang, Humans.

Erm........Norse will probably remember the events of the game better than I can :smoking: :wink: A mighty 3-0 to the England! Ramz suffered with some poor dice rolls, a Bull Centaur who failed his coach throughout the game, a perfect defence for me, my spawny plays and a lack of pace against my humans who came through, bruised and kicked but fairly lucky.

Daryl, Human v Longfang, Human.

Errrrm....Even more vague recollections of this game but the 1-1 score line says a lot! A tough game in which both coaches played out a hard fought tie. The scariest part of the evening is where Daryl could have won the game and put a ten point gap between Holland and England. In the last turn of the game Daryl only required one GFI to score and win, the dreaded one was rolled and England was saved a larger defeat.

Two great games, against two great coaches, a good days drinking and gaming. Can't wait for Tulips.

Thanks to Norse, Daryl, Lucy and Legendz.


Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2002 10:32 pm
by Deathwing
Holland: Darryl 22pts, Norse 10pts= 32.
England : Del 21pts, Woody 10pts= 31.

Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2002 7:49 am
by Norse
Mmm, unsurprisingly my recollections of the night are fairly dim also, but here goes from the Dutch perspective (as Daryl doesn't visit TalkBB, I'll have to speak for for both of us!)

Ramz (that's me folks!) v Del (LongFang)

Well, I decided to take a big risk and go with a team I had not used in 5 years. Possibly a very stupid thing to do in competition, but the pitch invasion I suffered at T5 got me all rattled and I thought a team with FF9 would be a distinct advantage.

It was clear from the outset that both my team and myself were outclassed. If I had run with Dwarves it would have been a closer game, but I'm still certain Del would have won. He is a very good human coach indeed and remains UNBEATEN in Legendz!! My luck was out and my BC was dire I've never used one before, I used to play CDs when there was only CDs and HobGobs on the roster, and I think I tried to use him too much. After he failed his 3rd re-rolled handoff on a 4+ I should have realised the game was up.

Del played good, aggressive and very exciting BB and thoroughly deserved to beat me..

At the other table, I could hear Woody swearing a lot and knew Daryl was handing out one of his very frequent lessons in how to use humans. Daryl is a great coach and uses humans week in/week out, so I was fairly sure he could back up my 3-0 drubbing. He pulled out a 4-1 victory and the last games were all to play for!

Ramz v Woody

Well, we enjoy some of the worst BB luck in the world I think, and our games are an intense comedy of errors. Great fun, but frustrating as hell. My luck holds for an unlikely long pass to an AG2 BC and Woody scores back immediately. 1-1 after 4 turns, 1-1 after 16... Good defense by both teams, a few dubious dice rolls and myself and Woody accept our second hard fought draw in 2 games against each other.

Perhaps one day one of us will emerge triumphant...

The other table was also 1-1 in what seemed to be an entertaining game. Daryl had one GFI to win the game on the last turn, but rolled a 1 (no shocks there) to keep Del's reputation intact. Del knows he needs 2 casualties in his lastturn to win the game for England, but the dice are not with him and we emerge triumpant, but by the very slimmest of margins!

Great stuff, damned good fun and good to see the Wodell posse again. In fairness to myself and Woody, our contributions were mostly noise and alcohol, I think we would have been better off playing pool. Daryl and Del gave a master class in using humans and they dominated the scoring as you have already seen.

Watch out for Daryl in future, he gets better with every game and is really into his BB right now. I expect him to attend the BB next March and I expect him to use humans. This time he stood in for the injured Lucy. Next time I'm guessing he'll be chosen instead of me.... :cry:

I'm still looking for the right team, but I guess so is Woody... :wink:

Great to see the boyz again, if anyone else fancies a trip out some weekend then there will always be BB on the table for those who are up for it!!

C'mon Spike and BigD, how about Holland v New Zealand? :lol:

Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2002 2:58 pm
by Trambi
LF : Perhaps you play tactical only in Dam :smoking:

* : I prefer the Davis Cup format to the world cup format. Cos team match are more fun. Ok for the third match - a 4 BB match - there is a pb. But during my unemployment period, I can thinking to this ;)

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2002 8:37 am
by Norse
Hey, how about France v Holland? C'mon Longshot and Trambi, me and Lucy could use a weekend in Paris! :D

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2002 9:45 am
by Trambi
ok, but when ?

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2002 10:35 am
by Norse
Well, you tell me..

I can hardly just arrive in Versailles with a team under my arm can I?

Maybe some time in December, I can drive down with my wife and she can do some shopping.. :zzz: for a change... :roll:

Let me know if we are invited.. :wink:

Lucy, you up for this? We can bring Mrs Lucy too.. :D

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2002 11:03 am
by Trambi
We must discuss with Longshot but why not.

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2002 11:57 am
by Longshot
For me, it is ok, you could sleep in my appartment no problem(it depence of how many you are). The best with my work is the WE of the 7/8 Decembre. If you come at 2 players, we will have 2 opponent for you :) either for 3 or 4...
Come on to Versailles is perfect, about 5km from where we live :)
I am ok with that.
And another time, english people will come too i guess :)

I must start working on a French Tournament till now!!!!
So, you are invited of course, c ya

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2002 12:02 pm
by Trambi
For me, it's ok except that you can't sleep in my home - I don't want my mother has a heart stroke seeing Lucy gothic style ;)